SPORTS Berry, Heinonen win conference track awards J I’aula Horn Oregon swept this season's women's Pacific.-10 (^inference track honors, handed out last week, with I’tiuhl Item hieing named athlete of the year and Turn Heinonen being named r.oai h of the year Washington state swept the men's awards with Samuel kihiri honored as athlete of the year and John Ohaplin as roach of the year Berry was undefeated against collegians in tier senior season Including winning file l’a< 10 javelin crovyn lor the second straight season w ith .1 meet reconl l‘hi-B toss and also the NCAA title Burry set a new conference record with a toss of 197-7 .it ttie Minnesota Invitational in early May and then improved on that with a throw of 207 1 at tin1 Les Steers Open After winning the NOAA title at Hayward Field. Berry went on to finish second at The Ath lotic s Congress She will represent the United St,,tes at the World Track and Field Championships in Tokyo Aug 2-5 Sept 1 lieinonen. who just finished his lfith season at Oregon, guided Oregon to its First-ever Far It! team title this past sea son. ending COLA's four year stranglehold on the c rnwn Heinonen became the first women's com h other'than UCLA's Dob Kerser to win couc h of the year honors Although the results won't show up until next spring, it appears that Heinonen has filled all the holes caused h\ graduation through some great recruiting Most of the rec ril its were from in state, hut last week the Ducks signed )lll Callero, a standout distance runner from kntinu law Wash . to a letter of-intunt Callero won the Washington Class AA 3.;* 00-meter state title Inis past season w ith H personal record 104H r> She won Ihe na ti.onal cross country title In last fall's Junior (Jlvmpics da Hero's signing gives the Ducks three incoming distance runners next year as Jenna Carl son of (.rants Pass and Miami] Zwageman, a California prep standout, signed lettnrs-of in tent earlier in the spring Heinonen won’t have an easy time replacing Horry but has signed Kosehurg's keri Kster brook who won the state title as a junior and was second this season. At Oregon she will join returnees Kirn Hyatt and Kelly Keinpf. TRACK TOWN PIZZA Offers The ULTIMATE LUNCH SPECIAL ALL YOU CAN EAT SALAD BAR AND UNLIMITED TRACK TOWN PIZZA That's Night1 All YOU Can Possibly 1 AT Of i’he Best Ih/./a This Side Of Anywhere M F 11a.m. 1 p.m. ri TRACK TOWN PIZZA . 1809 Franklin • 484 2799 BIKE TIRE SALE! ( it>. Mountain and Road BUY 1 TIRE GET 2ND* AT Vi PRICE *must hi «»f equal ' alut* «»r less WHAT A DEAL! I vpirc’N 7 } I 91 CYCLES!^ REPAIRS S CYCLES Mon Kri 10-6 • 10-5 I U0 V\ ilLiim tlr • 6X7-0288 lets lav il I'lic inon.' impressiveyourpa)K*rs and projects look, die more impact \oiir ideas will haw \\ Ilk'll iswfiN vi hi miuli! want to know .ilxiut die new \pple StvIeWriter printer. It offers crisp, laser-quality printing for alxiut tlK‘s;unecnst .is ;uiot matrix printer It's small (at just Is" \ S1‘ it tils aisih in tin* most cnini|xnldorm room). Its quiet (soquiet you aui print at without waking vour roommate). \iui it incor]* rates True Ivpe.’ \ppleMieu tout technology which gives you the ability toy.-;lie ;uul print characters snxxithly ;uk1 preciseh from tlie smallest tixitnotetothe largest heailline. This hh-;uis that now every student andeYery pmfessor will actuallv lx- ;tble to afford a printer tliat creates the shaqw and most impactful die umenls with diagrams. charts and illustrations that leap off the page In other won Is. it was deigned So now you can geteYerything out of a Macintosh computer that Apple built into it Not just the |Kiwer to look vour lx*st The |x>wer to he your best Microcomputer Support Lib, 202 Computing Center Monday-Fridav, 9am - 5pm, }46-h02