JOURNAUSTS Continued from Page 1 Ixineath the surface, Ponomart huk s.mi "Behind overy fad you have to see a vision. In1 said "You have to lx- aide to sot: I hi; phenomenon " Tht' same training is givon to mainstream journalists, who art; considered tin right arm of the < omniums! I’artv. I’onomarolnik said Government anti independent journalists .alike an responsible for spreading information aixiut perestroi ka said Igor kots. a correspondent .for the journa: Huihn.i, or Homeland ' The press has played the main role in perestroika, kols said "From (reading) newspapers, the Soviet pee pie understand what has happened under perestroi ka Soviet journalists have written thousands of artu les analyzing the effeds Soviet President Mikhail (airtia i hev's reform proposals would have on Soviet (ill zens, and have also been re examining the (last buried by Communist pro|iagantia. kots said In addition to learning how to dig beneath the air face of a story, other aspects of practical I training for Soviet journalists are similar to licit of their t' S conn terparts, fie said Moreover, many nspeds of the l' S media, includ ing tlie type of equipment used, advertising and news agent ies. are also found in the Soviet Union, lie said Soviet journalists use computers, but their use is currently limited to the large newspapers Advertising From (reading) newspapers, the Soviet people understand what has happened under perestroika.' — Igor Kols is morn widespread in tides ision than in prim. Kols said. ,m is sponsored by the United Stales Information Agency The meeting, whir h was dominated by funnily ques lions about the Soviet political situation, was "the usu al Russian discussion." Kots said "All contradic tions Mikhail Degtyar, chief of the Video Supplement De partment of Knnisulmolskuyu I'nmlu. the daily news paper of the All-Union League of Communist Youth in Most ow, had another persper live "(loot) thing we're discussing this while we’re so her," he said ET ALS KRMA campus radio will hold a general inter est meeting tonight at (i to I he location is avail able at the ASUO office, I.MI Suite -1 Call 346-4091 for more information "Cruel Spirits: Alcohol and Violence" is th< title of a video to he shown hv the Unwanted Sexual Hohavlor Task Fort o, .today from 10 to to noon in Room 401 Oregon Hall ( all 140-1134 for more information "Wininger's Critique of Modernity” is the ti tie of a lecture to be given tonight a! 7 In Room 115 Pacific bv David Left of the University of California at San Diego The lecture is part of the "Vienna in the Early Twentieth Century The Cultural Response to Modernization" series Deadline for submitting El uls to the Emerald front desk, EMU Suite .100 is noon the day be fore publication El als run the day of the event unless the event takes place Indore noon Notices of events with a donation or admission charge will not In• accepted Campus events and those scheduled nearest the publication date will be given priority. The Emerald reserves the right to edit notices for grammar and style having a garage sale? Get the word out with an ODE classified Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS Summer Publication Schedule 6 18. 20 25. 27 7 2. 9, 11. 16, 18. 23, 25. 30 _ft 1 6 8 19_ To Place, Cancel or Correct your ad call: 346-4343 CLASSIFIED ADS CAN BE PLACED AT OOE OFFICE. 300 E MU UO BOOKSTORE EMU MAIN DESK PAYMENT An ...k m * < i h* prepaid unless billing has beer established For t>»I *'' ■ < J arrangements please call U6-4.U.I <-r *.!(>{ ! y the I mc'aitJ (>!*.< <• H; I MU 106 PERSONALS Planned Parenlhood ha& a prctgna;* , '.hai n a^turawi one Jay af»«f a jxxttxJ •«. .*',«* unb>*wd coun • cling .t> A44 M ' Private help ' ' '• «K*i% i roe nancy '**,*;g Ca* ftwtfutyht be? «6Si GUESS WHO? Ba the first parson (attar 9am) lo runs this "Mystery Celebrity” and win $5 In claaailiad advartlaing1 (Credrt car be oeed anytime during our tummer pubPcaltoneO no LOST & FOUND l o«t. l>' * ‘ '-i .*£*» *M»m! !a i. 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R e .m ■ , ’yrwwMo* *"• .! uvnaSC cortwrfl©n V ■ ."or ' y*».*.' 0*5 S69 C4. ?\*39 Four hceeie w i ii ' M * c*l Scon 4 466 SS?9 04 667 1V3 Nrw Sony porta!** -.ed*o S> $ ' otM ' 7V $ <*> of* i oat** e«»r Cell V44 6*>*« us CARS GOVE HNMf NT SEIZED VeNic*## Ironi 1100 F or de Mer cede# Corvettes Chevye Sorpiue Buyore Gu*de (I) §04 *62 *000 E il S *642 1975 Dodge Coll. ? doo- evejyht Good eiYl a- V*‘iO ot» 34? 4 BICYCLES_ 12 SP BIKE Perfect condition, 19' Suteki, $145 343-9504 .-oo TRAVEL Treveimg Soon? Apply lex e credit card Fly enywhert m tf»e USA for *lt1*tees Cell TOOAV'• 4«S *8.39 .-.oRIDES I RIDERS From Corveiite ;ii OPPORTUNITIES Stipend » Si 4 '*.** t\*ry fo• 9' a. fttrt' *t*ff fJOMior. Of PuM* Sc »X*>«I [>Wo' AU» 4 IV Nepal and Thailand December let ?'•* ^ •„>( -TQ ** •* 1*1 V;> wi- **.>1 the vxxmdkx* c*4«e of Kjtfmandu A BftngfcC* 4ft «U eperxAhg 9 day* t'WfcXing A 4 day* no m the Annapurna Muml Top n o* **h a Of® d«y *aUr nd'fvfl Land cuete appro « SiSOQ f of ^x>'w* »o*"®far> oortact Dave W-^m ii» 'Vt 3 4 • »!4 or !hfoc{)h the Dapi Of l Mkuff SloJ— U6 33U6 ( 1 KRMA i NEEDS^ YOU! \ (6) STUOINT FU PWtSf NTATlVf S (?) COMMUMT V AT L AHGt Ri PUi'SI NTATIVES TotMtifl ' ARM A Radio • Hoard oI Director* ; -«’w try .»'*J p«* ul> *--<■ ’<«■' "»« ' >* i .yc a’on* A* O ' *t» 4 i Ml.' 0*adftn» kv appleabon* » Ju*y r' m.wi SPM kMMA .» A’ AMO: Wor?»» (Wfc*** O' Ot)AV £*)« «!'J r ! i'h: :»•.«■.*«> ftiwOantt w**> c***t>' * «w | .vo oncoorageKj to afipfr ??0 HELP WANTED ?is OPPORTUNITIES Australia and New Zealand Ih* UMmal* Adv®t>*ur»1 ' :mr*« W i" " *»' T#*m 19®? {*.*>*>g ir ?h* •/.» 4'KJ HAl-.iL>''.'>9 *« X"* 'W> Whi«*i»' roc* tv ■ -«Qy . ,'T|*r>g. bACV^M** J 'nvirts* * »«J*ng *r '<*.%' ng. inofMv '•\J S mtv«» Tht* tpac-a 'y Hu«« **t.%&ry *nwt* 3u*.rx«K.*» A-'1 t** ■-•. c tn# AS JO. Su*h 4 V '«,« rl* o kx .<<•«: atXK* « j *y • ,*h '.,#9' V'W nHWA i* ar AA! Ol Wi .« p*Op*H O* IHW 9<*y* «»*!».* » a/s.; t.kv«)> u«*t w«h <*Mb4*«* t t. .» o xo >agan; h> appfr_ :-?o HELP WAITED BOARD POSITION | he t he eon Dailx Emerald ' seelum: a person lo sene on ihc Hoard ol Director* \i 1 .irv’*. Dtrev.toi lhiv volunteer j>»siiion in tor •» ' Near ti’nn and is available to am member of the eommumly a student or a I a*, ults memhei »*t an employee ol the I nixersity id Oregon hut mas m>t tv an employee >r memtvt nl the staff of the Ote eon I tails I n let aid newspajv: I he pritnars puipose ot tiie Oregon Dads I metakl ts to publish a newspaper that will provide edueation atul 11amine lor stu dents m all aspects ol newspaper operation by serving a eumpus audieiue with news editorial and advertising eontent Board members aet in nutters ot finance polks and personnel Memtvts ate required to atleikl monthly meetings and in some sases participate in eoinnnttces requiring additional meetings | he appiieations will rv reviewed b\ meinbers o! the Board of Dueetors and thev will select applicants lor a personal inter v ,eu please submit vout letter ot application and resume to Board Xpplieation • Oregon Bails I merald l> O Box A15V • I ugem , OR T4»IA \p. ;i , a N-take ntil * t«»p n Monday Julv 15th , , Emerald 220 HELP WANTED IARN MONEY Reading boo**1 S30 COCVy* incom* potential Data#* in HO*) 96? 8000 frt Y 9642__ LAW ENFORCEMENT JOBS S ’ ’ 54? SJ*6 68?/yr Flofco* Shenfl Stale Rat rot. CcKt« ic>nai Off car* Cal (1) 805 962 8000 f it K 9842 WANTED: Reader* it'h1 tutor* ’Of *!* wf^ da ab.-'ioe* *«***>aly MTH til and ACTG is. hoof C«yi 346 3?11 i ;30 HOUSES FOR RENT NEAR CAMPUS targe 3 bdrm ho m» S‘>00 343 9011 _ SOUTH Wll l AMI TTE! Ve'y tpauOut 3 bedroom, t Half houte in g'eai central to « ,tt.on Huge bedroom. fuity appkanced yard care provided 2954 Wn iarr»n« $6 ’f) Jmnmgi ♦ Co 683 3. y 4 BLOCKS FROM CAMPUS 4 bedroom. 1 bath eaaher dryer avAiat-w ale June $95£>mo tor %o ’irm< 485?00? day 4*' to to M25 •XXX PARKING laundry Cal N*o 344 5583 ^fvirgl ♦ Co MJ 42jl Charming, okk*. any *f>*Lxx*> »mHy decorated O' 3t bCt"T» m 4 plea f *tra urge 1 ■ g 'oom. Vivace bay w'txkr* ;njrcf> oft *t'we» pa? to na *.-* a to v.-ampci» $490 . Jwi Rea T state Nodbiee*! 343 4 109 A LARGE, CLEAN, QUIET 2 txlrm. b» O* 0 Reserving ■•*»■ v:hoi> »•**<*’ o' both »«■ nm t*g wth#n hM>dt«p b*g cKMMtt? carpet undeum. -ot* o< partong. aun dry *.,nO*K 663 89'9 235 APTS DUPLEXES I! CAMPUS !t Mil trace Apartments 1 BOf) Garden Ave 2 bedroom flats, $399 2 bedroom townhouses, $425 SUMME R RATES (ireat prices and much more! PARKING PRlVATE PATIOS AND BALCONtf S. ON SITE LAUNORYI Ask (iary tor nfcKmafor, >45 7275 jenmrrgi ♦ Co M3 4219 CAMPUS * 7 79 E 16th ?t*Jrmfufn townhousa Pa/tung laundry Summer SOOOmo Drive by and call 345 6641 FOREST VILLAGE APTS. Outet piece to study We*gm rootrv*aufwpool Bus to campus 2 bdrm 1 1? ba. $4 75rmo and l49S5mo Renting now 66 7 1318_ l g on* txJrm apt* t 7 block Irom UO in very claan 6 quiet compisi Big kitchen w center leiand. separate vanity A bath. 6 h walk in cioeei. fully furn. free cov ered perking Taking reeervetiona for tan Can Larry at 464 4103. LOOKING FOR VALUE Corw io Dwvonshee or Anderson lane .vju 2 txV rr\ I ba. fireplace mertj, dehwather* ;*«toa garage dote to Auti*r Stadium Only V4f> No pets or section B Ca. i hrta .’4 .’6617 METCO INVESTMENT REALTY INC. 315 E. 13lh 683-8093 Near campua! Gr«*at large 1 txJrm . A’ody diagona Crf’ce ideal lor a * >e lots ai siurage quart private Ca’ port .aurxjry no pets'Sommer only. $j * rear lease $4 79 U4 7434 345 1827 Nice, large 1 bdrm apt w k#chan, near campua Includes parking, water, trash $43Smo Tel 343 5694 OLD CHARM. FRESH PAJNT Spacious 2 • bedroom, NetAace bay wvkJow oh Strew! parking. walk to cam [am Vt'JC Also 3 * trad room. $5? 6 34 3 4 1 09 PROSPECT PARK Ohara Quwt country lvr>g and cty oon »t*r aurve wf h our 1 and ? bedrooms ava-aUe Other W..ra include. pool tennis and baajmrt*a« courts 'at. room. t>UfB»ound ga-.*y«a dvautai and some Ay . um Rghl past ?5th and Chant*** (.a* 4ft4 6553 Ready Now! 2 p*u* taedrooma near City . Ajrary Clear' no pel a 'v'u'otm*. $460 pi us deposit 46S 2355 RENTING FOR SUMMf Rf ALL f urmahed ’ 6 2 bedroom units near music bokdng Car ,ih«r ?O0 Ridgewood Apts 666 5 RM RIVERVIEW APTS 229 S. 2nd, Spfld OR 726-5276, TROY C „»'** <*,*»« nssghbon on «*«. *t*>t grounds overlooking the water stud© 1 6 2 bedroom un«a now ava» ab»e staring at jus* $275 Easy a. cess 'o U o< O and l C C No pets or sett©/ 8 Drop by or call METCO INVESTMENT REALTY INC. 315 E 13th 683-8093