Patrick Kpan» ka\.iks for an uf)fH>r M( Km riff Nivrr r\ i ursinn ointxx5Rs Continued from Page 1 In addition to the rrrgitlorly seheduled cvi iirMons, many other trips art- planned .1 few diiy's in advance throughout 11n• summer They r.nny in* hide n erythfng from railing and windsurfing to hiking or rex k (limbing "People ( iin come down at any tunc In see what trips arc In tiic works," Mason said "Sometimes there's just four or five days notice Trip sheets are posted throughout tiie Outdoor Pro gram office. KM it Room 2 i Many of tile trips are initiated iiy program volunteers, and those wanting to participate can visit the office and sign-up Mason said the Outdoor Pro gram stall helps organize and plan these trips, provides equipment, sets up transport.i lion and oversees other details The ex [tenses vary, with some day trips costing only a few dollars lor transportation ’file Friday whilewater rail tng trips, lor example, generally 1 ost participants $7 to .VI. Ma son said ‘I'iie afternoon journey usually takes pill! e on the M< Ken/iu or Fmpaqua River It's designed for people yvho've never been boating tie fore 1 Mason said Jar k le ( urrun, v Isit ing l it gene lor the summer, took ad yardage of the rafting opporlu nlty last Friday "It was niv lirv! time I’m really glud I had the exjieri once.” she said "Now I have more options available to me when 1 go out on tiie rner li vs as beautiful For people who Photos by Jeff Paslay Story by Daralyn Trappe c 'Fe C * - - - t ' 4 » are outdoor 'enthusiasts/ it's definitely something to tr\ An introductory c:!ass on whitewatcr rafting will In sponsored In the Outdoor Pro grain July 10 at 1' 10 p m Mason - Ilit serious accidents ■ire a rare rx currence because eoordinators use every precau lion "It s probably a lot safer than driving to the store." he said "If you use common sense and go with a group, accident rates are quite low We d i si ou rage in a< ho. show-off*’ liehavior. he added "There’s it lot of that out there, hut we take a more mature up proiich The Tuesday mountain hik ing trips, whir h begin at 0 a in are geared toward beginner and intermediate level bikers The r ost is generally only a few dol lars. Mason said, but partit i pants must supply their own bikes Thursday windsurfing class es were scheduled to start July 11, but have been postponed for a week or two Afternoon trips begin at 12 Ml and taki place at Dorena Reservoir Along w illi the cost of transpor tation, a Slfi fee will cover the cost of renting a bixird A one hour lesson is included " Most ol tile people w he make use of this are total be ginners," Mas in s id Mason a!- i - nr i airagi s . • pie to Use the (hit door Pro gram’s \ asl r< si an es \\ re rIsi -. i to a huge degree lor our resources, fie said We have maps, a large video library, we tan help people plan where to go Anyone can come down here lor help That's an important part of our program l)an t.Viyi'f Hitnii \1ji Ij'iman Jlul I'atrn k KiHlngurr (right) unloail a k.n.ik la'lulf‘ nnading downriver I iiih hron Spot i.ils Str.WU'd Kit r \\ ith Bar 1 H*« ut‘il IN>i k $3.65 s/t c huan \t M >( jit n St >uI) r At lr\ our dinnor too! CHINA BLUE ' PFCTAIIPANT Dim Sum lum Mm.l.n I I jnv tpm 1 8'‘l ! Mlh (:ikm,>M>/<< ^ ) &r I < *• ■. *K ir,r ,f No limit The Shutterbug "“ILLUSIONS'Wl T0ur shears make you look sharp • Perms. . $27.95 ' • Loop Rods-Spirals. . s39.95 • Haircuts. i . *7.00 _■ ► iiiintiminnILLUSIONS by D r'!iitimiiiiitm 15 IS If • WOLFF TANNING SPECIAL 10 TANS FOR $20 * u|K n H am tiiKlm^ht dailv *»n silt* paikinu I Mil \ I’.iIUtmhi 342'! 2 iiffii I'vjiiit^* V \' fi