f I f ! Y CENTS 8 f F C 0 8 P 8 N 50C OFF Large Iced Mocha hii«i»mm ♦ tain mm wew Mm ♦ ti*m« • SmMmmm ♦ IK itter gntf ttrw0i J*y IS. Ml ♦ Mot prtsart capi n tat •( Engine Service 1000 S Berlelscn Rd »S (uqttnr OR 97*0? Onr Hlotk North of W 11th Nolan Ind P1.1/J Specializing m Volkswagen Sen ice For 32 . ears 342-3952 Student and Faculty Discounts HOUSING Continued Irom Page 1 would make in housing. "Shu asked. 'What art- you going to fuel when you leave a!! this7' '' Kamey said. "I thought to mvself. Tin going to fee! terri ble "That was the first moment I realized I wanted to continue in this job." Kamey < ame to the 1 niversity in 1'Kid as Hamilton Complex di rer tor At that time, the dorms still had curfews, and meals wen handed to residents Since then, the dorms adopted a no-curfew policy, meals are served buffet style and seconds are offered "Gang" showers gave wav to shower < urtams to put international students at ease, and family housing was greatly expander!. Also, freshmen no longer are required to live in the dorms for one year Among other accomplishments, Kamey notes that the housing department, with its Sit million annual budget, has fought to keep room and board costs among the lowest in the stale and on the West Coast Hut with all the < hanges under her various tenures in the .hous ing department, Kamey said one thing has remained the same student pranks One morning she i ame to work, and a custodian told her the toi lets in a women's dorm had lawn shut off, she said It turned out that in the hall next door there was a man who worked as a plumber s assistant over the summer," she said During the night, the resident sneaked around the outside of the building and "disengaged all the toilets "1 always thought that was funny. Kamey said "It was much funnier than the limhurger cheese someone put in the ventilation system." ETALS Student Parent Ano< ration m«!W M« nday at 1 p rn in KM\ (amtiaiy Room F Student patnttb and the public are om our aged in "The i n d of talar Summer Aspect* of thr I itrrarv ( ulturr m fin dr %tn Ir Vienna" s tha title? J a le< turn tn ho given tonight at ? in Room 11'» Pacific rhr 1011110™ will he presented by Kgnn St hwarx ft rn Waahir.gt ->n University in St ! ; ui* Mo "t;hinj{inf; thr Serurity: Politic al \rt hilni turn in Fun>fM»’* 11 th»' of a lecture about the diwmigration f th«* Warsaw Trcwity Organization and tha Soviet empire to bo protonir?d today at 1 30 pm by Professor Trools Froling of tho Denmark lntornattonai Study Pr gram The presentation will Im> hold in the KM I linn Kinder Room “( ontemporarv Indigenous People* of I a tin America A H a 1 k g r o 11 n d In Ihr 5 0 0th Anniversary .% the title 1 <1 presentation to be given by Hr Margaret I'homai nn Friday afternoon at A to in Room 110 Willamette Dttoillirw for submitting b.t a/* /<> the Krnorald front dosk,. KM l Suitr t<)(). is m n tht* day boforr publu Mion f t ais run tho day of tho rvont unless thr rvrnt takrs pi * r 1*0 tom noon \ >ln M’s of ttvonls with .1 donation .'/ admission chargt* will not hr accepted (lampui ovirnts and thou* ?■ hodulfni noarrst thr publliation d*i<* will br givm priority Capable. Affordable. Adaptable. Affordable. Transportable. Affordable. rTY'KUUfTIN \\ hen ii comes lo increasing produciivitx ,11 .in economical price. there s no ii x >1 that s more able Meet the M.u muish‘ t lassit ‘ t(imputet It s the most affordable Macintosh. vet it tan handle a\anet\ ot basic home, office, and classroom applications such as word processing and spreatLsheei analysis Hie ( lassit is a complete Mat intosh Its monitor. keyboard. mouse and s\stem software are all included as are extras you might not exjx'ct such as the ability to network anil ihc Apple' Miperbnve disk drive which lets the (lassit read Iron) and wnte It > Ms IX)S. i )s J and Pn >1 X >s’tiles Hie Cla.sMt i.ine.isih go where\ou need It) go, when \ (>n nml (t> u« > there- Its integrated design, light weight and built in earn ing handle are ideal lor a person on the move so ire res|X’ttable ()r allorthble Available. Microcomputer Support I ah 202 Computing ( enter • 346-4402 Month Avenue 343-9000 W , UHle Caesars n, * CHEESER! CHEESER! 2 mm m pizzas LOADED \\TIHL\m\ ( HEFSI.O IP IX) 5 TOPPINGS of HHKxmm i 2 \arges Up to 5 t0pp‘n9s ot your choice $12.98 CAMPUS 1930 Franklin 687-2848 Franklin U of 0 SUMMER HOURS: NOON TO 11pm DAILY Little Caesars Pizza! Pizza! IVogrtat ptixas One low price Always1 Always'