ROCKETEER Continued from Page 3 more than just the damsel in distress Timothy Dalton is Neville Sinclair, .1 Hollywood matinee idol .1 hi Errol Flynn who is se< retly a Nazi He tries to use Jenny to get to Cliff and the jet pack The audience knows this guv is <1 sleaze from the beginning, but the other char,it lers don't catt h on to until later Dalton is suitably nasty. The stunts in this movie are great Director Joe Johnston; whose onh previous feature was the spet l.d .effects bonanza Hnnr\ I Shrunk the Kids. seems as comfortable in the air as on land At limes, the aerial scenes put the audient e in Cl ill's perspet tive On the big si reen, these work great Some will complain that the movie is tcni-simplistic, m both plot and morality For example, the supremely bizarre -Howard Hughes is portrayed as no more than a extraordinarily rich c m But simple is exactly what this, movie wants to be liven the film's gangsters, when they find out they havt been working I r a Nazi, turn against him. saying, ' We may be crooks, but we re Americans, through and through! It s this kind of gleeful flap, wav ing in not enc e that many viewers w ill find so appealing My one complaint with this picture is that for a movie--with s< little plot, the characters talk too much The movie is exciting and it has a good share of action, but I would hav e liked ov m m •: e All the actors seem to have a clear idea of vv hat the I ilm si a out to be The plot is functional but not terribly imaginative.. Perhaps that will change in the inevitable sequels As an origin storv. it s effet tive and exciting If watching movies has become a chore lot you, with'.complex morality plays and plots that tw ist and turn like a si few • Tin Kockrleor It tries to lie fun, and it is Lane Education Service District **** PLANETARIUM **** SUM MER St' 11 KI>U l,K \< ROSS I ROM \l I/I N SI \l)ll \t llu Lon Education Seisin District Planetarium is premia ins; it neu summer slum entitled 'starlit Sights, presented eras Friday, S,modus and Sunday at 2 4 Op n Kl si 1 MO/ NK I I Ik l us* r ( .hh.ii Iri A i Nil A Sun 5 imp m ‘l KI4 12 (<) p m I VSI-K U ()M): llu u..11 t i n a s.ii x 15 p in n •* TICKET PRICES: Adults S5; Children $3.50 For Mozart: The Laser Concert — Adults $2; Children $1 For more information call 484 9027 or 689 6500 Meed A Poster Made? I When only the best will do. Quality, professional service and repair. Ajlpf 0»*<1 Auto < 1917 Franklin Hlvd. Eugene 485-8226 STOREWIDE CLEARANCE 25°-50off OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF SPRING & SUMMER FASHIONS! DESIGNER & BETTER SPORTSWEAR MISSES SPORTSWEAR I DRESSES & SUITS LINGERIE & ACCESSORIES v nCt t t j PH 485-1581 NO ADJOSTMt Nr'> ON PRIOR P!;l»< HA »i ‘ INTtRMfeOIATt MARK: j.VN'i MAY HAVt lit t N lAx-N rvfvo wild uh ta(Hi rvOitil ’ rheShutterbug < ' _J TRACK TOWN PIZZA Offers The ULTIMATE LUNCH SPECIAL ALL YOU CAN EAT SALAD BAR AND UNLIMITED TRACK TOWN PIZZA That's Right’ All YOU Can Possibly I .A 1 C )f The Best Pizza This Side Of Anywhere M P 11 a.m 1 p.m. TRACK TOWN PIZZA 1809 Franklin • 484 2799