ENTERTAINMENT Movie a tribute to ’40s cinema By Lucas Gutman Emerald Contributor I! you haven't seen a movie situ e the lt)-H).s, see /Vie Rm.k I'trcr You'll think, line me hasn't changed.much in all that time. l or that matter, if you wish you hadn't seen a movie since the ltMOs, see The Rih ke/oer, because movies like this just aren't made anymore The good guys are true and valiant, and the bad guys are evil, mean and sneer a lot There's a beautiful women our hero lights for and a villain who wants to take her awat from him. This may sound in nocent and'dopey, but it's actu ally a relief to go to a movie that doesn't confront viewers with a lot of moral dilemmas Yes, this is this summer's movie-based-on a-comic-book This time, the comic book is a little known gem that came from a small, independent com ic book company in the early lottos. But from this film, you wouldn't know Tho Rut Ae/eer is (ontemporarv Likable Bill Campbell plays stunt pilot Cliff Seooni, who, along with his best friend and mechanic, l’evey (Alan Arkin), finds a mysterious rocket pack that enables a person to fly The pack is desperately wanted by Nazis, gangsters and billion aire Howard Hughes, who, in this film anyway, created the rocket. Cliff is immediately forced to run from all of these people who would willingly kill for the rocket. He assumes the identity of The Kor ketoor! Jennifer Connelly plays the love of Cliffs life, lenny Some how, the stunningly beautiful Connelly manages to rise above the underwritten role and be Turn to ROCKETEER Page 5 DOS PATOS BEAN BURRITO $2.35 BLACK BEAN & RICE BURRITO $2.85 1219 Alder Cash For Textbooks Mon. • Sat. Smith Family Bookstore 768 E. 13th 1 Block From Campus 345-1651 C >ur lr« f pfvolo Hill ('.implwll star* as airborne hero ( lilt Smart! m Disney \ I hv Kim k i‘t*M*r, .i thrawhai k la a simpler t inematn the breaking point 6 6 Sol null is i! full o| piosc that makes the ic.ulci dnsci i Wildlife) is a nch and readable slots a genuine narratise li leaves a sense oi hope, a conviction that life is worth living } } ( /iii .io' S'tin I nnes 4 4 hcarthieakmg anil . i impelling .in ans slurs l's> read in a Inn.’ lime Richard lord seems lo he siill glossing still finding ness elements ol sslia! is one ol the strongest and in lies! seins ol talent around Wild life mas he this ssonderlul ssrilei's best hook 9 9 Richard Hansel). PhiLuk'lphtu Inquirci 4 4 \ stslistie grace that goes to the heart ol its suh teet shressdls focused posserful anil haunting 9 9 li< >sf( >n < ih >bc 4* Confirms Richard Ford as one of the most formidable ssriteisot his eeneration 99 H.illimoic Sun 13th & Kincaid 346 4331 M F 7:30-6 Sat. 10:00-6