Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, June 27, 1991, Page 2, Image 2

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Decision on peyote
was long overdue
Congratulations arc in order for Gov. Barbara Rob
erts for signing a measure on Monday permitting Na
tive American Indians to use freedom of religion as a
defense for the sacramental use ot peyote
Sacramental use of peyote is permitted by the fed
eral government and in some states. However, until
now, Oregon law made no exception for religious use
of the cactus drug.
The peyote controversy here dates to 1H82. when
two Native Americans were fired from their county
jobs for using peyote in religious ceremonies.
Attorney General Dave Frohnmaver. who ironically
was defeated bv Roberts last year for the governor post,
took the ease to the IJ.S. Supreme Court The court
ruled in favor of the stute. and religious peyote use
in a country claiming religious freedom for all re
mained illegal.
Using the hallucinogenic drug .is part of a religion
that existed in Amerii a long before the arrival of Euro
peans should fall under the religious freedom exemp
Roberts was bright enough to understand that
l rohnmaver was not. It is vet another indication that
Oregonians made the right choice I rest year when pick
i ng a new governor.
The bill’s sponsor. Eugene Democrat |im
Edmonson, should also be commended for not taking
the easy way out and ignoring the injustic e done to Na
tive Americans
Oregon Daily
Th* Or«gor Daily I mwa*] s putXnhod (tflufy Monday If f during !h« • hoc
y<M and 1 iMMUiay and Thursday daring Jfn» by ()'% 1 l>« » *
Co Inc at IN* Urworvty of Oogon. I ugonc*. Owgor
lh*» f opuNttfM 'ntfc»p*jr*J«n!fy o! fh» l*' VH^ 'y «*'h 0*fn*m t* > *» * -1' ’■**
{ ft) MomcKWil Union and « a mombo/ of tha Assoc *»tud
Tha j mar aid <% prtvitia prt*x*ny Tha unlawful romovai or .*.«* of papa** >s T*o%** -tab*
by law
Editor-En-Chiof ChOPophor Ha'
Managing I ditor Pal Un^f' Nawa E ditor. O-f* Bex ■nr
CdNorial Editor Pm Sport* Editor AV**y Con*
Graphic* l dltor Juff PosUty NigN f d«or rnhar no Hjwxry
A**oci*i* Editor*
Student Government ActtvRia* Da'aiyn Trappo
Highar Education Administration Ch't* Bouno"
Adv#f1l*mg Mcham Oay /Uonagor Joan Br*l**y Ki'van l u it*. I** Ng. Androw Poo*»
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Claaarftad Poggy McGinn Ma/Mpar
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Production 146-4161 Ciaaalfiad Advartiainfl 146 4143
I he Oregon Dads 1 merald is seeking .1 person to seise on the
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Members are required lo attend monlhls meelmgs and in some
eases partreipale in eonrmillees requiring additional meetings
I lie appliealions ssill tx- resiesss'd ks members ol Ike Hoard ol
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\pplis al tons ss ill lx- taken until 7 (X) p m Mondav Juls I 5lk
Oregon Daily
"She's come up with a way to counsel women on abortion AND keep our
federal funds.-’
Media guide
1 ;im < cimp«'ll«*(i to comment
on yet another statement in the
linrniiti regarding thf Inciden
tal Fee Committee: "Because
the June 1 meeting was in vio
lation of the Oregon Public
Mootings Law, however, a
mooting was hold Juno 7 and a
second vote was taken.” (ODE.
Juno 18).
While the committee mem
bers did indeed revolt! on is
sues voted on originally at the
June 1 meeting, it was not be
( auso we were in violation of
the Oregon Public Meetings
Law There was some question
that the June 1 meeting violated
the Public Met tings latw by vir
tue of the fact that (need I re
mind you) the lit al submitted
to the Entom hi concerning the
notu e of our June 1 meeting
was misprinted
Thi' Kt al wus submitted be
lore the deadline in order to
provide at least .1-1 hours notice
ol our upcoming Saturday
meeting in the Friday, Mat It.
issue of the Emerald
The Kt al that was printed
stated erroneously that our
meeting was to ho held on
Monday because you interpret
ed June 1 to be a Monday and
not a Saturday Aghast at this
error, we contacted the Em fr
it Id. the media and those people
who were on the agenda to let
them know the nusding was in
deod on Saturday, June 1
Because of this error, there
was some question as to wheth
er the actions taken at the June
1 meeting were legal In the Or
egon Allarnpy (If no nil's I’uhllc
Records and Afeebngs Manual
under 'Press Releases,"
pertaining to regularly sched
uled meetings (page 11-10), it is
stated: "You are not hold to a
duty to lie absolutely certain
that the press release is pub
I would suv wo did .ill wo
could to (insure that the lawful
procedure was followed To an
swer our critics and the general
public who probably didn't
know the whole story, we vot
ed again on every action at the
June 7 meeting we originally
voted on at the June 1 meeting
Thanks for lotting me clear
this up
Priscilla Warren
IFC Summer Chair
Against men
Regarding the front page sto
ry concerning criticism ol the
bookstore for selling I’l.ivlxiy
and I'cnthousn (ODE. June 18):
H seems tho main critics were
women, and they certainly
have a right to complain, even
to the point of coercing the
L-.'MU Board of Directors to re
move these rnaga/.ines from the
Main Desk store.
However, if we are going to
remove all "hateful and insult
ing" material, let's get rid ol
IVomyn \ I’rrss and ther Luvon
Her Network publications being
furnished for the reading rack
in the KMU
1 personally feed that these
are disgusting publications that
engender hatred against men
and promote deviant Ixdiuvior.
(Head the ads in them )
Also, if there is it connection
between these magazines and
violence against women, as
quoted in the article, how then
can some say that what women
wear has nothing to do with be
ing raped'
This whole tiling isn't against
pornography; it's against men,
Ren Williams
Concerning the controversy
about Samantha, the nude
dancer: Why is it when a girl
takes off her top to make some
money, many women object?
But when two women hold
hands and cry on someone's
steps for housing, they gut sym
Instead of sympathy, they
should "gel a job" like Saman
tha has done. Maylx' their lives
would be more appreciated,
and they wouldn't have to ask
for handouts from the rest of
I'm tired of everyone wanting
to stick their noses into some
one else's business Let's do
stories about everyone's lives
and dissect them in the ink ol
these pages
C.VV. Metzger
The Oregon Daily Emerald will attempt to print .ill
letters containing comments on topics of interest to the
l ,'niversitv community
Letters to the editor must be limited to no more than
250 words, legible, signed and the identification of the
writer must be verified when the letter is submitted.
The Emerald reserves the right to edit any letter for
length or style.
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