THURSDAY, JUNE 27,1991 Tern'll Brandon Cavs pick Duck star Former Oregon point guard Ter rell Brandon was selected by the Cleveland Cavaliers as tin' 11th pick overall in the first round ol the National Basketball Associa tion draft on Wednesday. Brandon, last year’s Pacific-10 Conference player ol the year who left Oregon after his junior season, was the fourth underclassmen se looted in the draft. He was the second point guard taken, after the New Jersey Nets chose Ceorgia Tech's Kenny An derson with the second pick Cleveland had the last lottery pick m the draft All 11 teams that do not make the playoffs are eligi hie lor the lottery pick The Cavaliers had problems at the point guard position last year after starter Murk I’rit e was in jured early in the season After Price's injury, Cleveland was forced to sign former Portland Trail Ble/er Darnell Valentine to lil! tho void Hr.mdon led the I'm -10 this past season with a 2li fi-point per-gatne average, a school record and the third-highest average m confer ence history. Hrandon also set school records in seven other categories, includ ing most points in a season (74fi) and most :t() plus-point games in a season (nine). Hrandon is only the fifth first round draft to come from Oregon situ e and the first suit e Hlair Rasmussen was picked In Denver in the first round in l‘»Hr> Down by the riverside .-Is the sun finally bruit' through (be elouiis Tuts tbn. University students Andrea Langst/urf. MoJh Len ts (h ing down) ant! the id Strother unde a bee line tor the bunks of the IT/Jbunette near -in t.'en foot hruifit' to sunk u/> sumo r.n.s Tomporuturos should >y./i in the ZfAs through tho «*w‘Jem/, hut tho fortu\ivt cuds far .it /oust />.tr/h r/uudi skit's .wd ./ cha/ict' tit shiiH/rs hvSjturd.i) Photo by Jeff Paslay Ramey concludes 29-year career By Chris Bouneff E mtirald Ni Editor The Walton Uomplex officii t>! UniV' sity Housing Director Marjory Ramey is decorated much tin' same as tl inis boon for tile last night years On one* wall hang several pt< turns from recent vacations, and on the oppo site wall a huge calendar stroll hes frum floor to ceiling An antique desk sits against the third wall, and in the middle is a large table show! a-.jin; small i oiled ables On Friday they will all he gone, sig Haling tin- end of Ramey's term Alter 2t) years at University Housing, the past eight as dim tor, M> year old Ka mev Is retiring She will he replaced by Michael liyster. housing director at Indi ana University of Pennsylvania Hut age is not what pushed Kamo to retirement Instead, she said the tim- has come to move on from the job she origi nally didn’t want " The reason I'm retiring Is that I think it's time tile department has someone with a whole new set of prujudic i s " Ka mey said i UNIVERSITY ROUSING Kf'iito uy Jf Rutirinx Housing Dm* tor Margo Raim) ‘ to umpu* in Vii.-i. when frrshmon urn- rr quirt*! to Ini' in thr ilorim ant! .ill resiilmits worn subji* I to .1 < Ultro Ramey became a< tin^ housing director m I'm) after I)nn Willi.nils moved from till! post to his present position ns Uni versitv vice president She said she didn't intend to apply for the open job Ramey said she first realized she want ed the position while being Interviewed by a reporter about the changes Ramey Turn to HOUSING. Pago 8 Briefly LOUISVILLE. Kv (AIM Zachary Taylor died of natu ral causes, not arsenic |oisontr»g "would h,ivo boon at least 200 if not rnuylx' thousands of limes higher " International KUWAIT CITY (AIM On the final day of martial law in the emirate, Kuwait on Wednesday c ommuted the death sentenc es of 2't people convicted of collaborating with Iraq, changing them to lift? in prison The action was prompted by appeals from world lead ers. diplomats and humani tarian agencies, said ku wait's ambassador to the United Nations. Mohammad Ahtilhasun Crown Prim e Saad Ah dullali al-Sahah, the martial law governor, issued the or der ori the last day of his military authority. M.irtial law expired at midnight Wednesday, four months af ter it was imposed following tin' liberation ol Kuwait by allied fort es Regional SALKM.Ore (AI *) Kh/ abeth Diane Downs may not be going bill k to a New Jer sey prison now that court hearings on her reipiest feu a new murder trial are over, a state; official said Wednes dav (Corrections Department spokesman Koltev l-ldridge said the Oregon child killer would bo sent out of stall! hut not ni ( essarilv but k to New Jersey Downs, |T>, has been si-rv ing a term ol life plus SO years in Now Jersey lor the 10H.'! shootings that left one of her children dead and two wounded Downs was transferred to New Jersey in 1tlH7 from the medium set uritv Oregon Women's Corns tional Cen ter in Salem