CLASSIC Continued from Page 4 ('.lassii where Shme\ elbowed past f’liimer lor the vs in I hi mi I tun was chn ked i n ■I U 'Cl I'ridav am! I'lumri n -I I l (11 41 the J .'<1 f)<) me.'.! ami .stallmm re< urih so! c da Sheskev in. 1*IH Pile Ihillime: i (impelIt run was almost as exeiOies c lhe women's mile as ! am i Deal unprnveil on last weekend's sei ond place fimsli !.> J u it ho Han at I At Not mill itiil Ileal win the event that had the !up si\ Anierir an throwers, he did si. with a 2 V.' 1 personal meet a ml II a v w aril 1 leld re. old breaking ho ow n re. i a d- m ink hi ategorv ot 2 >" 0 in i'18‘1 It was a tremendous meet lm Deal who won the i ompetition w ith Ins first throw of . 1 n and also had throws of j.ieH and 250-10 "\Yhv couldn't I do it six davs e.irlier' Ileaf said in ref ereni e to last week s I Al meet All ot the throwers threw !>et ter 1 rid.i\ than thev did at I'At h iin Iuding I.ogail. w ho was second at 24H M and ken I lax. third with a toss ot Ml. I I he i .list* tluTr i I‘,\(!) w as Ilk.- tlirmvmg out ot .1 i losot said this is hammt'i throw mg hoavon '(( oai h I Stow .irt | loghorl s.tul o\ orv bods w .is dow 11 ttl last vy.'ik I mm .nisi* . i\ fli mill*'i tltf i it . p.11 f I al i on nffdfi! I vf n il I .ili on had < ml hip In i- I .ill i in f’.il l ol the pi..hlfin. I .ili on said, was In- forget to bring ins inhabit to thf 1111*1*1 lo lif.ii an nsthiu.itii ■ ondilion I n o l h i) r f vi* n I s (rail* HI.iih lii’ltf won tlif wliffli ban indf in I -I . and hor\ I ar punning i leared III 8*i lo win Iiif poll* vault An IBM PS/2 can he with a double major. Work and college. © ) you I o||t < .III 1 h ' < 1111M 11 it **l H >ll£jll }>v itself. Ult 11«*| 1 \«HI compound it W It}I .1 jol>. the load doubles I Ilf I BM IVrsonal s\**tem 2' i .in help \uii through these workloads I lie I*'' 2* n Hill's pfcloaded With stilt wan* will li t vou create iui|»n*ssivr papers. n*|H>rt“. graphics and spnad*lH-ets for \ or tor voiir job \n IBM mouse, color displa\ and tool*, like a notepad, calendar. < .mlhlc and ow n ‘Tames an* also included \nd it s expand able so it can op»w w ith vou to keep pa< e \% 11h \oiir im11 work. ,iim 1 iii ««»!!« '•♦ \ ' ,1 -ll 141* III , \Ull If |..( 1 | i.l |u u «m .in I HM I>s J * MhmLibli* 1.i\ mu .if ,iI"«i .ivuiial>l« v* ith flu* I li\| l*v 2 I (Mil tor I rartiiiif* \mi on .i dilii rmt imti-. urn * .in «n*t n! Ill*- KomII'I *IUMt -l« III ,ll .1 s|Mt l.ll |l! I< t I lw IN J » w.ll worth looking into \X hetlirr It - lor work ot lor collim Soil II IumI It < .III lx .1 tn.ijor lii lji Microcomputer Support Lab 202 Computing Center Monday-Friday 9am-5pm ' 346-4402 • Tfu# % • »•-*£*• to ItiXkKM* *«CuHy «-'*J *1#M *N) p.jf IftM t©<1Ai*lr- •’ * . *•’ . .f ; > ' *” • KtM 1 0(X< ??? 75 ^ or (flW Auth(V>;*d K OmI« \ • HM .# r •»■ t A* *.V . • »• i >' to ’••''g# «nd BM ©r thdra*’n© ,”•< *t *nT |.m«. *r'tno'ot IVi i .-■•«*■’ . O” 1 *nt«rrv»lior<*- Butmvu Mai.r»n»* Corpo»il*o^ Round-v a urn)*"-** O* RoUvxl vpuw • Co'pO'a’KX ’99’ 1 uni ht'on Spin i.ils Slcamvd Kk v v\ iih ( Uff\ C (in krn r*>?k OT \ r>;i‘l.i!K»il I nnl Ku r Ifh I Br.m ( ufd v\ I! 11 Pc»f k S/«*« hujn My!**. $ i.H’S Dim Sum f \ m Sund.n ! I im ipm m h v < >ur (hunt •/ »< >! CHINA BLUE RESTAURANT n •» t I »ll) ( fist,it/ s \i \t fi i ( I »/ ( * tiiX >A s/4 »/r » } > PROBLEMS WITH THE UNIVERSITY? I in' ( )f!i< >' ii| S'liH II I'lllllis Hu luilinij ■ sll |)l N I ( <>\I)l ( I ( 01)1 C HANOI S ■ si \l \l HAHASSMI N I ■ l)IS( KIMIN ATI ON ■ UNIVI KSITV 11< )l ■ VI ADI MU DISIMiri S ■ I INANC I VI All) ■ I \( HI IV MIN( ONDIK I ■ IMIBI l( SAI t IS ■ H( iSINI ss M I MKS i \riiu ru s ■ iiNivi nsirv hi ( owns ■ 11 is IVI MSI IV I MIM (>YMl N I KK%' .1 ff«'*• ASU() {*f«»v -.ilinij pf■ tft'ssi*»jm! s.-f. i I for stuiU-iiH in , .impns r.-i jl.-.i rn.illcrs Call 346-3722 or st«i|) hv .{.'14 1 MU to scf 111> ,m ,i|>f»oiniinne oil filter 49°; 1. C.YL :yl < »l $99 99 $1,9 99 er plug-. '.H Mu | s16" New top iriq' ,unl idle' Vi-ui.ti m-.i tton uf filters bells h-> PCV'EGH . I <>• Alpers lejl jnd fluid levels AIR CONDITIONING MAINTENANCE SERVICE 1 lb Freon i99 s29 Evacuation and Recharge 49 00 i RADIATOR l! SERVICE I I Flush, fill & add up to 1 gallon of coolant In spect belts, hoses and water pump $29" Chemical Troatment Power Flush S 49" L 1200 ■ ■ j Prtt# 13 S2999 i^'BS n.«,4 *99 i • ;.'4 BW -19 99 1 - 99 99 ■' SM'- *99 / e No Appointment Necessary • East 11th Store only Just a short walk from Campus 345-1593 • 185 E. 11th J