w, “»'* Caesars * * a* CHEESER! CHEESER! 2 Ml.l)ll MPIZZAS LOADED 14777/EXTRA CHEESE O ini) 5 TOPPINGS hHUitnmt 2 larges with up to 5 topp’»n9s ot your choice $12.98 CAMPUS 1930 Franklin 687-2848 SUMMER HOURS: NOON TO 11pm DAILY Little Caesars Pizza! Pizza! IWo great p11144 One km prU* Alwayi \lwav* ** -ow.5 Av - -.*0 S-» -<4S ct par* Uorr. ’* xcxr'«** r*.vjr> * Recycle I his paper. | SPORTS Mile has classic finish in Pre meet By Ashley Conklin If .'iM-d t*. in- fli.il i! M.if:> Slancv pulled nut «f .1 dlstlli! I* hi i' in .1 Hayward ! fold trat l meet tliru* wasn I mut h reason It I Watch till* MU' Although Sl.int'v. had In pull out of the worm*it • mih* .it In il.it s I’refonhnne ('iassir he i arise ol ,i son* i .ill muscle levs seemed to notire including eventual tvmhi't Siizy II.null ton It didn't In.t her me ' I him i lion s.ihI Shinev vvasn t i rally needed I rul.tv night ln*r .him* Hamilton ami 1‘attiSue I’lumer mm the top I s ilistam e stars prove! eil another exi iling rai e w ith eiliows anil everything else 11 \ ing ilovvn the hai kstreli li lust like a week before at I he Athletics, l ongress national i hampionships, I lamilton and I’luiner w eie lileiallx lot ked to gel her at the end This time the\ were |oineil hs Mo/am hique s M,i i la M utola who seemed to take the worst ot it vs hen she tried to i ut in un Phi tner w ith about 100 yards to go 1 hat lett I lamilton tree bill I’lumer almost i aught her lx* lore (he tape The two then linked arms right before tin* finish line allowing Hamilton to win and sending Plumer i rashing to the trat k "We're friends Hamilton said ot Iter rivalry with I’lumer but sometimes she gets in the was Sometimes ll gels to lie a little too much i’lumer. who fiadlv bruised her lett hip. ai know ledger! that because American women’s distant e running has become so competitive even without Slanry that i nnt.ri t will hap pen "When you have good atli letes ill competitive rates \ ou re going to see a lot ot i oil Hear Ye! BARGAIN BOOK SALE JUNE 17-28 On Main Floor UO Bookstore Books $1 .98 and up » Alt UO BOOKSTOKE 13th & Kincaid 346-4331 M-F 8:15-5:15 I / ant r Ih'.il i%nn thr hanimn thmw fuss id J.i 7-4 ssith .i mrrt and Has ward Hr Id n't nrd I.h I f'lumer said Anyone w ill) thinks I like eolilui t |ilst has In look at thr results of my last three rui es Nut ruth lias I’luiner heeti in Iitrr.il eontait with Hamilton lately 'hi' and Slanev had a si milar hattle at thn linin' letiner Turn to CLASSIC Page 5 Engine Service 1000 S Burt el sen Rd #8 lugene OR 9740? One Bloih North of W llthNoUtfllnd Pia/