CABLE Continued from Page 1 TV humor runs along the lines ol tlTjo s r/ie /hiss’ Ingman said When w e 1111111' up w till an idfa were not going to censor ourst'lvt's " Uepner said ' Pen |)lt> always remember so k skits S.third.t\ Xtxhl Iivr is the i lost'st model tin Hull although 7 ate Xiitht with I).i ' ill I t'" is also an influ ent e be< a vise its sart ast u I lepner said They group ' aters to itself when it puts together the show s hut at the same time d caters to all through its mix of bathroom and sophis ticated humor, I lepner said llepner was a work studs student .it (channel 11 lor nine months, which helped him learn what goes on there and how to see through some of the runaround lies received since the i ontroversy started The response from tin1 I'm versitv crowd has been good overall llepner said However fliers advertising the show are lorn down or peppered will) negative comments bv It ers ‘A hundred thousand people can get killed every year on TV, but you can’t do a skit about masturbation?’ Tadd Van Clevn I tepni‘1 said "(aunnumiK 1 \ is to sa\ what voir want to sav Hepnet said "U s yours, you paid lor it w ith your tax dollars (hi: Version o/ He// began bro.nb iistiru! in August 1'l‘HI I r i (I .1 v c v i' n i n g s . said Motrin isiiin programmer Ken \\ .irrtMi The station suspended the show (it! . for two months be cause tin' programs were not luring turned in on time. Uar roil said rfic station floods a prngMtii at least 4H hours he fore air tune to save the station a lot of last minute si rambling Ihe suspension lias hap pound to other programs \\ .11 ren said I lie program returned to the air in M.tri h tin Mondays at a IP p m and it ran until |uno 1 when /m to ion art hour long program produi ed In the I ugene t hristian f ellowship ( liurih began bmadc ast 1 ng from "> to ti p in (tu lutie I. H I I hanged its I a hi e line up table i -I Mtllilr I p 1 e I \ re n a 111 ed Metros isiutl. turned to ( haimel II whir h rhi- Itisne\ ( hamiel proviousU ik 1 upied ET ALS I he Oregon D.iih Hmrniltl u i II hull) aii inforuiiit ton meeting for students interest ed in freelance writing or photography Wednesday night at f> It) The meeting will be held in tile I'mci.ilil uffii e KMl ’ Suite toil ( all Pat Malm h .it I-tti .'ill for more information KKM.A campus radio will hold a general interest meet ing tonight at t> in I AH (ledar Room I) (bill 140 4(1')1 for more information "Women .Hid lieiih.i inn Sullner I irsl Kei ipienl ol the Notiel Peace Prize" i tile title of a lei lute to be gi\ en In bike l.mhs tonight at r 111 Room 1 t 'i Pacific t Slimmer to Kemendwr i the title ot a Russian tllin to be shun n tiling lit at 7 i n Room 1 in l\ii ifit The film is part ol the Summer Soviet and hast Kuropoun lilm Se nes and is shown in Russian with Kngltsh subtitles Deadline for submitting tit tils tu thr 1 MiHT.lhi trim! ilrsk I-Ml Stitlv MMt Is noon thr il.i\ hrlorr jnihlir.itiun I t ,i!s run [hr iLi\ of thr rvmt un IrsS thr r\rnt t.ikrs jil.H r hr fori• noon \ntii rs ol o\ rnts u ith ,i tin notion or ,ulmission t h.irgr will lint hr .Itr.llptril (liinipus f'v rnts .uni thiisr si hriililril nrontsl thr plihlir.itmn il.itr will hr givrn priority t'lw Kmer.ild rrsrnrs thr right to mill notn rs tor griinim.n .mil st\ In This Summer Term, Turn Over A Nkw Leaf. 1 l.i'i' 'uti ilKvkitl mil the m m ktl prnducts al tin- I * > li.«>k\tm a latch ’ \I 'mu rvt|tH'J Mi’ now earn a *xl wkvtXMi of imu'n vhnnl and hIThi pimluilv ( mm ikmiistaii'' in mu ston. mt tin '*-k\lH»n. ami [urn OUT *1 IK" Hill 111 \<*ir MlhxH si 11 )| M N I >11 \ II44. RECYCLED, UNBLEACHED POST CONSUMER WASTE PAPER PRODUCTS AVAILABLE Bond Paper I Notebook paper ■ Lined pads ■ Post-it notes ■ Envelopes ■ Computer Paper 13th & Kincaid 346 4331 M-F 815 515 The i (intents nt the prt> won- nut appropriate tut the earlier time slut U arren said ■ mil In’ lift niinl In move Ill'll to U ednestl.iv at 'I ill p m w it'll I lepnei s .ippruv al \|i i v ! iig Ilif 11' vv as nut prompted !>v i iimpl.imt'. U .it ren said rile shim w. is moled he i.uisi' its i imtenl was suited to ,i Liter time he saul \lsu the st.itiun wanted lu pIntel t view ei s who tuned in (m'IiiviuK I he {hsnei thannel still ( huti lie I 1 1 he s.inl Metriiv isiutl did lint .ittempt !n dll t.ite nr tensor Ill'll S. t lilt tents Warren s.inl ( ntiiinuiii t\ V\ duesli t du The st.itum Inis nn plans in desires In take the show nil tile ■ in W.irren said Ill'll re. eivod i umpl.iints before Mutrovision moved to < 'haunt-1 I I tint they W ere nothing; serums liiftman said t )u lime t llrll ran a skeit h tailed ( liild's l’lav I in w hit l\ a bain, dull bet nine tie tnoiHtallv possessed alter u ale hing / hr "VO ( 'llih an evahKelii t luislian program busted In Put Roltertson I hese type of skits are n In viewers yet a little squeamish. I lepner said every both wherever there's hypo i r is\ In the process they may seem a little absurd \ all t ley e said We parody util selves I llinior IS the key I lepner said We're out to make pen pie luuyli the show isn't sot nil t ommettlurv \onetheless the show re tlei ts so, ietv logman said PlZZfl^l fr 1 hitch ALL YOU CAN EAT' ^*W SPAGHETTI SPECIAL WITH GARLIC BREAD $2.95 Tuesday only 12 p m to 10 p m 2673 Willamette • 484-0996 Next to the Black Foiest Tavern Free Delivery r: U • tMH*. ,-..N vhMDUN tUNMATU ‘.MS I, mU* Al**n |41u4;S #*4 •• %! S OH ‘‘Al f Ml'1 Mr 1 **>*.'* 3 FO* #»l GOOf> %(#* THUH\ AN INTOXICATING ROMANCE. -A SEXY. SOPHISTICATED COMEDY" I 2458 pn ft4’l th 6 / ' '■ i , « >•«.- M.«4 AN A Ml HI M I > AMI Hit A III M AK( III I) I i 'K AM II V| WISl* »M AS A U A< 111 M I'* t HINA III' II AHNII romm> n wiiiiin HIM M l I A t n "i :t "»"tm f STARTS tW . 6.71 N V » ’ ' .*<: NEW IACK 'CITY. k. 1 i * jomn iMjitim an THE FAR SIDE By GARY l ARSON Proving once again that the most dangerous animals in the |ungle are not always the biggest, the arrow poison trogs dance victoriously on Steinberg s face