Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, June 25, 1991, Page 2, Image 2

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Sununu travel story
highlights lazy press
Poor John Sunumi. ami just when h»* thought it
wits safe to jin ba< k tti tilt' limn I In Ament -hi iiit■ 111.i
have 1>w*ii having .1 field • i.»v with the tr.ivt■ i arrange
nn nts ill tlm Hush administration's i hief of stall
I list. Sununu was i aught using unlit.u\ a in tall t < *
Ho un suc h official business as ski trips ami ulhi'i m
Mint.ml matters nl stall' After lining nabbed Ini running
up tuns of
thousands of
dollars worth
ol military
lliuht Him*. In*
still hadn't
loamml his Irs
Niost. ho
Does a trip to New York
in a government car
really merit being the
top story on network
go! ousUMi ii'M U.smg ti gmmumt'in t.n
travel In a rare stamp (.(invention W as that enough to
teal h the wandering Sunuiui a lesson7 Mope Ills latest
Ineai li o| travel etliii s involves solii iting lice tides on
privatelv owned corporate a in raft Smile r;nvs just
( an t catch a break
True, having government oltii lals hilk lav paveis
lot personal joy rules is a bad thing And it is good that
diligent members o! the press have caught and puss,
bis 11lit an end to sm h prat tn es
Hut does John's "guide to free tinsel in the I S
re,ills deserve the national coverage it has been ret eiv
mgv I toes a trip to New 'l ink in a government t ai real
lv merit lie mg the top story on network new si asts If it
does Americans should feel vers good that there an
nul more pressing issues needing i ov erage
More like I v. it is probablv tin- raise that this slorv
was easv to iiud and now that it has a lot id atteutnm
it is even easier to perpetuate Hut where was the pn
when S is I directors mi hiding (,eorge Hush’s son
were bilking tax payers lor billions of dollais When
was the press w hen 1)1 ivci North and all the ( olonel s
men" were covering the it Iran ( mitra trai hs '
And most ohviouslv . w here vv as the press these d
lcged watchdogs on government when \mericans
were lighting in the Persian t.ult7 ( I’o this dale then
have been no independent tallies of Iraip c asualties In
,mv mainstream t t.S press organizations )
Alter a little si rutinv the entire Summit travel epi
smle leallv does point out an injusti( e to the \inern an
people Hut it is not Suminu's vacations that should
vvoirv Americans Citizens should he more worried
about a press < nrps that seems to ignore tin- stories that
realh matter like those mentioned above, and instead
lot uses on the easv to cover stones like Suminu's (rips
whic h m the long run are about as signitu ant as the
color o( wallpapei Barbara (ticks out loi the White
I louse bathroom
( hi I hills
Thf. Oregon Daily t rner»m • *
'HkJI yi'A» .liuj 1 u<‘Sdety anti T huf
! Publishing Co Inc at me Unit
•• j ft W.* ’ . • i .!■’:! •
Thr Em»"I , "vaH* •
•..lav during the summer t>
eisity o» Oregon f ugorw
rnj#niiy . ' me University
f:dilor m Chief
iwanaymy tcjuui
t dtlonal t d»to» >' M . i
Graphics Editor " E'.« i,
A»»oo«1« i ditors
r*r n r uihh
Spoils t dllOf **' >
Nigh! t dilor
student uovemment Activities
Htgbei Education;Administration
Advertising M ■ i, Kt r i • .1 * ’•
f'i *• Cathy RoylQ { >,n Si ? ,»?a itt U*iii Su'Mtt, Sti.r •• V.*«*
Cl.*v*it*ed ■ . V..
Business h.i” , * t u ■ i i » .
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GrniM.il M t'ugc;
Nrwr»room Buimni Off'C*
346 ;,511
346 4 361
Production M.mager V
Display Advertising
Classified Advertising
34b 3712
346 4343
r$ temwp m,
TUtNO m o©B.
' WR
Insulting ad
I find i In* advertisement
against rar ial discrimination
and other forms of discrimma
lion to lie highly insulting The
portrayal of the skinheads as
being Nazis and the only ones
who are Ingots is wrong and
false There are Nazi skins
I here are hnmophohit and lug
iiled punks
However this ad is highly
misleading It appears to the
reader as though all punks are
Nazis or all skills are Tills Is
not true The skinhead move
me lit started out as the unity of
the working ( lass regardless of
rar e The punk movement start
ed out. and mostly is against
d isr riniunit loll Most punks are
against .mil fight Nazis and lug
oted people and attitudes This
ad like all ads is blatant ilia
nipnlutiun of peoples impres
sums of "abnormal" people
Perhaps you should for us
more upon the blatant rlisr rime
nation present in housing situa
tions at the I'niversity, hiring
practices by the military and
large corporations, and the < or
porate world of rar ism and
I! is time th.it tin' focus upon
rat ists mint'd front .1 fins sin,ill
groups to the overall ri'iilitv of
tin' big b.id world Ilii' most
dangerous Ingots an* those in
]io\M'i who manipulate ,1 lid
1 ontrnl tin- niarketplat f and liv
to rontnil our lives Not .1 less
random skins or (iiinks who an*
stupid I his was |usl another
attempt to toi us peoples alien
lion .nun from Ifit* n-al issm-s
lhal of w Inti- male-dominat
ml soi n*t\ uihrt'd with
helernsevist 1 lassisl and rai 1st
(ireg /obel
Monks welcome
Regarding Mars I 1.01 kr
Klein's letter [ODE. M,u .< 1)
There is ,i verv rational answer
for vour question. U in don't I
room with Tibetan monks
et( 1 live in a house with five
(Christian roommates We all
have a common dire* tion. so
y\ e work as w hat you might call
a team Living ( lose together
helps us to e\ei ute our goal ill
a more i oik ise fashion Would
you allow us this privilege?
Now .is tar as monks are
i one etned if there are any
( hristian monks out there
three of im roommates are get
ting married and there are
some openings, so please apply
now 1 Monk status will definite
1\ improve vour i ham es oi be
ing accepted for housing
Oh. and In the v\a\ nice
quiz in the Emerald, too I'm
afraid I didn t score too high
There yyas a tune when being
radical had connotations of go
mg against the flow Sorry to
break it to you folks but when
everybody is living a sell de
strui five lifestyle it makes you
a conformist if you do it too!
I)mvu with the institution of
these selfish ways that breed
soul pollution, yye need in tern
al revolution
Sincerely on the case and in
the fa* e of ey eiy ‘‘open i fused
minded Literal
hub \\ eigel
I alt tech
Open for debate
1 here is much we tii) nut yet
know about AIDS Although it
is generally believed that \!l)S
is brought on t>\ a virus hu
man immuiuxiefi( lent \ virus
111 ll\ i I A t* it*( ently learned ot
.» provtM ative alternative hy
pothesis widt h. t uriouslv
seems to have ret eived hardly
.nn ( overage in the media
Thanks to a < ouple o( re< i'll!
public television programs pre
sented on "Tony Brown's Jour
nal" |Saturda\ May I 1 and
Saturday. May 1H). tins radical
Iv dillerent thesis has begun to
receive the attention it should
be at i orded in a demur rat it so
t iet\ i oinmitted to open debate
and the t areful si rutiny of eon
tin ling interpretations in the
seart b for the truth
l)i Betel Duesberg an emi
nent molecular biologist based
at Berkeley (laid contends
that the virus which has been
alleged to cause AIDS behaves
unlike an\ other viruses known
to cause infectious conditions
in humans I or example, other
viruses don't have a "gestation
period” of up to 1(1 years before
limit noxious effer ts surfai e
As a result of their indepen
dent research in recent years,
both Duesberg and the I rent h
scientist who discovered HIV
have now come to regard it as a
relatively "benign" virus
until it interat ts-with another
noxious agent within the body
Duesberg believes that this
otfier deadly pret ipitant (whit h
has the power to neutralize the
body's disease lighting tie
tenses) is produced in A inert
can victims b\ psychoactive
drugs like tot aine and certain
aphrodisiac type stimulants
know n to be used by some male
Ihe Duesberg hypothesis
seems plausible It deserves a
tau puhlit airing
Kon Kousseve
Professor ot (aiunseling
I’m i hulogv
1 ITTKKS 1*01 .ICY
! lit' Ort'uoit IKiil\ InU't.thl will attempl to print all
letleis « unlamni); i oniments on topir *• of interest In I lit*
I imrrsih ( nmimmiU I In- / mn.ihi reserves tlitr rifiht
In edit am letlei lor length oi stile
M. TtttPitf E.R
TLi- -