Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS Summer Publication Schedule 6 18 20. 25 27 7 2 9. 1 1. 16. 18. 23. 25 30 _8 16 8 19_ To Place. Cancel or Correct your ad call: 346-4343 OOt POLICY CLASSIFIED ADS CAN BE PLACED AT ODE OFFICE 300 EMU UO BOOKSTORE |EMU MAIN DESK | PAYMENT S4<> OP t > 'r . f ni. f.i fi OM' ■■ t(« EMU REFUNDS 1 COPY ACCEPTANCE I ODE f.'s.uvt •, !h« 'ighl i. . ioo CONNECTIONS LEAVING FOR SUMMER? COUpto hOua# %A >r, >ynm A'tM ai no charg# kx Augu*t > ■! CatioolKai 610 X'4 105 PERSONALS Pragnant? D®c»cx* to BIRTHRIGHT M/ to&i M«rw»#d Pa/*ri#iood 'ey Pap »rvm*!% ri taction cN*>* tartti control A oo»;n«*!ing Day* 4 arv#r-rvga 344 1 * 110 LOST & FOUNO Womm • mkh loonri A'8 on l>n*ara#ty Si ’>•*? Mac Court Mantrfy It) c (Aim 4*4 2623. us TYPING SERVICES Printed text to computer files fs C A NN E R Sj 7474589 si}Oho"U* 6ut *3 Maggy • Typing Safvtc* I I(YWYKMX tx1 !>;>»! OttmrsQ on iBM EOTT|>ut«»/ »y»t®m and uv «>’ pinto* Raaaonabi* ratna Call Peggy at 342 4*oa TYPING UNLIMITED Barbara larxl l aae* Prlnlw 4flS 3343 ‘ ormarty locatad B<,«x T haaira Bldg I iITYiI*U*I La friUS ii 1 - I 4 r i imu * I ill!:' i K ( A«Ot > * 1.1ZA1U ns TYPING SERVICES A/ >44-0740. ROBIN CHAD SCHOOL APf*«OVtO r»a' '** tw** „ k.-xj **» >nJ jyu> out' "**». •**» f ,3 ' .*<* jy OH CAMFU5’ DIAL-A-TYPIST Mil 77/7 F l VINO Ft*GI MS ». 5 Ml autural# tvo4w*KCK\A* J1 i*> AA4 41014 * fi> v-3 * 344-4510 Ql A LIT Y WORD PROCt MSlNC. t „*.« 1-Wk .*»«*.» B :«JLV . Ap-. k* »/ t t\4 IIM £ I X»’V« ' «•'VW J m»s | 13th _ 1?5 INSTRUCTION fcfcxHwn Dane* CtoMM Uy Va' • ''■'V'mrtHr- SU1» 6.74 AM AvXl IB** A A^»fe H«y U .* y I> H . * 11 30 1 Atfv M W > •> JC ■ ( A 4IU WVI REGISTER NOW! Summer Workshops star soon. Slop by the EML Craft Center, ground Hooi of the EMU or cal 346-4361. Tie Dye $5 Workshop. Thursday, June 27, 6-9 p.m. Bring up to 3 prewashed cot ton Items 4 have some fun. Space Is limited so register now EMU Craft Center, 346-4361. BICYCLES t?5 INSTfiUCTICN ?h*r* • soil room kn *w«Mr CRAFT CENTER WORKSHOPS «r g V.4’®' ofcr Art" ,*► /»•**« rig '• ng A ’ y»rg arxl mom I CP "TCP9 r-.?0 < .sf 34& 4> .' O ttop fry t** EMU Cralt Center lavajo Woaving sciKi'M ah>' g *>r" '<>inr»ng A Oy»*ng. Tst**ioom Ykr»s.tng A Jistofc nr»W^B «•« r«*n--g c4t«P*rt !Fr» A..r’r*W»' Tfr*y UAH ioon to rtgsiP t."* 4- ►»« t MU Croft C*n%sf. MMMI no FOR SALE f uton, q% J* !*>*> 1 o*r~ 31 ' if, V16 Vmvum cfcM’w M^,K,y M « U* • *t* typo U*> fM* MOQ 145 CARS 1®7t TOYOTA CIUCA. « ;urrw ■'•■■» y**4' »'®'oo »/xa* ir®* 1.000 444 1**> iss BICYCLES kfc.untsin (Ulus IS DwnorxJ fUcfc '9\tC *'4'’W «S :***• * ’ M»0 >*2 43S& USC0 RlKtS FOfi A GHI AT DI AL CALL 4SSA24S 175 INSTRUNt NTS JoTin Sftarkry • tup** turrwrww ip»c tsk lor guit*r. k»ytx>srd. (miss ksssons Uv up lo 1*0 >44 44W 14?, S3 1 2 195 OUTDOOR RECREATION Raft Initiator’s Clinic «%*•••■ to r •..»!• 'A^rg V|* wt* i >j-tckXK fVgram Mon Juris *’41* A’ ■ * l T\ . Room ?3 { M Uh 4 :«>*> BICYCLES >l EUGENE BICYCLES 8th «!v Monroe, at Blair 344-2175 TOTAL CLOSE-OUT 20% - 50% OFF ©vb ALL PARTS 0vO Super Deals on Fuji Bikes 200 TRAVEL Nt W !\ At AND A AUSTRALIA Outdoor A cion Sr«J# Stow Bicycling. Trektong Rafting. Ftc Ttof*. Juna 27 • 7RM 4*>4 7438 Tr»*ritng Soon? Apply for • cradkf twd My anyw*»ara In tfw USA for tl&OWaa CaJt TOOAV*' 4fl«> MOD 2 frxjrwltfip Mfli I «gana ' >*1 * . «•»■ ■1 I'l.WMt Of . fwrv» 6.V6 •«** [r*» S.’OC •*-« U4 'V9 ?to RIOES J RIDERS from Corvallis to KoQ+''+ carpoo ,T»n !»r« w*n««*rt wasMtyi t iponao*. dnvmg tbarod 7S3 49’ 7 av«t f 'an*m 215 OPPORTUNITIES CASH FOH YOUR USED LEVIS 501 UP TO $8 JEAN JACKETS UP TO $10 ANTIQUE CLOTHES S NEG Old it ot but not hoiavpaml Hou't 3tiPM 942 f i«1b Ridgewood Apt* *t4ibatament A J44b82tt THE ASUO WANTS YOU GET INVOLVED! (2) ASUO IWprtfrrtiBvm to tha OOt Board of Dtraclora Coma try and pa k up pb daaaphont and **>*< aiont in th# ASUO. Sort# 4 I MU Uaadbna to* a(pfC4don« a June .*6 ’vtQ’ iOD pm Tha ASUO a mn AA1 G€ Woman |«<# of co*or gayt HM4>art« And txaaiuaJt ttudwn* wt* •-tab' -ot a*a a» ancoo*aQad to apply SUMMER JOBS! Full-time, Shift Work All Hours. Current Openings In: Production, Assembly, Manufacturing, Packaging, Millwork, Miscellaneous Labor * DON’T DELAY A Apply Today at... Temp Source . ■■■—•■ V 1600 Oak S»**1 THE ASUO WANTS YOU GET INVOLVED! Lt; IK Urmbrr Poartion Available (1) ywar atm o''ta by and pe t up pb d«**arf>'*>na > ' a;t 'to A: K) Svrta 4 t U . wu,!: 1 ki tty .i** a ... ’«» .*» ’SW' 600 p "i ?to ASUO it a A At 01 ♦*. vv paoma of coto* gayt a-Kl L*a«» ..i» *!.>d«f !t, w«' ^ 0 ■•-‘«f». .i'«» «• *»■ | 215 OPPORTUNITIES SUMMER IS COMING' II you are looking for work, we have many job opportunities Come see us 1st! 8:30-4.00 Mon. Frl Please bring I D. STAFF MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATES 711 COUNTRY CLUB ROAD E*m IX Th*. s ummar l angoaga CorTp'»h**n *«.y' . ab wit kavs 6 that you can parte | wit« n for money VV« pay |* 1 MHttKXi of this tfi'we pad iijukiitwi! w« tM» an txx/» tong *rx3 tx» Mtparatad by a WMk T S« oth#i eipwnmwnis r>voV« rMdfvg short tints E ach wu last an Pouf You can partopat* n ail o< tfx» or just a '«* - you *'« '«*' Mi«d your ncm* and phorx* num tsar at 346-4009 Naivtt E ngi»h only W« wil cal you at lex tumrrw twrr bagtns Tha Amazing Micro D*»t Maks rr>onay or loss weight C•• Vonds St 1 *00 4 73 40*9 220 HELP WANTED The Oregon Daily Emerald «MK)& WIIHI snd photogrsphers for * a ii,mrrn* iuj« Cal1 Pal MaUth at 346 6*) U o» v»nt lb# Oregon C)ai»y E m o’akl office. I M'J room 100 Working for •rw t rrw»aid t* a groat way to gwt e*p«» w2 8000 l *t K 9642 AMAZ1MQ M M avail Am 1 ImriMHAal* A Sumnwr Positions Availsbt* '*•« of O Twiefund n«*iOs you E a" S6bou» w m aoMu-ng fko*-f>*a day and w.t* ' g **Oortk Car 34b 34 33 or step by I 'ankf fOvd today_ EARLY RISER? THIS IS YOUR JOB! L>ail y I merskl morning cMivsty person rwedrd ASAP for TUE A TMUR (June tA Aug 19) distribution lasting appro* 1 2 hours You must tvs»• your own transportation. proof of insurance and slarm clock Mam. stset or an ssrly morning test can t keep your from tfvs routs tf»st bog ins about 7 00 am 9m p^mx rnuat gst out. So, if you would lik# to have a r >*’ (fist is Arustved wiate everyone rise is a*s( grtQrtg started, coms up ! to the finer akj end eppiy today, no phons rails pi«sa« Room 3U0 Erb UrriKMial UfMOTT Pay surta at M 7S per hour puts naiesgs rtsmtxxac 220 HELP WANTED People needed lo perfectpste tn 2 ! fonMKutw >f ■ w ' •» | laoion sponsored by Pol bo* .. »i ' Pay wit! wary ! ■".♦nerving or Os*. **>n» you and 0*-«r* j ..•i. !»,ww $• and $40 Tjm* ! i About 2 hour* c*t U6 506 V 10 a m to | [ 5 p make -\r appOr'^mpr-i__ _ j Reliable p«fion ■'«*** Jed ,*0- h^s w* -i'« d W 'to oW *w ' b 'A ' V ‘ '♦••»,Sity a*.w» 0 .1 (805) 562 6 729 until 6. ?' Of *» '; 'Ul ?1?5 Ah»f 626 Tobacco Chew* re Wanted F of Research Study CaC Student Pteatth Center 346 4456 Wanted babysitter, occasional. tof my 2 year oki daughtm* References required Cali 683 8323 $100 DAY PROCESSING PHONE order* at borne People cal you to order Into. 1-800--736 6197 ait 1758 230 HOUSES FOR RENT SOUTH WILLAMETTE! Very spacious 3 bedroom. 1 bath bouse n great central to cation Huge master bedroom, fully appitanced yard care prowled 29S4 Wd tamefte $5 76 Jennings ♦ Co 6834219 NLAR CAMPUS, large three bedroom house $500 343 9011 U OF O 2040 i meraid. studw cottage tor t $.385 Sorry no pets Shown by appt SPYGl ASS ASSOCIATES 666 M 30 4 blocks hom campus 2 bdrm house tor rent take over tease unit! Aug 30th of e* tend through school year $4 SO mo plus $’75 dep (negotiable! Msg Debra Frye 689 6685 4 BLOCKS F ROM CAMPUS 4 bedroom. 1 bath. WAS her.'dryer. garage available ate Juris $95Ckmo tor summer 485 2007 day 464 0708 eves 235 APTSDUPLEXES AFFORDABLE QUALITY AT PARKWAY 166 Pioneer Prky West 1 bdrm. t ba. in smalt quetf clean complei No (**t* or section 8 Call Troy at 726 52 76 METCO INVESTMENT REALTY INC. 315 E. 13th 683-8093 * ALDERWOOO MANOR 4 (Just 1 t>to«A to campus) i860 ’884 Ader COVI Rf D PARK N(., ONS’t AUNORY S. MMi H RAT S Studs* $265 • bedrooms $2HV$ 1 ‘ i’ tBedroom* $ i'>i Ca Don at 344 5696 ^ermings • Co_663 4?19 SUMMER SCHOOL RENTAL i f>tk U o> 0 Turn . b*g kitchen, tot* ot ttoeet space Sundeck. hew parking, iaun dry q «n people on y 683 89’9 Oregon West FITNESS 3-Month Membership ...$99.00 2 months.$69.00 1 month.$39.00 No initiation fee full use of facilities Unlimited Aerobics Weights Exercise Bicycles Located flv 'unmny and Bike Tta< s BEST HOURS • BEST PRICES 6am 11pm 7 Days a Week 485 1624 147S Franklin Blvd Across from Campus Quality Auto Repair ASIAN "1 Bosch Authorized Service • Gasoline Fuel Injection • Anti Lock Brake Systems • Diesel Fuel Injection • Electrical Systems • Hybrid Ignition • Electronic Systems • Accessories Tune-ups • Brakes European Auto has changed its name to Euro-Asian Automotive We have always serviced European AND Japanese vehicles Now you know' 1917 Franklin Blvd. Eugene 48S-8226 V .. SIMM! R KIM BOARD CLASSES Begins June 25th h Week Session) LIMITED ENROI LMENT Beginning & Advanced Levels • ( hiKirt'ii • I ecus • Adults $79 $89 Children/Teens Adults Kf-.YBOARD ASSOCIATES Y43-1478 Shutterbug t 4 The i Next I