UNIVERSITY Eyster to succeed Ramey as housing director I hr 1 niversttv has named Michael Kvster as dirr< lor of ! mversiiv Housing In leplai e Marion Kamev who retires June to l.ysti'r i'' ( IimI In Ih'sJIH work fiilv H III h,)il th(> I’DlhuMilsI II I'M iIiiim iih ui h! tli>' wan h i otii mitli'f .ind «l Iht; nllu-t t,i( ulU si.iff 'ini students In- mi-! dunm: his (.ini[)us \ is 1! s.mi I)«n \\ Minins i u c president 11»r .it}n illustration More 111.Ill HU people applied tof (hr post during .1 1 scsuh I ystiu has (x‘t*n dim housing and msidem <• Indnin.i t ’diversity of I’ Mtinri.ii 1 toi ol life .it i-nns\ 1 BOOK SIGNING JOIN I S ATTHK ISO BOOKSTORK FOR AN AUTOGRAPH PARTY WITH J.A. JANCE At THOR OT PA YMENT IN KIND A I I*. BTATMON I MYS'IT RV Monday, June 24 12:30-1:30 p.m. IN (il NI KAI. IHM)K I IKIN'., Second Hr. c kJjinec the publication of the first I I’ Beaumont mwerx m IONS, author .1 \ Jance aikt her erittv detective "Beau" tune become favorites among mvsterx huffs not onl\ in the look\ Scuttle itxalc. hut coast to coast I'm mint in Kind the ninth installment of the adventures of Detective .1 P Beau inont, f inds him unnieised in vs hat seems to lx' a c lassic crime of discovers a secret hotiei th.ui extra marital sex and more lethal tha 13th & Kincaid 346-4331 M-F 8:15 5:15 Viim.i tor !rn' past live years There he yyas responsible for housing Im I WH) students' and meal service for 7.700 on three ( ainpuses managing a com bined annual budget nl SI ! a million At the I diversity his duties will include overseeing a sys tem ot se\en residence hall i mnpleves with housing"' and servile facilities for t ig - sin gle students, and three housing proiei Is for "titi student laini lies rhe current; I mversitv Housing budget is more than Sit) t> million, which is funded through its rental and hoard charges I rum 108 ! to lflBti. Kvster was assoi late housing director at the (diversity of Delaware burlier. he served in housing administration at the I Iniversi tv of (ihicago. (drnell I diversi ty and the I'mversitv of Nebras ka at I.incoln i v stet i urrenllv i hairs the Professional .Standards (dm intttee of tile Assoi iatioil ul ( ollege and I diversity I Ions ing Officers International ami was appointed by tiiat proles stonal group to the board ot ill rectors lit the ( tor the Advani einent ot Standards for Student Services Development Programs He holds a master's degree in educational psychology and measurements and a bat helm s degree in history and educe lion ImiIIi from the (diversity ot Nebraska him olu (Aster's annual salary tor the I. month post \\ ill be S >•) >00 Ramey yy ho became housing direi tor in 1 ‘IM-t began bet l diversity i areer in PltiJ as di rei lor ot edui alum programs for the housing office She di ns ted the i lainilton Hall i mil plev trom 1’l(if)-7li and housing conference director trom PI77 8-4 Coach takes job in Austria (ieurge l.ibbon an as sisi,1 til haskethal 1 i o.k h tor tIn1 (tregon men s tea in. resigned 1'uesdas to til' t111' 111',111 i o,u h ot .1 Luropean iiriili' ti',1 in l.ibbon who won Don Moiimhi s staff toi f i s f \ imo w i I1 n o w coach ^1*1. o professional (..lull Ira 111 Hi \ n-n n i Austria Mike I’l'trrsoli i voliiri ten assistant, toi Munson, iluring tin' past two sea sons. will rt'plai r 1 ililiim DEANS Continued from Page 1 Shapiro holds a master s anil a doctoral degree ill inusu trom Harvard, a bai helms degree m Italian and Herman languages and literature from the i diivci sits ot (ailorado. and a pertor ni a ni r (,i‘ rt it mat a I ro m the Mo/arti'Ulii Akademie in Sal/ burg. Ntisfna I- inrow a l 'msersity |inilcs sor toi morn than ltd years svill succeed Wilmnt (iillanil ss ho will return to teaching and le scart hillg alter 1U s ears as A \ A dean I iiiross s recent research has locnsed on innnvative housing ,i n d energy e f 11 c l e ill s i n homes He has seis ed rei entls as a consultant to the lirtns de signing the remodeling ol the Knight l.ihrarv and Lasvrenie Hall He holds a master's degree in architecture from (tie Universi ty ot (ialifornia in Berkeley and a bai helm s degree from the Umversitv of Washington He has tmen licensed as an ari In lei tint iregon sim e HIT 1 A RECYCLE THIS PAPER. ► MEDIATION Continued from Page 1 \**r or the I imersiK s ombutis offii or Tile oftii i'! I.mct W rut worth deals with maintaining equal opportunity t>i» lo resolve most of its rases, i .ill's!>n said "Srn less is when ilie .parties < ome lii an abet ment or i on i inalum and everyone gels u hat they u anl 'tie said Mtlimlgh no slai is) k , are availalile yei lor This yeat the s iu i ess r a I e I 11 i y • i r s ioilrt MOO u,js all in is | HO pci i i• til (.bison said This vear has seen in in i lease lri eases as wei i as lit .positive results (ub.snn said stle ladle', IS I tie ill. 1 east IS due In ‘ more available liitonnalion about the . enter and> limn Ii lends ' I (ton I have nuii ti piiivit I nbsnu said t in ivist line to help jieuple ami In ke. p lhnn;s from getting out rif hand V. Six interns who observe and paitii lpale in Hied:al loll aid ( oils, m at ttie i entet t’ainela Mitoivarv a. graduate student in mediation and counseling, has been working at the i enter tor six nionttis Mi (li I vary \\ orked oil tour I ases u itti ( oil son tins trim in addition to m rrrning i asrs I think tin- Mrdiation ( on ll-r is .1 plfii r whrlr proplr I .in Irani ’i) work out then own . oniln Is Mi (. 1K ,ir\ s.iiil It is ,1 good starting pi .it r lot framing It.isu i ittnimmii ahum skills tin- II I votrd to .1 Hut atr funds to tin- mi'll).it ion program that will allow tin* a rntrr loop oratf; during suttimi'i months ms 11 mi I of inilv hi'ittg open dor ins til** iHirnuii I I'C? I € l ll \oui dollars h\ usinn < mi pons t mm Ili«' ()mi>on l)«iil\ I inrr.ihl . Engine Service 1000 S Bertetaen Rd *8 tugene OR 9740? 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Who are we: Sporting an easy to use interface, the Apple Macintosh line has become the favonle of many students Whether you are writing a paper or design ing a building, the Macintosh line can help you complete your project tn style 0 The 1HM PS/2 line is easier to use than ever IBM has pai Waged Windows ( and other software w ith its tom pulers, so ill you have to do is plug it in and go' The IBM PS/2 line is the best of the IX)S computers at great educational discount prices Microsoft is one of the leading software companies in the world, and for good reasons Macintosh products like Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel are hard to beat, and Microsoft's new Window s 3, Word and Excel VO for Windows arc revolutionizing the DOS software industry CLARIS Claris offers easy ui use software like Mat Write 11 ami M*. Paint 2.0, earning itself a solid reputation And with software like FileMaker Pro, Claris CAD and Mat Draw Pro, Claris lias made a niche for itself. Say Ashton Talc and people will think of l)ic series of database software They continue to oflcr strong softw are packages like dBase 111+ and dBase 1V . as well as innovative Macintosh software like FullW'nle Professional and Full Impact ashton -Tate and that’s not all! Wc also Larry [*)[>uiar software packages like Aldus PageMaker and Lotus 1 2 3. Since wc are always working to offer more software at low cdut a tional discount prices, stop by or call to find out what else we have h' ..; task, and a good computer can help you do that job. That’s why we're here. We carry computers and software at educa tional discount prices so they match everyone’s pocket hook. But what good is a computer if you can’t use it'.’ That's why “support" is part of our name. Our staff is here to support the computers and software we carry. It you am* stumped by Windows or stymied by Microsoft Word, we can help. Want a computer but don’t know where to start? We’ll help you make a choice that will tit your needs. Have a question? Come on in to 202 ComputingCenter(across from Rennie’s Landing), or give us a call at 346-4402. We’re open Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p in. We display what we sell so you can try before you buy. A: The Microcomputer Support Lab • 202 Computing Center