Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, June 20, 1991, Page 3, Image 3

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    Shuttle launches destroy ozone
V\ hen intense sunlight hits tin
high atmosphere oxygen mole
i uli*s .in- hn ken into tun o\v
gen .itoms These atoms teas
semhle into <m ozone molts ule
l lii- mold uli- s strui tun- giv es
it tin- abilit\ to absorb a i i-rtaui
kind ot ultraviuh't light
(l\ B) which causes sunburn
and -.km i am er The ali.sorp
I ion ot t A light also creates
heat, w hii h is deposited in the
stratosphere making it mm li
warmer than lower layers and
as a result. quite stable This
means that our protection 1mm
t A light is also stable
Certain chemical catalysts
(like chlorine) real t with qzone
and i liange it bar k into an oxv
gen molecule bach day. ozone
is i realed during the daylight
hours In rear ting w itli sunlight
and is destroyed by naturally
o( i urring chemicals in the
stratosphere As with every
thing m nature a balam e is
< ataly sts sue h as t hlorme are
everywhere in today A industry
These atoms (generally in a
molec ule ol some kind! escape
into the stratosphere and upset
the balance ol ozone c reation
and reduction that occ urs natu
rally The result-’ Ozone is de
pleted at a nun h taster rate
than i an he replaced and the
Tarth loses protection Irom ul
tray inlet light
The exhaust gases given oft
by the space shuttle are HI) ‘I
percent hydrogen chloride
1 ,« h time the shuttle in
l.mmhc'i 1H“ lulls ol these
ii/imr f.ilhii. hydrogen chloride
molecules .ire released A sin
dr shuttle flight, i .in di -.tins up
Id 1(1 million tons of OZOlir
i hrorrtii .ills . if u >■ were to
l.linn h thr shuttle (Oil times in
.i row wr would i omplrteh
lirstrm the D/Olir Li\ rI
file mils rnvironmrnt.il on
par I st.itrmrnt i omlui trd on
till* sp.ii i• shuttle u .is dour in
1*1 It tali" |’l llrllt irlI ill!
verse environment,d rlfri ts .IS
soi lated with hydrogen i Ido
ride 111 the sji.il e shuttle e\
hiiiist i loud ought he retim ed
In (lie use of .1 svstem foi lieu
tr.di/.ition Bet ,iusr ot (the)
cost urn eil.itnls 111 en\ iron
nienl.il 1 onsetjiient es ot lieu
tr.di/.ition, .uitl the t.n t lh.it the
ground t loud 1 .111 he 1 otilrolled
in 111eteorologi1.il londitions
tin' 1 111 rent plan is not ti 1 ever
use the option ot neutrali/.i
t ion
In the late lu.’Os scientists
had ha re I \ begun taking nutne
of what was happening in the
stratosphere \o one knew that
halogens sin h as i hlorine and
bromine (both widely used in
industry) were responsible toi
o/one laser depletion ho wr
continued and expanded our
use of i hlorofluoroi arboiis and
we repeatedly launt bed the
spai e shuttle
Now. research shows that
"w ith eat h launt h 2r> pen ent
ol the ozone laser is destroyed
I he spai e shuttle has lal
ready) destroyed H> percent ot
the ozone layer '’ (See refer
eru es I This is as null h damage
.is one t I t i emitting factory
causes m one year We have
h<fi> legulating industry »t
havt! intri>du< <• >f repiat emenis
ill! < !< xpfaV >.|!V' We have
not been paving am attention
In tile (apt lh.it m under HI
Stars lln‘ spat e shuttle lias
played a m.iior role m o/one
layer depletion ll would serin
tli.it m nun e. the government
and the media l_i.ur turned
I la-re is a simple solution to
tills aspei t ot the o/i me I.imi
depletion problem Slop
launi hint; the spat e shuttle mi
til evtensive researi h 1 an he
done oil the em 1rotVfl1ellt.il el
Irt.ts (it a neutiali/ation svstem
Do not l.niin h the shuttle until
a iv.u is Ion lit I to eliminate the
etlei ts ot its IK 1: exhaust
■ loud
I hate illustrated and e\
plained one aspei I ol a ma|oi
problem and given a shot king
Iv simple solution How do we
make this solution happen-’
start with ( ougress start pm
testing NASA start doing all
those tilings that this lampus is
good at doing mill tills time
we have a problem everyone
ran lie ( out erned w ith and a
solution that everyone ran be
c lear on
\lv sonrt es iiu hide I'tirtli /s
l.uul lourn.il (tiai Smith tall
l*»*»«); /Vie s.i/i I r.mi isi o
I'hranU Ir (David A Sylvester
Aug d I Item) l hr Sonoma
St.Or I ni\ rrsit\ Slur (Mindi I r
vine Mav K, I'lMti). /Vie ( Viang
mg Mntiisphrrr {|nhn I iroi
lfl'101. I In- I nvuroiimeiit.il Im
pat t Statement tor the Spat e
Shuttle (|ulv IM" pages
l it. !4H|
/■rin Shaft’i is a pie engineer
mg studimt .it thr l im rrsit\
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