Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, June 20, 1991, Page 2, Image 2

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Still too early to lift
apartheid sanctions
When South Africa's apartheid government re
pealed the country's segregation laws, it stirred debate
in W ashington over whether l S sanc tions against the
country should be discontinued
The l‘>8ti sanctions law essentially ended all com
merce between the United States and South Africa, ev
cept for the purchase of certain metals considered im
portant for national defense According to the law. the
sanctions are to remain in effect until Nelson Mandela
arid a 11 other political prisoners are freed and the segre
gation laws are repealed.
The laws
are off the
books. Mandela
is free and other
politic <il prison
ers still in jail
are soon to be
released llnvv
ever, while all
ol (his looks
good on paper,
the reality of
segregation in
South Afrii a
Still exists I.If 1
The repeal of the
Population Registration
Act classifying people
according to race
applies only to
newborns, and not
those already legally
classified as black,
white and “colored.”
mg i‘« imiimii sanctions now would be .1 grave mistake
Obviously the sanctions won* the impetus lot South
Africa's move tow,ml joining the _’()th century and
ihev ( an still plav .111 important par! in making sum the
( hanges in the country are not simply r.osmetic It
would be a shame for the Hush administration to aban
don the light loi equalitv in South Africa attei having
i nine this fai
loi an example of ( hanges that still need to be
made m the countrv one needn't look l.u The repeal
of the Population Registration Act classifying people*
according to race applies only to newborns and not
those already legally classified as black, white and
"colored'’ (individuals of mixed-race ancestry) By re
pealing the ac I in sm h an obviously lac king fashion,
the government has made it clear that it is doing only
what it thinks is nec essary to have the sanc tions with
drawn Thev are not ai ting out of am sense of human
rights or justii e 1 !ntil the government makes c hanges
m the nami> of justice and human rights, rulhet than
economic nec essitv. the pressure from this country and
others must continue
f title* in f'hiwf
Managing r aiioi
t dtlon.il E dltOI •
Giaphic& Fditoi
N****'. I OitOf
Sport» t ditoi
Night f difof
Associate t ditoi s
Student Government Activities i
Higher Education Administration
Advertising M f .1, M.i .1 : • .« M t ' , : V. * ' •• •
H ■ * t •> S. h«»r A»itt Surratt Sft.i' ' ".r'>
Classified M . M.<
Business haft , * .i-t • •••« . .1 . ’ 1, ,
Production 1 ' . A,1. • • •
NfAMOom Bustn#«t Otlic# 346 ‘>511
1*»oduction 346 4361
Production Manager M
Display Advertising 346 371.’
Classified Advertising 346 4343
T-^H\RT pwces
Job description
i would lif thf lirsi to point
out with more than a 11 It It- nas
Is glee that thf I rurr.ild is tic
tpiflitis guilty of sloppy tour
ii.ilisni sontflilTKts the things
lilt* paper perpetrates in print
do not merit thf l.ihfl of jour
nalism at all
On the other hand you owe
no apologies lot no! doing
something sou never intended
to do and thf i onipl.lining
members of tin* Women s t fil
let an- ssas out ol line in dc
matiding uthersvise 1 he profile
ol the pseudonymous Mggles
dam et Samantha \UI)i' Mas
till ssas well-done interesting
and made no attempt to glut!
fy het or her part tune vma
tion It erred mils in i ontradu t
mg a number ol polite alls i or
lei I lint in a axionally rnttdlet
tualls dubious generalizations
about women.
'loll need make no excuses
for not furthering the agendas
of tot lets ol anyone else \
newspaper's joli is to report
Whether the issue at hand is
dirts business in the li t ,"s dirty
laundry or a fluff pine about a
topless dancer sour sole oh
ligatton is to the truth
Mu hael 1 Stamm
( (imposition and
(.rMilitate Sei retars
Reality check
I hr statrmrnf i otK rrning thr
II ( rulrs in youx articlr is not
«orrr< !
Ai» of ding to I i ( rulrs »»t
prut f‘(lurr fivir out «»i Six ot Six
out ol M’U-n voh’s m favor an*
Ht*( rssarv tor thr rrmoval i>t .in
11 ( inrmbrr [OUR jinx* t )
In rr«ilit\. .m ording If) 11 1
Rulrs of Proi rdurr rrvisrd fan
uar\ loon ruir J statrs \
quorum is six to rrtommrnd rr
movai nt an Il f mrmhrr from
offic r Kulr *1 statrs Rrniov
at front nffii t> of an IK member
Ietpiires five VItil's
f lunks fin l*«tlinu nii' t lear
this up for von
lbist ill,i \\ arrcn
No depth
' f ill* ilanrmg life" nrlii If
about Samantha s job at Jiggles
|()l)i Mat f()| slaved just on
!bf surf.ii t* of thr issues of ex
ploilafion of women in out so
i letv I list of all, tin- title sug
gests something more but hi1
ilo not get Samantha's lift- pist
infol mat ion about bet |ob
Though entertiiining and in
formative about one poisons
exponent e getting and per
forming this jofi the article
staved on the superfii ial level
ol her "embarrassment.' and
her desire for self esteem
there was no attempt to dis
i uss or even allude to. tin* tea
suns women have such prob
leins with selt esteem and em
barrassment m et appearani e
Ihougb I can appreciate the
i hallenge and Samantha s tirav
er\ i feel intense pain for all
Women whose bodies are daily
looked at as sexual objet Is lot
all women whit want to look
like models or strippers
u ltd ,i personality
1 in glad the crowd gave her
support when she was new at
it but what does that support
reallv mean to het and even
woman In Kttgeiii"' 1 don't
think it was a personal triumph
to be able to state that her bu\
ll lend w ill prolet t her I think
it is vert ver\ sad and wrong
ll .;! women have to be prolet t
ed bv men. whether hovfnends
lathers or strangers
Sure there are wonderful
men out there who are rovers
mu the tide ol violence against
women hut I would have liked
this tirtk le to include ii Idtie
more about the realities ol be
big female in loot Wh.it are
some other jobs for women that
can develop self-esteem? Win
does that woman need protec
tion'' When will women slop
needing protei turn '
( atherine I busing
t .r.iduate Student
Alive and well
I found vour artic le on a I in
versity student's job at liggle s
Cavern and subsequtmt reaction
to it interesting and enlighten
ing I have always had a prob
Into understanding the point ol
view ol those who would call a
woman darning without a top
"pornographic '' therein plac
ing this act in the same catego
ry w ill) v intent or glorifying de
pillions ol rape limed incest
and other images found in
some hard core pornographic
It topless dam mg is porno
graphic and thus bad
where (and on what basis) is
the line between social accept
ability and six nil deviance to
he dl.iwji ’ is looking at a worn
ail's or man's (rods in a desir
otis sexual wav "objectifying
them and therefore "had ? Is a
woman who is looked at in a
sexual wav necessarily being
stripped of iu-r humanity and
dignity as a human being:'
Also, is it different when a man
dam es naked on a stage
I hope tb.it a dialogue on this
issue is kept alive and ! look
forward to further discussion
im this subject
rhornas (.erhurdt
Arts and l etters
MKRT t'iA.TlOMfvL.