THURSDAY JUNE 20,1991 EUGENE, OREGON VOLUME 93, ISSUE 2 Racing for a record Spnniitit'lil''- <.i,t iu ULiih hrttf puts in ,i workout I’ursiLn ■it ll,i\\\,mi I'itthl. tuniin; lip lot Iritiav’s wltoflchuir milt1 111 tlw 1’rvtontnine (ilassit Blaimhvttv i* rrkm to lnr.ik hi> t>\\u world nu ont of J tt).(H) st‘t at lust \t\11 s rvrnl S(’c slurs Photo li\ |i*l I University hires three new deans lln* l m\ n sit v 1 taint'd women trout t h»» I'linriM IV ot ( '(dorado and Boston ( tdlrgo and ,i I’mvrrsttv ,m llltrt line ptiilrsMH In till its vacant dealt s t thill S Kisa Palm liom l i m Bouldn \rmr Dttu Shu } * * if > hum Hi and l ntvrrsitv Professor |rrrv I inrow w ill till tirin’s « li.urs in tin* (olh>;*• of Aits iml Si 1 eiii «*s the- Si hi>4)1 ot Mush and the Si huol of Alt hi 1*m luir and Mltrd Arts rrspfi ti\i*lv hurnu stmts in his new post \ng 1 .nui Palm will | in tin* Tac nits July I sh.ipiio won t start until |uIs ! un.' uhtMi stir rrplai »*s a» tins* ( \ Mm tm t iniovs .uni Shapiro will earn S lUtiHI annually whih* l*.ilm will make shu »uo Bilim sin i »‘t*»ls arts and -a tent «*s Dean Donald Van l Imiti'U who is returning to chissnxmi and o snan.h puiMiits Balm is i iiri*• n11v assoi lati* v u r i hath etlor tor resrart h and graduate si hoot ih in at (hr l insi*rsit\ »»t ( ohhado ! nun 14IH4 to 1 ‘IH ’ she served .is assm latr vh c i ham rllor tor u adeuth attain. and as st hoots arts ami si icmi «*s assoi iatr di*an tor two \rar» brtoir that Sin* joined the ( Colorado slat! in as i gr ogtaphy .Issoi lair professor Balm tiidds tour degrees trout tin* I ntveisit\ ot Minnesota dot tor.d and master's drgiers hi ge ographv. -i hat helm ot arts in history and a hat hr hu id m irm r degree in history and sot lal stmlirs rdut at ion Shapiro a keyboard artist who pertoims on haip mi liord ami piano, < urreutlv is thr t hair ol tin* mu sit department at Boston t nllrge She also has taught .it Harvard f niversity , Wellesley ( oI lege and ( ohuado ( ollege I urn f DFANS M r j* * Mediation Center works to resolve student conflicts Director has heard roommate, grade, divorce disputes By Marion Suitor t '■>■■■.!■■:! ■. o' " I ' Roommate A and roommate i! shared an of I < ani|ius apart mcnt Roommate B moved out and lidt many unpaid lulls for run mm ate A to dual with Roommate A after great ditfi i tilts got ahold ol H iiml told H in no uncertain terms to pay the lulls Roommate H refused and a minor war broke out lie tween the two I ortunaleh a small i laims court did not have to hear this case Instead, the two parties went to Mediation < enter headed 1>\ Jaiapieline tuhson and tutided by the ASl () I he Mediation t ‘.enter is .1 sate and neutral plat e tor stu dents stall .imi tai.ultv lu bring their grtevam i’v (dbson said ! w o parties with a problem i an go lo the < enter when thev are Seeking an unbiased third person who will find .1 solution In the problem is s.itlshu torv to everyone involved (iibson said she has handled eases at the t enter ranging from roommate ronflii ts to a divorr e between graduate students "At one tune, two entire floors of a dorm t ante in (lib son said "They had the usual noise problems stereos blaring at two in the morning and that type thing This lesouri e is not solely used In students Main pinb-s sols and student groups seek assistant e as well II a professor and student disagree about a grade re< etved 01 .111 um Inar syllabus .1 simple solution 111.1v In* easils 11*.11 lieii v\ 1111 t hi* help 11I meii li HI I’rt(lessors tend to listen mure lieiitiiilK til students ill the Me diation Center with .1 third par t\ present lit.111 tliev wntild have listened it the 1 unlrmit.i lion had taken plai e in tin* pro lessor s rti%rrn dorm rrsidrnts In .1 1•r.iiln.itr shi ' Thru W r Silt flow !1 .111(1 Ils liMH'd !c» r.i( h other re.irr.inged our priorities. resoim es .iml i * * sponsibillt irs We ir .«!lit* to i»rt the job done .11 i< i V\r're speak my» to e.u h other .iK-un I! (iihson is not ,11j 11■ to help uitli ,1 pri)l)li,in, or finds it nut of her jurisdii turn sin- n ill r<• fin tin' i .isc to .1 i minsi'loi l.ivs f ur ' MEDIATION I’ iqe S Almanac Friday is the last day to drop a class without a "\Y" mark on grade transcripts tor summer session classes run ning weeks one through tout and one through eight Also, it is the last day to drop without a Sit) fee and re eeive a full tuition refund for eight-week < lasses Monday is the last day to rei eive It) percent tuition re funds for classes running weeks one through four Briefly Tin* Incidental t er (!om uiittee meets Mondav at 1 p in in KMl Onturv Room \- to discuss a special request from the Office ot Student Advocacy and another con cerning I lie (fregon Institute uf Marine Biology from the ASI’O Internal business will also lie discussed International VlKl.BOUKMv Au.siriilid JAP) A struggling Auslra linn rules football loam hopes lo change its luc k with a new sponsor, a broth el The Spellbound brothel, vvhit li opens next week has signed a four war deal with Iasi place W'llliamlown I nil ed In ex« hange for $ t Mill a sear from the brothel, pla\ i-rs will wear Spellbound s logo on their lersovs. and .in advertising sign w ill be dis placed at all the ( lull's home games Spellbound owner Sam lohuson said the deal also would include disc mints for placers and team officials "We re prepared lo work out some trade-offs " she said She denied the offer would Upset the ( lull s le male supporter ' Prostitutes don’t take women's husbands or Ihiv friends: mislrt:SM*s do Johnson said 'The workers just want men for the moo ey Australian Rules Football is a hybrid of rugln and Claellu football that was first played in Vic toria state more than 100 years ago It in solves ki< king and passing an oblong ball • larger than an American football w ith the IH-rnan teams scoring by putting it through goalposts .it the end of the field