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Work and college. < ollrp* ran Ik- 11 i (I i< lilt i*t lout'll I »\ ll-K II IM11 to lift I \(HI miii|ioiiu\stnn 2 can Inin mhi through tin**** vtorkload' I III* P> 2 oifllf'* prrloadrd with >o|t vsan* that to ill Irt \ou rrratr im|m*p>. rr}Mirt*s. fraplur* and s|»rrati'lt«‘<*t* for \our i lasM> or lor \our job \n IBM iiiiMiM', rolor di-[»la\ a ml tool like a notrpad, < alcmlar. ranlhlf and rvrn {’unit** an* aUo im link'd \n«I it *» rxiwnd aN»* m» it «.in groto to it 11 von to k<*«*|> |»ar« 11 h votir n« «•. a! vo >rk a ini hi rollrm \- .1 “tuN 2* XHoniabir loan jMsmrnts an aUo asail.iblt vsilh ih« IHM l*> 2 I oan for 1 l armn*: VimI on a iliflrrvnl noic, you ran grl ill* Kolaml I >«-^kton Mush .il a *»| mi la I prii'c. I II.- IN/2 is «r|| worth looking into W Iu-tIn-r it s (or work or lor onllrgr. sou II IiihI it ran In a major twin. NATIONAL Yeltsin hopes visit will establish his identity \\ ASIIINU'ItlN !API Rus si,in President Boris \ 'i oil sin's visit In tho l nili'd SI.ill's this week l- aiini'il .it establish ing Ins identity .is In.uiiT of ,i Mivrri'ii’ii Kuropean slali*. republics w ithin the Soviet l nion Viktor N ogin, a leadei of an advance team setting up the tom il.t\ trip told a news i on t ere in i lieie that the i entrai So viel government of President S (iorbaihes sets the broad outlines of foreign polii \ lor all lfi of the Soviet repub lies But spec dii elements ol that polii \ will lie up to the repub in s It is quite natural that N ell sin will he talking about join mg the I mope,in house as a sovereign entity." the spokes mao said III a slap at Uorbac hev. Yugin added that the Russian leadei would not be coming "with his hand extended as some of our leaders do. but to disc uss mu tually benefit ial cooperation" in developing cultural and eco nomic ties with the United States Another official. A nd re I knlosnvskvsaid tlic Russian government is in (he process of establishing pnriiI It*I foreign relations u till those of the So vlet government Hut he said lie does not foresee the two gov erninents being in competition With eat ll other. Yeltsin is scheduled to arrive in Washington on TuesdaV af lernoon and meet Wednesday with the leaders of the House and Senate, his off it nil hosts 1 h- meets with Hush and top ad ministration off it ia 1 s on Thursday before departing for New York where he is to ad dress New York l hiiversitv and meet with leaders of the fouler al Reserve Hank and business executives and human rights leaders Yeltsin one of seven re public leaders who reached agreement with (iorbachet Monday on the draft of a new I'nion Treaty defining the rela (ionship between the Soviet government and its constituent republics Six of the 15 Soviet republic s are seeking indepen (fence and have refused to par ticipate in the negotiations on the new treaty to replace one signed in 1022. The participation of Russia, whit h is by far the largest and most powerful of the 15. is cril it al to the future of any union structure that remains STELLAR Continued from Page 1 petes well with its larger i nun terparts "With the work they're do ing .*t fine Mountain, it's not so mill h tile si/e ot the tele si opes as the darkness ot the sk\ said Kii k Rang. president ot the I ilends ot fine Monti tain a volunteer group that i oiidiu ts tours and keeps the p u b 111 operations going through memberships and do nations t he l.ii I is that there’s a lot ot dark sk\ out there in the de sert and the darker tile sky you gel the easier it is to get im ages ot the oiijei ts that are faint to begin u itli t he same tei hnolugy that will allow images to he shown on video monitors will give re seen hers better ipili kei views ot taint and distant ohjei ts such as galaxies which are so tar away it takes their light mil lions or billions ot years to reach Kart11 The observatory was started in 1 ‘Mi7 b\ the 1 ate K ( Kbbinghausen. a University as tronomy professor Tired <>l lugging the 15-inch telescope .til over the Cascades looking lor c loud tree viewing sites. Kbbinghausen built a c inder block .end metal dome to house the sc ope at Pine Mountain Pine Mountain, like other ob servatories is at a high altitude (ti.lOl) feel) to put it above much ol the light-distorting at mosphere and tar from < 11\ lights, which can wash out taint stai light Alter Kbbinghausen spent vears collecting data troin dou ble stars, another l adversity prolessor. |ames kemp, used the Site to stuck light coming from white dwart stars old stars that are small, dense and intensely brilliant His work at Pine Mountain confirmed the existence ot these stars, which play an im portant role in understanding a star's life c y c le In the 11170s. the tvso larger telesc opes were added to the Pine Mountain site Professors (ireg Hollltin and Turn to STELLAR. Page 17 pijL&rm fr 1 g^VAftN KltCfi' ALL YOU CAN EAT! SPAGHETTI SPECIAL WITH GARLIC BREAD $2.95 Tuesday only 12 p.m to 10 p.m 2673 Willamette • 484 0996 Next to the Black Forest Tavern Free Delivery