ENTERTAINMENT Lee captures interracial trysts ★ ★ ★ Va Jungle Fever is now showing at the Gateway Mall Rated R don t hoth*' >*• iim# Npikr |j‘c's lull’s! rmlo.ivor. limbic ir i(7. iffcrs ci Itxjk .it .in mterrai i.ii rvl.i liuiiship Ix’lut’i’ll ,i III,ii k .in liitri t Inmi I larlmn I Ii[>|>i-r I’u rifv IV\i‘sli>\ Siiii ii" ; and his temporary sei retarv \n Hie | Annalx'lla Si iorra| I ruin Bensonhurst Their altair lakes |>la( e amid ,i I mi kclri ip id drugs, racism, and while corporate America dial eats buth characters alive. The film for uses on the de slruclioii id three laiuilles as the\ deal will) the problems the\ enc imnler I lippei s faun l\ tails apart u hen Ins u lie learns of his extra marital affair with A ngie Angies lather beats her up I lippei s parents tlie (mod Reverend Doctor |()s sie Dav is| and bis u ile. deal with the horrors nl drug addn tit>n and liiterrai ial adultery Her ause Lee s /to llw Kit;!i! Thing was i ritii i/ed for the ul> seme ol drugs and the (lean appearance ol the city streets he attempts to expose the vio lent e ol tile streets in lllllglr / ever w ith the problem ot i rat k add ii I ion (iator (Samuel I. )a< kson| I tipper's older brother Is the t rat k addic t w ho disrupts latni 1\ life as he tries to sing and dance Ins wav into his mother's heart so she w ill give him inmi e\ against his lather's best i\ ishes I 'ntortimatelv t Iator i times oil as more ol a puhlit service message against i rat k use than he tloes as a real crai k addic t Ills articulate explanations as to how lie will steal from inno t enl people d Ins Ltmiiv mem hers do not give him tile monel seem too insightful coming Irnm a strung amt junkie As drug use destrovs the lam II \ so too tloes the interne i.d altair I lippei and his w de Drew (Lunette McKeel split up. their little girl Ming re mainmg w ith tile mother Because Angie is onlv a tem porarv sec retarv it is also hint etl that her relationship with I Upper is also temporary Let takes a pessimistic stance ill tie [luting the relationship be tween Angie and flipper as doomed 111 one scene, they lie on the floor kissing in an empty apartment, indicative of the emptiness ol the relationship It is important to note that it is Oregon Daily Emerald Recycle This paper OregoiY Daifv Emerald mil eiitueh t>•*< .iiim' il is .in in Ini.11 ml one I'Hi*ir .ill.in is li.isnl mi sox .mil i nrinsilv rath nr th.in Itn e ■The \ (ho noighhoihood guvs who hang out at tho store l.oo is i oniphstelv pessimism vv lion it i nines to deputing white authontv tiguios In tho white corporate America that refuses to allow lilai i ■ upward nuihilitv . I im Kobbins adds hu mot as an inept partner at tho firm whore flipper is employed until ho resigns because of nil lair treatment I he w Into i ops (tutu Ik) I hr High! Thin# return again as ignorant enfori ers ot the lays I ee's beginning i red it se ijueiH e is also not it e.thie Street signs bearing the names ot actors actresses and him clew also i arr \ messages of separatism Annabella Si iorra's sign is a t I ill ll ed t o a Meiisonhiirst sign Lee's sign Is alt ii lied In .1 Mali oliii \ Are mu' sign While l! appears that Lee is merely (lisi iniragnig all mterra i i a I relat lonsh i ps an e\ e n stronger message arises I he lilitl is lieilii nted to Yiisul Haw kins the him k youth y\ ho w e. killed hi llensonhurst hei arise It was believed he was dating a yylnte girl \s in /In thr A’lg/it I h i n£ p i o pa ga ml a a ga i n sprouts up mi 1 shirts and in dialogue relereiu es to { entral I’ark and \l Shaipton All ot these things serve as ,| Warning and reminder that in terrai i a I relations are still dan genius while people continue to hang onto then lai ist beliefs Lee s a! 11 si n si't s coupled with t ruest Du kerson's stylish i arnera work keep this tilin en tertamiiig yy ithoul ohsi uring its I>1)111 it s rhe pertormalu es In Sciorra and Snipes also add depth whit h enable us to sutler yy ilh them i his sin i essful h.ilani e ot the intense suh|ei I matter and realism ysith elements ol visu alize style i re.ile .i film that teai lies and entertains render mg it suitable for a variety ot y iewers Christina Komeshian t inoMi.l “27 years of Quality Service" GERMAN AUTO SERVICE, INC. Mercedes • BMW • Volkswagon Audi • Datsun • Toyota 342 291 i 2025 Franklin Blvtl Eugene, Oregon 97403 Discover Birkenstock step into l'>ii kenstoi k lootwe.u .met lint! .1 lern.ukuble blend <>l t omlot t nnd si \ It (. ontouied lootbeds prm ide < ushioninti .ind support uhilc yom leet rem.iin bee to move nntiii. ill\ 1 ou II I ind ( oli h s tb.it l.lliqe horn b.isit III hi illi.mt i 990 6 *%efnh * » Blrkenstock I I hr Birke nslot k Eugene • 5th Street Public Market • 34? 6107 • Daily 10 6 This Summer Term, Turn Over A New Leaf. Hint- >