r>tM AXMMHwo* %>** u* t u *** 4 BAtHiAJ* P4$Sf? OH SAlf WOW- f IBO^t 5 f<.>* f11 GOOD ll*i T W)$ I l HO SOON 1 * ’ ^ '4 ' AN INTOXICATING ROMANCE.' "A SEXY, SOPHISTICATED COMEDY' John tof* MkOmmI % HHAl 1 DA rs! W*'r ’nr 1 powi m uu kx*a i *»an n Mmpi« Nonm* ar><3 •cCOptana#? and CARMEN MAURA nmmi' I A III* IT CAIIOS SAUIA SKuLII iiLXBB j y11 a mens sleeping with the enemy I At.BE R T BROOKS m MERYL STREEP Defending Your Life TOBACCO CHEWERS looking I nr Smokeless lohaeeo l sets to Participate in a Research Stuth R.ismond limit .1 iIih.Ioi.iI student m St hi hi! ,md ( ommunits Health, is helping smokeless tob.itco users quit their use ot siiull or thru. ss 11h the aul of mtotme gum II miii tliew or dip .mil are interested in pnrtieipaliug i.ill i4(i 44>h Ini mure infnrni.itinn Smokeless Tobacco Cessation ENTERTAINMENT Robin Hood a disappointment * if Rabin Hood Prince ot Thieves play* at the Gateway Mail Hated PG 13 Hig budget Hig sl.irs Hig fight Mi'ius Hig (iisttp (jiHiiliurnl Kevin ( oMner goes from the \lliei H .111 \\ est where tie luelungs to tin* I nglish t ountrysido whin he h.ts absolutely no business !m* mg .in AM/bn HihhI I'rinif at Thin rs Hi is is nut een k died and his land has !>een taken ovoi by the evil Sherilt ■ *t Nottingham tAlan Hk kmanl Robin’s status as Prim e means nothing mm and the sheriff has branded turn an outlaw with a lug pm o on his head Rohm brings with him \;trm (Morgan I reeman). a Moorish man who has sworn to slay yy ith Kohm until he < an save Kobin s htr to repay him for sot ling him tr«-i• in Jerusalem I'ln- nisi of llv film has Robin .uni Ins mem men stealing fmm tile III ll killing people ,111(1 lliak mg .1 In! of triumphant i In its xvhdc doing it Hut these are hard Is me its iiiiti They an1 oaf isli sili* (iini for (In' must part contemptible It s an oxerlx vio lent picture filled with deiapita turns people lie mg burned alne and countless folks with arrows shot through them The only thing that keeps this movie from an K rating is that the \ ioleni e has little gore (lostner had lietter enjoy Ins numerous ()s< ais from last year s Dailies Willi lfo/tes Ihs ause he ■ an I ride those i cattails forever In this movie hi- is la/A delibel ate and i ompletely unlieliexable m Ins role When lie s not sound mg like an Indiana farmei he's slipping into a luughabh bad I ngbsli .11 i i*iit I le's not tile only one i oiu erned w ith this him who doesn't know w hat to do 1 lie (limiting is muddled and not well handled tor the most part This is supposed to lx* a sprawling epic but mam of the scenes are filmed so light that then' is no perspective and the exes can't follow tile action I he lone is completelx undefined Then* an' main jokes some of w huh are fiinnx bill there's so min h death and drears happen mgs that vers little emotion is spent watt (ring this movie I’urtii ularly bad is .1 trashy and disturbing si i'iii' w hen- the Sher ifl uf Nottingham makes ijuips while raping Maid Marion I.Marv f.Iizatieth Mastrantonio) Hie real depressing thing is that I was surrounded by young i hildren while this was going on And the si ene was getting laughs ['he film does have some good qualities hut not redeeming ones The ,n ting from Rickniun and Freeman is, lor tfie most part, engaging and appealing But just when a si ene starts to lie enjoyable. Costner steps m and ruins it I he look of the film is line when it s not dimh lit and over run with close-ups The final light si ene. w hile wholly unreal i-tii is e\i iling and sleekls done Fins should have lieen a hap pv. robust, and exciting movie Instead, it's depressing, lazily ai ted and underwritten The at lion is only good when certain ai tors de< ide to make it that wav Hut it doesn't seem that director Kevin Reynolds insisted that the ,u tors do that. Irecau.se there's absolutely no consistent \ l.irol Flynn tnav have looked more si I Iv than Kevin Costner in his green tights, hut he was tons more fun By Lucas J. Gutman tmeratd Contributor Unlike most films, City Slickers has heart * ★ ★ 1/l C/fy Slickers Playing At Cinema World Mated PG 13 rhelma \ l.mii^r is .in iin|)orl.m! mm it' l»t .lust' it givt's insight mi., uli.it it > hkr tu Ih- .in imlf jh'iitIfiit worn,in u tiu I BOOK SIGNING JOIN US AT mi: l () BOOKSTORE FOR AN AUTOGRAPH PARTY WITH J.A. JANCE \l niOROl PA YMENT IN KIND A J.l> HI Al'MOM MYSTERY Monday, June 24 12:30-1:30 p.m. IN GENERAL BOOK I)EPT., Second Ur. s k^7incc the publication ol the first J I* Beaumont nivsterv in 1985. author J A Jance and her grittv detect ive 'Beau have become lavorites among mystery bulls not only in the book's Seattle locale. but coast to coast Pmnwnl in Kind the ninth installment ol the adventures ot Detective J I' Beau mont. tiikls him immersed in what seems to be a classic crime ot passion, until he iiismwis a MVia nonci man c\ua maruai sc\ anu more icmai man mimii 13th & Kincaid 346-4331 M F 8:15-5:15 tecls trapped in ,1 man's world t '.it\ Slickrt', is .1 funnier movie alrou! how ( (infusing it cun he tn lie .1 man in a world w here Ills persona is determined at birth But ( 'il\ Sin Aers doesn't play nearlv .is serioush as that sounds Billy (.rvstul play s a man who sells radio time to advertis ers lie o appoint lung 40 and re uli7.es that Ik * desperately needs to give his life meaning when lie bombs as a speakei in his i hild s i lass on i arei'l day Crystals friends are Bruno Kir In . w llo play s an ad\ eiiturer w ho will try anything that sounds like It i all a( tivale Ills testosterone into a frenzy and Daniel Stern, who is a meek man man ied to an overlie.iring and malicious worn an Kirby and Stern talk Crystal into going on a cattle drive in New Mexico I'hev go on the journey think mg they’re in for a great time where they will all feel like |ohn Wayne atlenvard' But the truth is a little diftrrent I'lie trail Iross is an old-fashioned type who wants to simply move the cattle and is grudgingly leading these i it\ folk jack Balance plays this rule with great relish It s the lu st thing he's done in years All ol this makes f.'iri Slickers sound like an adventure or a dr.i rna, hut it is. at heart, a comedy And that's what separates this film from most others It has a heart File three stars are great to gether and the lines given to them by f’amnthixhi writers Babaloo Mandel and lowed Cianz are always funny and in sightful Kverything said in the movie rings true. Before the trip's over, the men will Ire completely rejuvenated with a new sense ot trelonging (Crystal delivers a call, they all learn turn to ride and rope and do tilings they never had to do in the i lty But most ol all. they learn that they like Iremg men By Lucas J Gutman Emerald Contributor