t'holn b* |rff I’jiUs \Sl a President Irnnitrr Hills (Irtil ,md \ue President /oSo/i/w W.itsnn fil.m to hiii e ,i him summer dvtilinii w ith student issues ASUO seeks to ease freshman transition By Daralyn Trappe f meiald Associate f ri tor AMO President |en n iter Hills and Vice President loSonja Watson who plan to dev ole mm h ol their smnmei to student government sav the\ will spend part ol it letting incoming freshmen know Ihev i an use the \S1!() as a resource and how to become involved on i ainpus Hills and Watson who took office Ma\ 2 ~i. have several (lavs set aside to speak with students taking part in the l.ai iy Orientation and Registration Program sessions throughout the summer Moreover the \Sl <) will sponsor an "open house during main ol the I ()KP sessions Watson said they hope to at ten t new students and to get them involved in the main stu dent lai tills < ommittees Hills said she is pleased th.it students art' already approai h mg the new ASM) I vciutive w ith questions and t out erns We want students to come to us with anything she said We've alreadv hud students < nine up ami talk almul prut) Icms In addition tn outside i tin terns the two .ire it work on internal business Watson is currently working with i ornplrollers to reorganize the wav AM H) financial rei ords are kept to i reate a more organized and edit lent method ot ret mil keeping rherese DuHrav*c, ASUO programs t oordinalor is in the pint ess of revamping the pro grams tount il Itiils said I'he i mini d made up of the direi tors of student programs has generated little interest m the past DuHravat is working to make the council more ettec live Hills saul She also said the A SI t > is re mauling <11 live 111 Salem Sever al students including Hills, went to Salem to lohhv against a House hill that would have limited student use id state vans I he bill died m the Iran portation committee Hills said the ASi It will i o lit i m i e to ait as a "w ati hdug' ill stall* issues pertaining to students ASUO LEGAL SERVICES FREE LEGAL SERVICES Legal StMvn t“, handles .1 wide range ol legal problems Irom divorces to landlord tenant disputes There is never a consultation or settlement lee l egal Services staff members are experienced qualified professionals l egal Serve, es are FREE to U of O students through ASUO funds ALSO: The Office of Student Advocacy offers non legal services including, but not limited to ACADEMIC AND ADMINISTHA TION DISPUTES Contact Legal Services, EMU, Room 334 (Third floor above the Fish Bowl). Or call 346-4273 to set up an appointment. Hear Ye! BARGAIN BOOK SALE JUNE 17-28 1 On Main Floor UO Bookstore Books $1 ,98and up » All sales final No (urtl • I ] UO BOOKSTOKE 13th & Kincaid 346-4331 M-F 8:15-5:15 Rw S ummer »n IlCtl tllON • ft T t A M f • A l I Recreation ^Zlasses June 18-August 8 • (8 weeks) Class FITNESS Aerobics Bench Aerobics Aerobics/ Bench Aerobics Aerobics Aerobics Aerobics Abdominals Wh! Weight Workou! Water Aeiobics Water Aerobics Day Time MW 7am UH 7 am UH 12 30pm MW 6 30pm UH 6 30pm MW 4 30pm UH 12 30pm MW 6:30pm UH 6 30prn n A’ Location Cost Ger 220 $18 Ger 220 SIM Ger 220 $18 Ger 220 $18 Ger 220 $18 Ger 220 $18 EsI 36 $18 Ger Pool $23 Ger Pool $23 v • ;5V- • -v u m tr Vr •Hi < 'W*5 H l DANCE S*mg < M 5 30pm GerX B50 $16 Ballroom W 5 30pm GerX B50 $18 Tap II MW 3 30pm Gef219 $18 Tap I UH 3 30pm Get 219 $18 JilZ || MW 5 00pm G«m 219 $18 Ja;: I UH 5 00pm Gm 219 $18 June 10 August 8 • (9 weeks) Class Day Time Location Cost Low Impact Aerobics UH 5 15pm Fsl43 $21 August 12 Sept. 27 • (7 weeks) Class Day Time Location Cost Low Impact Aerobics UH 5 15pm Fsl 43 $16 For more information call x4113 or come by 103 Gerlinger Hall to enroll. GET INVOLVED