UNIVERSITY ASUO searching for appointment to IFC seat By Daralyn Trappe I In' ASI () is i urn-nth t.ih tnv! .ip|)li( alions for .i oii tin' Iik nli' I iv < ommilti i tin- Mivr*ti im-inbin stinii-iii or Grapevine g.ini/.itinn allcK.iti’s stu limit fees In tin- .illili-ln ih-p.irt mi-lit llir I Ml ' .mil . 11n>i11 no student groups A new memlier Id lie sells t eii In A SI () President )onndei Mills must lie appointed In July 7 A (III tile III Ins .line V .1 ( .lilt when Mike (Ail-snll nil" vs .is elei ted In .1 two year term last fall Was voted nut |une 1 In newly ele< led ll't members Mei .1IIM' the (line 1 inei'lim; Has in violation of the ( Ireyon I'uli In Meetlinv. Law lion. vet. a mooting hrld Jvini* 7 and a sim nild \ nfi* \\ a v Itikf’H I hr motion to rmnovi* t'olson agam i i In April till1 ASi () deter mined IlM ( olson was tespon sihle tor .illi-niiK I In* minutes to the il tneetinn l.oison S.l ili Ilf IS I 11 HOI f 11 I Ilf t Ilf charges (Ailson \\ is not re movfii In last \ «■«» r s 11-< mem hers liei ause there were not Environmental Awareness Workshops Summer Session 1991 DESERT — JUNE 21, 22, 23 , fw see summer tuition tchecjule p/us $25 travel 2 credits (ISS 408/508) This high, dry country In the shodow of tfse roin soaked Cascade Range provicJes a .different environment for a field lab resource This workshop will study the plants and animals which survive in this semi arid country and the history of the pioneers who endured it Participants will also visit several pioces including an ancient river bed at Horse Ridge and the High Desert Museum DUNES AND BEACHES — JUNE 28, 29, 30 Fee see summer tuition schedule f Jui $25 travel 2 credits (LSS 408/508) The ever changing dunes and beoches of the Oregon coast create an excellent field lab setting where students can study the concepts and relationships of many plants and animals The Oregon National Dunes and Recreation Area will fse the focus on as we talk with experts about such subjects os sand stabilization, ATV use and recreational zoning and management Many of the areas visited have significant historical geologic and economic importance as well as being exciting outdoor recreation sites VOLCANIC CASCADES — JULY 5,6,7 tee see summer tuition schedule plus $25 travel, 2 credits (ISS 408/508) This workshop has [seen one of the favorites because of the held lab areas which include recent volcanic activity cones fissures vents and lava We will visit some of the beautiful high plains of Oregon and a mile long icrvo tube There s much to be understood about the power and change caused by volcanic octivity, and this workshop will explore some of the best examples REGISTRATION Use your DUCK CALI access code until June 28 or registor at Oregon Hall Registrar There are probably lot's of things you would rather do this summer than go to school. So . . . shut UPand O nt > t h i in.h is c-t > r t. i i n : At this s t < i c j t if t h < ■ C J < i I r 1 i ‘, it s l>< • t 11 - I 11 t W 1: t t } 1 < U 1 : I 11 > li t . ’. 1 V < * i II 1 < ■ 11 <. 1.1 r ic 11 ■ r< •< 1 sf )» i • i < >. Guido J T.i vo mi i a ■ Party Animals ft e ok 13th Sc AMes-, Live music on Monday the 24th with More Time enough voles in favor i ins vein s committee. made up ut f iv e new Iv e|ei leii mein liers vs 11o entered offii e Mav J > .mil In ii returning In o s members n viewed before vot i n 14 lhe \Sl () i in esl in.tI ion dm urnenls iind subsequent lor mal complaints about the in v estigation (rom I olson the ASfO is currentlv ion sidering .1 complain! from Col son new il I member l.vdi.i l.erm.i wiio was the IF( secre l.irv Iasi si hool illegally .dtered tiie Jan 11 minutes List month wlien she eorrei ted the portion oi tiie minutes that been altered Also at the June 7 meeting. Prist ilia Warren was elected summei i hairwoman and a summer quorum of three was set An attorney (or the Islaniii Societv iif hugenc filcil .1 pi'li lion w itfi I fit' Lmi' l on nt \ ( dr (ini (ourt against five t diner sily students. tlif ASl'() iiiul Ifn- I Ml in .1 dispute over the use of the name Muslim Stu deni Assot iation \ hearing was si heduled for Mornlav hul the ASl'() re quested a i onliiluani e A hear ing is now si heduled for lime .’•1 However a temporars re straining order was issued Mondai barring the five stu dents from using MSA until next week s hearing At that time a judge will i (insider the petition from ( diaries I’orter attornev for the 1 Si to issue a temporary in junction against the use of the name Idle dispute over the use ol the name stems from a long standing feud among Muslim students on i am pus I as! ()< to bei several students filed a i omplnint w itfi the ASl d ) m w Ini h thev i liarged that i ertam MSA members had been ex i luded from voting while se\ end non students were allowed to vote I he ASl'() found that the elet t ions w ere in \ ion of ASl () 1 xei utive Rules In ad dition. ASt'O determined the g rou p was d i si r i m i ii.i 11 rig against Muslims who wete not Sunni Rather than i omplv snmi' m V\ III! , VXI U III H S (h i • lift idfd In riimo! c tin MSA its .in onu unipus si dent group The inline Muslim Student Association was registered In the Isl.tmii Sncietv of Ktigene t loseh affiliated v\ till MSA in 111 u Members ol the group who det idl’d In move off i am pus. want to continue lo ext 1 u sivelv use the name However, nt elet lions held in \pril all Muslim students were allowed to partit ipate and new leadership was pul in plat e The new leaders sn\ thev have taken over the MSA as an on (iiinpus groti|i I he ASUO was named in the .i< lion for allow ing the new group to retain the name MSA (Iheryl Hunter, ASUO Kxecu live coordinator, said student groups are not told what thev t an or t annot < .ill themselves The KMl' was named he cause MSA still appears on the group's office door in KMU Room 202 A course oil the Asinn Amen i >m expel lent e is si heiluleii to he taught .it the University tor the lust time in Ml vc.ns begin ning spring term lope said 1’mversitv Provost Norman \YAsset Is Wessells and President Miles Miami met with several Asian Anierii an students three weeks ago to dismiss reviling the class, w hit h is i nnsistentlv list ed m the course t atalog hut not taught Six iologv Professor |ohn l ie Is si h ed u I e 11 to teach t ll e i nurse (; / Charlie" Drown. Uni versitv an hitei lure professor was granted a 1 ulbright St hoi arsfup to teach and rest‘arc fi en ergi ettu lent industrial lions mg at tlie 1 !niversiti of I'rond lieim in Norway during tin- fall of Pinl Itrown will fie working spe t ilit .till on computer apple a turns in developing designs for energy ftfit lent industrialized housing He will also continue to wolk as duel tol of the f lier gi Pf I it ient Industrialized Housing project, a research program funded hi the I S Iiepartment of Energy Disappointed With Your MCAT Scores? Stanley H Kaplan. LTD the leader in test prep companies for over 50 years, invites all pre-med students to a FREE Information Seminar Saturday, June 22 at 10 a.m. This informative presentation will cover strate gies and tips on: the application process, the interview, and MCAT preparation. Call 345-7496 to reserve a space. n STANLEY H. KAPLAN cfea lake Kaplan Or lake Your Chances