Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, June 18, 1991, Page 3, Image 3

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‘Hate flier’ investiqation turns up embarrassment
By Kristin Casady
1 ,iui p!r<iM'i! to .iniit.nini »■
umi hiui. in nn»• t hr. Ihnrr |m!
htn.ilh st • ns it i v i * .uni pvd»ii( K
rmhanassing cast’s in rrt ritt
I'mviTsitv history, otln-rw isr
known as ill*’ hair « ruin;
( asf involving the* Orr.im
1 ),dr ! )rr,im t »irl ' Hmis I spr.ik
as someone intimately involved
the at ( list’d
In tin-- . omindrum that has .it
intervals Sl'eUlt'd to t.lkl' Oil ill.'
appearanr r ot .i < in us a Mi
( iarthyesque W iti hliurit or .1 l*(
joke. il has hi'an (iiltii ult to an
swer tin; question "What the
hall is this .ill about ’
Some leminists think, il s all
about misogvnistu hate Huts
I hr t Hlii e ot I’uhlii Safet\ anti
Stuileut (airiduit ( uibrdinatoi
Klaine t.reen think it's about
taking i oriel live .11 lions
against "hate tilers attar king
feminists" ((>1)/ Slav !>). I fie
lesbian conmiunitv thinks its
about an investigation 111 it
made them feel unsale M\
mother thinks its about lavs
mts who ( barge Shu an hour
7 Vie ( 'ommrnt.itor (|une Ifttt 1 I
sees ll as an episode ol the jin
litii alls correi I 1 rurtlv mg one
ol their own
As part ot that unique breed
ot lesbian feminist hate 1 rime
committing-misogynists 1 wish
to offer an interpretation I bis
rase is about ,1 financially
strapped university that used
ovit Jot) paid hours to garner
I'K for appearing lough on hate
i.rimes. It was an eilort that re
suited onl\ in then public em
h.u rassment
I suggest, however, that this
is far from the yvorst 1 unt lusUm
one might make 1 fiis invest!
gallon la u 111. bed to make a
publit example o! uir may
have done serious damage to
the environment ot tree sprei h
and jiolitii.il exjuession on
1 anijius
( ert.nnly (been My les Hianii
and Of’.S would conn* down ill
favor ot jiolitu .tl expression oil
campus. and would never in
tend to stifle ai tivtsm even
the kind that refuses to operate
under the anspu es ol an f.Ml
Suite 1 group. So why were my
fliers so zealously pursued es
per rally when any lint the most
cavalier analysis would show
that these fliers were linking
rejiresentations ol militarism
misogyny and yy.ir profiteer
I'hev were honoring the com
plaints nl tin- radical feminists
who were upset about the III
ers. as (been i burned in an
April plume call I find tins dif
fit ult to believe as no one has
really listened to feminists be
fore Hut in this "sensitivity
ti md sweeping the country,
s h an investigation is up
proved It was a soun e of eni
harrassment for several sides
in tins case when my gender
lieeame known and the Worn
en’s Center changed its view of
the fliers from a "hate crime
to "pretty stupid political sat
ire." according to coordinator
Has,ini kudura, coordinator
( Kvffislrr-duurd. May 7| Muv
be tins means some of these
feminists feel pretty stupid; in
Women's Studies parlance,
women ( annot be sevist
If these feminists had taken a
moment to consider whv I iim I
,i negative depu tion of vv omen
on the fliers ; to expose the
nnsocvnv in war lanjjti.iv;> .uni
visit,r i cpn-sriit,it tons o| vv .u
then tti.r, tie thin vvonlii not
haw • <>n11>!.11
A thorough iioi nine nt atein->>f
i'\ erv piov tn tins a nvestigation
reipnres more spat e Ilian I have
lii'ti- Hut 1 v\ tsli to provide voir
with .i sense, mi thehoav v hand
ed. nattire lit the wav the ease
vv as pnrsneit
All ai I|iiaintaiu e ot linin' Al
exandta ! I Kite i ill’ered an altei
iiriti- explanation tor inv liters
in her Women s Sell I Metis.
course bul k in I'elntiarv. when
than i aine under allot h ,o lie
mi; hateful to women A i on
i i‘i netl feminist took it upon
herself to give I'nole’s name to
l )I>S where thin hail ail offn er
assigneii till It line to the ' hate
tl lei i ase I i note vv ,e. i n ei -t
mattei of many weeks i nil tall v
geiitlv encouraged andlater in
sistentlv haiasseii to reveal mV
relent 11 v
At first, DCS claimed thev
just wanted to talk with me
about it. then "who did it and
win Thev promised notably
that 1 wouldn't he punished I
continually refused, not out of
cowardice but on principle 1
was offended by this farcical
investigation, angered In slop
pv interpretations of my flier
for example \()l)l I eh !‘l|
and Inisv vv itli si hoof
I live,tv ei mg in their invest!
gation tervor Ol’S continued
then search They committed a
grave dishonor bv distributing
the l nwantetf Sexual Attention
forms m I note's i lass and us
mg them toi handwriting anal
v sis I his ought to My in the
taie of OPS s claims of being
tough on sexual assault and
i mating a safe environment for
women on campus. I hanks to
this handwriting analysis a
woman was called m. mad her
miranda rights and inter'negated
for hours
Despite ()l‘s ■ inconclusive
t v idem c she vvas detaitnsd
questiuned .it I• • riv;111 .mil threat
t ill'd with pfnsei utnrii Thev
had .1 nri|i‘i ttiral ev idem e th.it
thi' hate 111**i .111ist s name
was Mime derivative ul i'hris
tine arid thill tin' per.pe1r.itnr
vv.iv ,i lesbian I hese tinlii'iiv
led tu tvv' • ■ shi.m vve>111**11 tw-Hiii
inini'i essarily frightened .im!
vvrongfullv i u.trged I In- i
■ii ink. on mu li histi n hin |iii'pi ir
tions lh.it m.ve ol ihi'M women'-,
i tnplnv iT was i nut.Ii ted on!
quest II I Ill'll
I vv.is livid .it fin' turn ul
events .mi! lirsjutr mv earliei
de< isiori to wash mv h.iiuls ul
thi' sltii.itlnn I vv ioli* .in .miiiiv
limns li'ttri id explanation tm
tin tlii'ts .uid ray refusal In
i min' forward I li.it tins vv.is m
.nIf<|il.tti• tu end tin- iuvesfiga
tinn Itor this li-tli'i vv.is vv l itlt*n
III I .11 Iv y.lfl hl show '. till' ills
huni'stv ul thi' prosi'i ution \t
tin ill ( It'S h id .isMiri'd I mill'
in In■ r mlerrog.itmil th.it thev
ii ii' ii • IV washed tu ensure (hilt I
wasn't being hateful I made
this fM eedmglv i ii'.ir in the
Iftter and prm mg that mv set
ut Huts had no i onnevtiort
with tin' i.u ist and malt'Vulfiit
si't that appe. Ill'll III IniiuafV
was hlatantlv obvious due tu
thi-ir dissimilaritv ut Imth sfvle
and message
Hut (".men. (an'V Drayton
and thi1 rest ut the prusi*t utiun
ti’ain appau nllv felt thev i mild
ndi ,i wave ut | ml it it ullv t m
rt‘i t support into lame Thev
vvimill have dune well tu exam
me the state ut similar "sensi
live Speer Ii i ases uia luring mi
campuses throughout the l int
ed States Higher i units tended
tu find against this wave of it
thought police Rather t.reeii
a nd I traytun while a commeii
tatv tm tin Enwi.ihl ntidei the
headline Stiillg ai time, taken
alter hate fliers push'd it )/>/
May li). vv Im h was a shut at
sell aggrandizement that li.n k
I’liblu siippmt
direi tinii arid it
vv i mill
tri mv
i un< neon i*iis
MiMHU'd ri( < wifh
!t*rin .1 ki < hi* krn nn iml;'*
Pork or vegetarian trier I rue
and hot shredded vegetables
Dim Sum tverv Surulav I I am
Ir\ out dinner too!
( /isfj/rs \r\l It i ( til ( > Hi«ik'-ti irr
1 .'H (J
111.if Vim ill pti'los! (ill lllr part "I
sfudi'tils i.ii.ulH .and .idrrntiis
trutivr iih'IhImt1- i han«vil the
hulunyi' (it |iiiuit .1 .lilt HI till',
i .1.. ( In.- undt'ii»r nhi.iti
■ >111111■ >11 I'll.ll hr! t Hill HglllH
iiiTr v iol,ill'll i»tin»»inI*- ll' littlr
Iml m.m I 1 ii.it iMil about llti'
I.ill- nl In-' s|n i'i li nil i .111.11un
I (mills Inf .1 Ini I .1111 also
thankful ini I In- unflaitsmk
• II | ip. il I nl I hr ( Mill i- nl St Mill'll I
Ail\ in .ii \
\ si'tlll'IIli'Ilt ll,is 111'. II-Ill'll ill
.iti'il I Itr Iitiiis nl u InV 11 I hr ilr
ti'iiil.mls l.iivp'U si ipul.ili'il
\ 11 rh.list's dropped .in .i|ml
HKV 111 till' ll'slll, III I 11II1 flltt 1111 \
III .11 kin l\V ll'ilxi'llll'llt 111.11 I Ins
I ISC I,list'll ill'!' spl'l'l l| ISSUl'S
.1 111 1 111) . IKI *' •' 11H ■ 111 DM till- part ill
(111- .11 l list'd III It'll'.|SI' lllr I III
vitsiK iil ItainliU
I worry .mm .iIkiuI uh.it ran
mil lie iitidotir with apologies
II.IS polltll.il expression I it-I ■ 11
damaged irreparably’ ' I h in hi
tfi.it «* f 11 • r tfif t rt • 11 it-1 it it in s slr.-ss
nl ilir i .isr .mil I he needless 11 .i
r.1 ssHit• 111 III myself .mil ulhris
over ilir past four months. I
would havi' thought tune
.it >i in I post i iik im Huts Ii.ii k
earlv in I t'liru.itv 1 fi.it is a sad
I Dili luslOlt til I mill' to. till I still
si.mil whole heartedlv lit'liliuf
I hi' i r anti war and feminist
Im rediblv 1 still find mvsail
fielding i ritu ism lit,it llirsi' 111
ri s nt'it’ iitii'iiMVi1 aiu! drpu tml
umiii'ii in poor i.tslc Of i mu-.i
thm tiiii I w.'ix trying l" visn.il
iv 11• 11rt '.i*iit i farm n! uusngvm
th.it a. link <>n thi- Mlit.H •• i lois
tun'd .mil i r<n\ilrii tint in mi
glnrifird spin l mg m t*nt lh.it
V\ .Is 1 MS ill'll III till' I’ll SI,III ( .llll
War It is ill 1 alt' .iik Ihrrr I
jtjSI v\ anti’ll to in 11 pt ill I its tii'.
Itni'ss ami .Iiiivv it In mu fin
what ills
M\ .nlv n i- is In rrrr.id I hi’
I I nunirnt.il \ In Hr.iv inn ami
krrt'n puiilislu'iI Max t. in thr
I mer.ihl anil llnnk i airlulk
ahniil tin- i iinniutini'iils llun ar
In ul.Uni thrrr Kiiiiu that sm h
(Jrvvi'lltan muds arr i inning
IniiU tin- nunitils nt irprrsrnta
livrs ut tin nitimati- instilu
linns nt thought nnmtid thr
i i nml i \ univi'i sit ms \\ lt.it is
rralk ai i imiplislii'il vv ith at
trinpts nl institutions to implr
nii'llt all iili'iiliigv that invnki's
tin- regulation nl tilting,III anil
sprri h What ilnrs ll rralk
Ulran In (Hr) awarr rath
riinugh to thr dm rlopnittnl nl
srnsilivr ami i tuitrnvrrsial situ
atioils In takr t nrtri tiv r at
turns" f
In its rum liisiun this art it Ir
In ( .rrrn and Drayton slalnl
Ur ii' |lisl lirguil Iris hopr
Knslin I as.u/v is a /ini/nr m,i
/uriiit! hi (.frin,in a/ thr I liner
2 Month Membership
plus 10 tanning sessions
Spec id I iiH I lidos: f nil use of hx jl it k*s
stairmastef weights ' bikes whiii[xx>i
t, 1 0 (20 min.) tanning sessions
189 W. 8th
This Paper
r'wowi ■