I18TH & PEARL STORE HOURS 9:00 A.M.-9P.M. 10 TO 7 SUNDAY HIRONS FRANKLIN STORE HOURS 9A.M.-7 P M.OAILY 10-7 SUNDAY Prices Effective thru 6/21/91 RUSSKALVINS GENERIC BRAND w CONDITIONER W-iS1 * JtM a»wr'Rfl^l NEXXUS ensure ‘‘-ondition^, tsrrr&9f\ VERStONS OF NEXXUS ENSURE PAUL MITCHELL THE CONDTHONf R REG. 3.29 & 4.39 999 mk ea. in°£* , DIVIDERS! stock up*0* REG. 79 PKGS PLASTIC i HEU 1 09 REG 239 REG. 1195 REG 3.98 REG 129 REG 79t ALL STOCK REG 7* REG 6.99 REG 4.12 REG. 3.49 THEME BOOKS to sheet «*,« 2/89< FILLER PAPER 200 sheet xe 1.19 EQUITY ALARM key wound 4.99 BIKE LOCKS combo .ock 6 Cham 99< UNIBALL PENS micopom, 49< DRINK JARS mason jar design 67 ^ SURGE PROTECTORS now l/l PRICE HINGED SOAP DISH 19t SHOWER CURTAINS *«. 5.99 FUJI FILM cn 135 24 exp 100 ... 2.99 Milky Way, Musketeers, Baby Ruth 17/1.00 L-O-O-K O SET Mnd ONLY COLOR PRINT ROLLS DEVELOPED AND PRINTED 12 EXPOSURE SINGLE PRINTS 349 4.48 15 EXPOSURE SINGLE PRINTS 4*® Lp.- 5.28 24 EXPOSURE SINGLE PRINTS 639 7.38 «l PStN’S 36 EXPOSURE SINGLE PRINTS 969 10.68 BOOKSTORE Continued from Page 1 lim Williams said that and I’rllthousr .m in,un stream magazine-. tli.it have literary merit ami are sold through tr.nlilion.il distribution i hannels rather than under ground c hannels like some hard core" portionraphit magazines are Also as a serious hook seller Williams . said the freedom of the press -guaranteed hv the I irsl Amendment is an impor taut tenet for bookstores to ad here to W illiams said although some individuals don't agree with the I onlent ol the magazines thev re asking him to lie a i en sor of the printed wort) ami In dues not want to do that Mlnuugh most ol the mes sages loft in the suggestion box ■ire against pornography . some have been in favor ol it "Yes. there are men who have raped and read Playhox Hut there are tar more men who have read Playboy and not raped one suggestion said Sine e the onset ol All)S pornography is keeping people alive and safe a\va\ Iron) the threat of All )S bookstore board president Allison I teller said d you sell the ob|ei t if It alton ol women as the reason to i ensot these magazines then vour dealing with Use symptom, not the tin deriving problem that sot mtv has \fter ret e IV mg set el a l tom plaints from students last vrai the KM1 Hoarel ol Diiet tots de tided to remove I'hnbtn Prill house and Plasgirl from the I Ail Main I )esk Stole the ratlonale was pretty t leaf said l.Mt Hoard ('hall man luslin Mi hernia Due to tile i omplamts we tell that selling these magazines wasll t appropriate I think the 1 nst Amend merit argument the bookstore is using is illngic.il " ( herv 1 hern Simtrenko an assistant I ihra t la n tot the hnight library said the library has leiened mam complaints tor tarrying PLivbot m its re serve btIt>k set t ion is often used lot n seart h on popular i ultiue and (imtempoiary social perspet lives int hiding rescan h on pornography '’ she said Its interview s ale a well know II source of substantive mttirma lion anil it is often used as a re source lot studying contempo rary advertising ( tut ol most of the lot a! t Oil lenience grocery stores near the t'niversitv only the / Its have removed pornographit magazines from then magazine stands ‘After 30 years of personal experience doing psychotherap y and working with sex offenders at the state penitentiary, I know there is a connection between these magazines and violence against women. ’ Dr Sterling Ellsworth (,,ir\ ( Kiev I luv \ortlm est mHnagei for ~ 1 1 stores, said thr\ made recommendations to their franc fuses not to carry I’liivbm ami I'mtliousf' allei the I S Attorney ('.eneral's Commission on Homographs report sparked publi< i:nm ern .ihout the sale of the magazines In 1‘IHti. the < ommission found that one of two forms of non-violent pornography is causally related to increases in sexual s lolenc r. sexual eoei c ion or unwanted sexual ag gression." the report said Kisclillv proposed legislation h\ hotl. tie Oregon House and Senate would make it punish aide to furnish pornography to minors I urthei more Oregon Senate Joint Resolution 22 would amend the state i onslitutioli u hit h i urrently protei ts free ••peer It ey en more broadly than the I S ( i Hist [tut ion. to say that pornographic expression is not protec led specs h upon volet approval of amendment to the Oregon Constitution at the- next general elec tion I louse Hill would pel mil damage lawsuits to he tiled by parents and leg.il guardians against people furnishing oh sc cue material to minors Members cd the W omen s ( enter said they don’t see this controversy as a censorship is sue, hut as a pornography is sue It s absurd to flame it as a tree- specs h issue. said Irene I lislop, a iec eptionist for the' Women's I enter Pornogra phy is ,t commodity and the bookstore, is a business Wind ever their pretensions to being protec lots of tree speech are d dies weren't making a profit oft of pornography , they wouldn't he selling il Williams said in a store memorandum that although the magazines have a good sales re cord the store does lit tarry them bee au&c of fin,mi ial rea sons newmoN C6NT6R sr. THOMAS MORI UNIVERSITY PARISH (NEWMAN CEN I PR) 1850 EMERALD STREEI hUOENE, OR PC JON »>740 3 34 3-7021 MASSES: Saturday Vigil Mass 5:00 p.m Sunday 900 & 1100 a.m & 7 30pm Monday-Fnday Evening Prayer followed by Mass at 515 p.m. Holydays: Check Sunday Bulletin for schedule Sacrament of Reconciliation. Saturday at 4 30 p r or by appc ”tn--t The Catholic Parish Serving the University ot Oregon since 1915