STELLAR Continued from Page 8's Immamura «rrr named i ii iliri'i tors .illi'i ki'iiip ilifii m 1'iHH and thes s\ ill i undue I tIn*ir mi n n'si beginning .is soon .is this suniiiuT t ’ntil then (Inrroll said this tours will ho Pint Mountain's in.iin lot us Tours for non mt'tnhfrs an- Irt'f hut .1.S.t ■ !< 1 nation is rut otiraged I'hf Pun its i I % pros' nit's ,1 t urt't.iki'i in.iinti'ruuu t- sup plit's. and pas s lor utilities Innd 1 ny> tor 1 ese.ii 1 h 1 unit", from grants froin National St i entc I ounclation National (.eo graphit Sot iels ami private tit i nors The obsers ators pros ides 1 "dream job'' for Mike Shan non .1 I 'niversilv sophomore and 1 ross t oiintrs runner who suss he will probable go into pin sits Shannon who works at Pine Mountain as a tour guide, said he trains in the high altitude hs das before his duties begin at sunset 'I'm realls interested in as tronoms hut at :tu .irr gis mi I through siiinl.ts nights .inti hr .il *1 p in with ,i sluii- *.hoss In prrs Irsstllitt rsriiiug's Him im; \*. tlir sks il.u krns aim Ini1' -ll*' Irtl !u ulir ul thr two trlrsi iijirs I hr pl.illrts lupiln \ runs ■ uni M.irs .trr gioupril i losrls lugrthri III thr wrMriii sks .il suiim'I uni shmihl rn mill ii visi lilr through 1111 v Also t hr ring***! pl.mrt S.iturn is in thr snillhrlil skv throughout thr Mlltilliri Him .ms,, thr iiiglltlimr trill u i r rsrn ill thr sillllllirr (.ill ili|> brlow frrrzing. tin* sl.itI suggrsts ilrrssillg w.irmK 111 rr.ll ll till* l ill st* I s illnrv t r.iv r I on 11 ighw .IS I .’ll to Hrml .iml lollow .’ll .1 lint] t .'Ii mills til till* tow ii , it M il I ii .in (,n I mills ,i slorr .mil two gasolinr pnmpsl I rum thru- ,i gr.tsrl lo.ill t.ikrs sou right milrs si nit ll to thr olisci s .litirs Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS Summer Publication Schedule 6 18, 20. 25, 27 7 2, 9. 11. 16 18. 23. 25. 30 _8.1, 6, 8, 19 To Place, Cancel or Correct your ad call: 346-4343 ODE POLICY CLASSIFIED ADS CAN BE PLACED AT ODE OFFICE, 300 EMU UO BOOKSTORE EMU MAIN DESK 100 CONNECTIONS LEAVING FOR SUMMER? Mature couple a %?. a'o.« a? r>o ch<*fgt» to/ August toO 'K«i‘t CaM coBwct •. f mshotn r. < I4f> 4 i05 PERSONALS Hamted f’*»enlf>ood ‘ i t ; > » > • coim »«•(• 11j i i-i-i *■'. ■ onmdrnng nbortlon? •<« k» • «. *'■ I’VtJ. r-; M ' • 1 • ( • • «',M » ■) E ME RALD CLASSIFIEDS A gem ol a deal1 lib TYPING SERVICES TYPING UNLIMITED Hait>«ra l And l liff Printer 48S 3 M l Printed text to computer htei fs C A NN E RSi 7474589 H 10lK>*H»V*d »J HS TYPING SERVICES ' M4 i) *S9. ROfMN -i GRAD ‘>4 M' *> , • »’• p*tx f i',>1 - •»* ■ « t J • iv ON CAMPUS! DIAL-A-TYPIST mi Evt • Typing ||} )S4 T yping. 11 ?*» {>« je t »*4*f f*r»ntr» 115 TYPING StRVICt S i WOWP IPtCtAUtTSI r * » ! '1 lUt» I * l i| -i ' IliM ,'»1 ► • I dm- >• H mi. Carolyn Cindy TEST PREPARATION WORKSHOPS SUMMER TERM 1991 SCHEDULE GRE Preparation: $60 (Test: August 12, 1991) Mondays and Wednesdays July 1, 3, 8, 10, 15. 17, 22. 24 5:30 p.m.-7:00 p.m. LSAT Preparation: $95 (Test: October 5, 1991) Mondays. Tuesdays. Wednesdays July 15. 16, 17, 22, 23. 24 3:30 p.m 5:00 p.m. (July 29 practice exam 3:30 p.m 7:00 pm) Grammar Workshop: $50 Mondays and Wednesdays July 1, 3, 8, 10, 15. 17. 22, 24, 29. 31: Aug 5. 7 7:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m. MCAT Preparation Program: $175 Videotaped Preparation Program: Call for more inforrna tion about the 30 + hour program All materials, includ ing the Harvard Health Sciences MCAT Program are in cluded. Why prepare? The evidence is overwhelming that preparation for these standardized examinations significantly improves performance. Why take the University of Oregon's workshops? The University of Oregon has been providing workshops for graduate admissions tests for over twelve years. Such diverse groups as the College Entrance Examination Board, the Graduate Record Examination Board, and the Oregon State Bar have recognized the high quality of the University's program. In short, the workshops are the best available The University's workshops cost so much less than commercial programs; are they as good? Our workshops are a complement to our academic mission and reflect a commitment to providing the very best at the lowest possible cost. Our priority is not to seek a profit; it is to provide a service. We invite students to inquire about our nationally recognized programs. tu - ■, -, Fur Mure Infurmatiun or tu Register, Cur)tact: ACADEMIC LEARNING SERVICES South Courtyard, 68 PL C 346 3226