Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, June 18, 1991, Page 16, Image 15

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    Summertime blues
Suininor sossi on studonts rant osi apo long linos ,il tho l'nivorsit\ Itookstaro to Inn
to\tl>ooks hot i ashiors Ruth (doss Iloll) ,iiul Halo llo<krh\ tr\ to sprotl things along
\tond<n aftornoon on tho first da\ of i'lassos ,,, . , . ,
I hoto hv |t'ti I
The Forecast is Hot
tor Solar Energy
I wen here in the cloud\ Northwest, solat energ\ can In- uiw
ello. nvv ini.u! solar water heaters can saw •( v< -ur watei
heating uiM.s it hot watei costs are leaving vmi void. let I’ugene
Water X Bienne Board pul .1 I in K sunshine in nuir hu
ll \ou own vour hoiiu- and hau- duiru water heating. I W IB is
otieiing a eash rehale ot up to s kmi tor installing a solar water heater
Plus, you ma\ also ijualih lor a substantial state tax credit. It s the
hottest thing going situe running watei
so it voti would like to soak up m>nie si da 1 s.i\ mgs call I W I B
I nergv Management Via n.es at is 1 1 1J^ 1 rinding is limited, so act
si x >n
Eugene Water & Electric Board
500 East 4th Avenue
Eugene. Oregon 97401
503 484 1125
House approves bill
allowing family leave
SAl.l \l i.M'i Ihe Oregon
House oii Mondat adopted ,1
measure giving workers the
Tight to t.ike unpaid leate when
telatitrs I,ill ill
Ihi- me.isure also modifies
rules lor parental and pregnan
i \ d isabi I it V lea t es a I reads
ss ntten into law
Labor (lommissioner \!ar\
Wendt Roberts has opposed
the lull, s.n lllg she prefers a
t ersion limiting faini 1 \ leat e to
i ases of i atastrophir illness
Ttle House also voted on that
measure Mondat and del ided
to table it I he move at least
temporarilt killed the version
preferred In Roberts
I In lii 11 approved In t he
House Sit i't. would integrate
rules governing sic k leave lam
lit medical lea it pa renta I
leave and pregnant y leaves
Provisions guaranteeing on
paid si( k leave .nni family mod
it al lt’a\ o w mild ho now
The loll would guarantee
workers 12 davs of unpaid sit k
leave pot ve.ir Oregon law t or
rontlv iloes not require employ
ors to provitlr sit k leav e
Ktnplovers with 2"> or more
eiliplov ees would lie aftet toil
Workers t oultl take up to 1 1">
work days el total leave from
all t ategories in a two wear pe
Workers won 111 have t lie
right to return to work, it a job
tin them is available for <)()
tlav s alter their leave ends
1 hitler t urrent law workers
returning from pregnancv dis
ability oi parental leaves have
unlimited rights to return to
Unlimited LTD
optional student tee That means refunds are
a.a. )bie
Keuf i >ti hisuser tts it your student ID now
enables you to roe the Pus any tune anywhere,
all term'
Also remember that by supporting unlimited bus
sen. ce you re helping a lunate traffic, reduce air
A ■; ihoi ■ ease the campus parking problem, and
i >roy toe lransi •ortahon for thousands of students
Bub1 yi\. •: .vi"! a come to the EMU
Mam Des*. between 9 00 a m and 4 00 pm
June t 7 91 A <,■ a.a.,ib/e at LTD Customer
Se1-. re Ce-'ter.< r ■ 'rrn\i business hours
June 22-26
Ca 687-5555'or mee n'ormat on
[mess Your sell!
Lane Transi t Dis trie t
A.a aoie \ a u o'C stuoe'vs • .^o nv sh.oems
Summer 1
Full Meal
Includes our Momcstylc
Single l>uu;er. Fries. lt> o/.
Suit I )rink jiuI j o/.. I)airv
Queen Sundae, plus tins
sensational summer
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