SPORTS Stewart claims Open, Simpson blows lead CIIASkA M i mi AT I'ayue Slew art In- ul the mil l.mdish fashions in c lnthes won tin' ‘Ust 1 S Open (.oil (hampionship in even more outlandish fashion Mondas It Is HIM ossan to go h.u k to the days of hickory stic ks to llio days when knickers were twrn more in vogue to find scores higher Ilian those corn piled in Stewart and Scuff Simpson in their playoff for the \meri< an national i liampion ship Stewart won it with a .Cover par 7"> against, a 77 In the s!rn ken Simpson who oik e again hlew a two stroke lead oyer the last three holes at the lla/.eltine National Golf Club nil.hiding putting Ins tee shot on the p.n .11 7th into the wa ter Those sc ores are the highest in an JH hole Open playoff since Tomms Armour heat Lighthorse Harrs ( oupei 7t> 70 in 10J7 Outlandish? It was so out landish that. • o i won despite making only one liirdie oyer his last Cl holes • lie won the playoff despite making as main bogeys tour) as he had in the lour rounds ot regulation play i omhined • lie made onh a single hililli in the |d.n oil hut still made up lour strokes over the last three holes wiping out a two-stroke Simpson lead • I lien Were tiller two-slroki swings on individual holes Iwci in Simpson's tar oi And, perhaps most oiitiand ish ot all, Stewart bounced a tee shot otl a rock and out ot the wliter on the eighth hole When happened. I thought. 'Maybe it is yom das Stew art said It w as Ins das It was ho trom an artistic one however. In tael, from the standpoint ot a gulling purist it was downright ugly at times It wasn't outstanding golf. Stewart admitted, but the goll c nurse was vers dillit nil ' It tested your patiem e it tested your ability it tested youi fortitude I ni fortunate to he the i liampion But thr mistake prone plasoll l(i< ked nothing it) dmiim pai tii ul.irlv over the fin«iI three hull's the hninei oming stretch proved to !>»• Simpson's nemesis On Saturd.ii hr i Mini' to those three hull's with . lu.i stroke lead liogesed (w ii c .ind . amp .in as in .1 t le fui thr (In Sund.i\ In' i .line tu tliusi' same hides .114.UI1 in limit In two. \>4.1111 hr hum's i'd (syne dtopped into .i lir .md set tip thf playoff l l|l' s.lllll- Sltll.ll illll .'Slstl'd mi \| VVlicii; tin' i'di ;: tipi'll i ll.illipiull stm.d ml till' Kith t.•• • lie tssu in ft.nit Alt»• i t 111- 1 11 h h .I! ■ I Ibought I had .i great i h.ifii e Simpson said lint tills 11 111. • 111' IS,IS i h ■ to Salvage ,1 tic III' luiigi'S I'll 111 Stewart had I is linn- hirdir of the das on thr tilth a four Stroke swing mi three holes and the grandest victors of Ins (a leer lor Simpson eight bogeys and a plus id t loss a lid the hloss 11 lead on the last three holes ssas something entirely different it's a little disappointing to lose the I S Open Iss11 days in a russ Simpson said ss ith his i harm tei istii ss rs smile "I feel sorry for Inin Stess art said, ' pis! as I telt sorts lot Mike Reid ss hen I won the l‘(, \ ( hampionslnp in 1'IH'i Alter a variety of adventures lu both plasers in sand and ssa ter and trees and trash tiles straggled to the ltith tee ssitli Simpson in Ins customary posi lion two strokes m Iron! Stess,irt stood there with the desperate need to make some thing happen and a string of All (-onset '.olive holes without a birdie behind him I'm thinking. Same song second verse, " Stesvurt said And that s sshen it all began to i ha nge A p p ro p r i a t e I \ enough the par-4 IH4 said tilth, the signature hole at lla/eltine prosed to be the turning point (in eat h ol the Iss o pres ions dass Simpson had bogeyed tin I nth after hitting an iron oil t’e tee into the left rough . ODE , : • obE • ; ' orr , ODE —i i ■ ODE — i i ■ ■ • ’ - ODE ODE , . opt _L._- ’■ 9Pi= Capable. Affordable. Adaptable. Affordable. Transportable. Affordable. \X hen it i. nines to me reusing pn xlu* ti\ in .it .in ec i >in mm .1! pm t there s no tool s in» >re able Meet the Ma> uit< ish't lassu ‘ ■ onijiuter It s the in ist .ilfordable M.nmtosh vet it van handle a \anetv ot liasu hoine.otlia' and i lassuKim applications, such as word pn n essinv^ and spreads! vet arulysis I lie ( lassie is a u unplete Mac inti >sh Its monitor kexlxiard. mouse and sWem soltware are all inc luded. as are extras vou mil’ll! not extxsl such as the abilitx to IK'tW > >rk ,liul tile \pplr’ Mi|XTl>n\e i il^k time. w hit !i lets the ( lassu read trurn and write ii i MS-I x )s i )s j. and I’n i| k )s tiles 11k* t lassu eaneasih go u here you need to go w lien\ou need to go there Its integrated design, light weight and Unit m taming handle are ideal tor a |xtsoh on the tinive s< i n ime in and see a demr lustration \rul see a new \alue in |XTsonal i oinputmg that > i ntkln t lx- in< ire resjx t tal>le t >r aftt irtlal>le Available. 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