SPORTS Former Oregon coach Hobson dies at age 87 I ortner Oregon basketball coni h How .ml Hobson, who led the Dm ks to their only NCAA b.iski'tb.ill title in Pl't'l. died June 'I He 87 The former Dink coat h reportedly died nf i ongestive he.irt f.nllire .il .1 Port bind nursing home Hobson b«d been suffering from be.irt problems .md .111 ul i er before bis death Hobson's lull l irs team ruptured (fregon\ only hasketliall natioiial 1 bam pionsbip hv defeating Ohio State In it in the first-ever N't'.AA ( bampmnsbip game Hobson took ovei as Oregon's basket ball roach in l'll i and guided the I )m ks to a g I 7 1 .' I re* ord in I 1 seasons before moving on to Yale in I'll Hobson was more than |ust .1 college basketball 1 oar II III bis dav I le was 1 on side! ed one of till- sport 's pioneers be mg the first to rei ommeiid that the three point shot and shot 1 Ini k be part ol tile college game Those two linen (lolls were part ot a thesis on basketball llobson completed at Colum bia I niversilv in l'l-lt I hrbson also produi ed a book in PI8 1 "Shooting Dm ks chronicled the history of Oregon haskelhall during his coat tiirift das s Oregon athlete iliri'i lor Hill H\rne was I'lri ted last week hv memfiers of the ltHHI.ll \ssOI i.ltioil of (ailleglate 111 ns tors of Athletic s .is tin- \A( DA [in si ifi’iil for l't'll <»2 livmi' was chosen president .it the \At DA s .:tith convention in Du 140 \ At DA serves as the prpfes sioiial ami mini ational aSsm iation for more than t.2110 t ollege athlete dins tors assistants and ( onfereni e i ommis sinners at more than 1 ">t»0 institutions throughout the t lilted Stales and l ana da Orruon women's haskethall coat h I I is m He in\ vs ill i.oai h a I’at 11 ii III (on ferem e all slai haskethall team 111 the William (ones ( op International lour nament in laijiei Taiwan, from |une .At to (ills 7 \mung the plavers selected lot the team vs.ts (fregon's SI.II 1 W.dlenholll w lm w ill !«• ,t senior .it (Jregon next mm son Hi'inv jirnn ill star coaching e\ perient e having coached .1 uroup of I'.ii III woriicii s all stars that toured Hungary during tin- summer I hat was tin- Par - It) s first-ever international i ompetition loi Women Also joining I Iron and \\ allenbnrn on thf trip will !><■ Oregon trainer him lerrell AVallnnborn trom \'am:ou\er Wash was Oregon s sei olid leading si orer and rebounder tins past season with |>er game averages ol 1-t '1 points and a 0 re (rounds Ihe 12-plaver team will begin five dav s of prat tue starting rliursdav in Herkelev ( aid on the t ’niv ersitv ol ( alifornia campus ..Portland will host the pci;’ Tonrna merit ot the \mern as a round robin tournament that will select font Ohm pit basketball teams from North and South \merti a to i ompele 111 the IteO Summer l )l\ mpit s m Hurt elon.r. Spam Tire selis lion was made last week h\ the I SA Basketball Committee. saving tli,it Portland was < hosen largely he i ansa of enormous fan support for the I’ortland Trallhlazers Although Port land’s Memorial Coliseum has a < apat i t\ of mill 12.884 I'SA Basketball he lieved the support with whii h the tout nament would generate would outweigh the disadvantages of a small arena The ltt‘12 Olympus will he the first time that National Basketball Associa tion pla\ ers i an\ in the games I'SA Basketball has said the 12 man ros tei will ((insist of nine or III NBA play ers No team other than Spain, the ()lvm pit host team, is given an automatic hid to the Olympics in basketball, treating the need for the qualifying tournament I lie 12 man I S team that w ill < ompete in the Olympics, should it qualify through zonal competition, will he the same team tans will see in Portland HOW TO BUY TEXTBOOKS AND SAVE SMITH FAMILY bookstore 768 East 13th • 345-1651 1 Block from Campus 9-5:30 Mon-Sat MONEY COME TO THE SMITH FAMILY BOOKSTORE FIRST. Chances are you will tmd most ot your boohs at halt price BRING THE TITLE AND AUTHOR'S NAME. It might take some time to find your books, but we will bp glad to help you look, and the savings are worth the wait RETURN BOOKS YOU DO NOT NEED. It you buy the wrong books or drop a class, you can return the books lor a lull refund SELL YOUR OLD TEXTBOOKS. After you buy your textbooks, bring In your old books and The Smith Family Bookstore will buy them for a very fair price berry earns spot on U.S. world track team \( \ A javelin i hamp I’.mlii Hem continued her niitstand I..; mmmiii tins past weekend bv pl.ii mg second at I In1 Atli lfti< s t ongress national chain pinnships earning a berth on this summer s I ’ S \\ or Id ( ihampionship team Herrv threw 1*117 m S.itur dav A finals to plai e set ond lie hind veteran Karin Smith, who won with a throw ol 1117-ti Or egon’s Kim Hvatt was eighth w ith a toss iif 1 r 1 . H\ finishing sei.ond. lierrv will In- on the I' S team that will i ollipote in the World ( hampionships in Tokyo Aug .' I Sept 1 The top three fin ishers in eat h event will he on the A merit an team \o other Oregon athletes made the World Champion slops team hut Si ott Mi did I|uuld\ loi the W orld I III versity (lames in Sheffield l .ngland. |ulv PI If r> plat ed seventli in tilt hammer w ith a throw of o 1 1 u He was the top collegiate tin isher earning the herth in the World t niversitv (lames Oregon's Art Skipper, after planing third in the N'llAA jave Im i o til pet i t ion > planed 11th at l \t with a throw ot 224 t> Skipper also i|ualdied for the World I niversitv (lames b\ fin isliing as the set ond collegian hut likely won't compete be < ause ol a season long ankle in jury Herrv and Medee also took the Oregon trai k teams top tumors at the team awards Iran ipiet two weeks ago Herrv w o n the I. v n n e U inbiglet I’«• t ft11 nif r of the Year Award for the second straight year Mi (lee won the !si h.irpl Award as the men s most outstanding athlete Herrs was the third athlete to win the women’s top award more than oik e Other multiple winners were distance runners Katin Haves in into Ha and \nnette I land in I ‘IH7-BH Hurdler Hob (lrav and sprint ei Rosie Williams were hon ored .is the leading scorers on I he two teams (■ray won the ( arl (Ireve Ward and Williams the Man Offiter Award (Iras had an outstanding season that culmi nated w ith a sei ond plat e fill ish m the 1 10-metei hurdles at the \l \ \ meet Williams left as thi' school record-holder in both the Itltl and Jlltl meter dashes Winning the loaches Awards as the teams' Most Im proved performers were Mu h a m Oliver a nil l.ut v Nusrala Oliver finished fourth at the NCAA meet in the decathlon and improved Ins personal re lord in the event In almost Ml!) points sine e the beginning ol the season Nusrala came out of nowhere to qualify lor the NCAA meet in the r>.(MM) meters, running the third lastest time ill Pacific-10 Conference history She fin ished tilth at the NCAA meet Also honored were Cat Hal ler. as the men’s outstanding i ross i ountr\ runner and Curtis Wilson as the men’s Most In spirational athlete Engine Service 1000 S Bertelsen Rd «8 Eugene OR 97802 One Block North of W 11th Nolan Ind Pla/a Specializing in Volkswagen Service For 32 years 342-3952 Student and Faculty Discounts