SPORTS Falcon seeks record in two-mile at meet By Ashley Conklin t me,i d Spoils Edilor ' . |oe falcon is mi ordinary distainc runner, ami in Friday's I’retonlaine ( lassie at Hayward I ielil I-alt On will attempt In set a world rri on I m a very uinisiial distanc e I he two nil le run l ah on w ill he attempting to break the H t t 45 e 1m kim; set by Saul Aoutla ot Moron o ill l'llC and the American ..rd nl 8:17.12 set by Martv l iepinri in 19 7 5 Alter finishing third in I lie Athlete s Congress I am metei run ,it last weekend's national championships. I ah on believes lie s ready lor a re< ord setting run "It tits into my si lieilule pretty yy ell. I ah on said rvhen he yy as in f.ugene two weeks ago People are always m the 1 am and mile going for a world record It's really never been tried at two miles so I thought I would at least give it a try I all on agreed to make an attempt at a tyyo mile yvorld re, ord when meet ilirei tin Tom Iordan guaranteed I all on lie ( otild set up a rabbit to take out a fast pai e to help push l ah on Along yy ith a rabbit. yy ho is supposed to take the first mile out m 4 ():">. I ah on will have plenty ol other i hallengers in the rai e \|so in the rat e are Doug I'add hi. the American indoor record holder at tyyo miles and Montana State's Shannon Midler, the NCAA , tllltl meter ( h,imp and tin' TA( ! 10.1100 w inner I ahull does have some experience running the distance that is hardly ever run outdoors, having run several two miles in NCAA indoor meets and one outdoors as a freshman at Arkansas in pint, falcon also has experience’ running m the Prefontaine Classii hast year, he set a meet rec ord in the a.000 w 11h a then world dead ing II 20,40 that earned him a $5,1)00 i ash bonus I he chance to run m the Prelontaine hlassii and in front ot the Hayward f ield Ians was a big reason falcon dei ided to return tor this year's meet "I like running in Kugene at Hayward Field,' falcon said I won the N’t A A (1,500 m l‘IHH| here and then being at the Prefontaine (llassir , I got a i hani e to see the great crowds here "Phis is ( ertainly the plai e to go lor a re< ord.'' lie said lew rei ords ol any kind have been set in Ameru an distam e run mug in the last few years, and many consider falcon the last hope for saving America in those events Falcon can certainly deliver, pist like the man the meet was named lor, the late Steve Prefontaine In 1990. Falcon was the top ranked American in both tin* 1.500 and 5.000 meters and was ranked third in the yvorld in the 1 500 He also won the prestigious Dream Mile ■ 11 last year's Bislelt (lames in (Kin At only 24 he yvill turn 25 two days after the Prefontaine ( las su Falron yvill likely he carrying the torch for American dis tain e running lor several years, but it’s a burden he welcomes "There's not as inui li pressure as one might think when you're having suer ess he said "plus there's some oilier good younger runners out there Hut it’s a responsibility we have to be willing to at ( ept Falcon's biggest problem might be trying to figure out rebut his best distance really is He currently is a better I 500 mile runnel on the international level, but many experts heliere the > 000 is Ins best race as demonstrated in last year's Prelontaine Classic ['he 5 000 might prove to he Ins best event later in Ins c areei but tor the time being Fair on sees the 1 400 and mile as his best events "I'm ,i firm believer that you shouldn't move up and change events until you've exhausted all of your potential at the other event." he said I believe that I can run a i 44 mile sometime in the next three years Hec arise he has planned Ins year around running the 1 >00 in the World (.harnpionships in Tokyo in August, Finlay s Irvo mile event w ill he one of the lerv r.u es I air on w ill run this summer He | da ns on running at the New York (.antes in Inly and t w i< e in fill rope in August before heading to the World (ihampionships falcon admits that he's sacrific ing large cash bonuses by not running often in Furope. hut that doesn't bother him "When my cone h and I sat doyvn and planned the season y%e did so with the WDrld Championships in mind," falcon said "The main focus is to get a medal there’ ! 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