V L _ (iFNKRAL INFORMATION I he I NK ('raft ('enter in a comprehensive Arts Program ottering well equipped facilities and workshops in most areas of the Visual \rts. I he program is troth educational and recreational and encour ages all levels of interest, from Ivgmnmg hobbyist to senous artist, each working .it lus or her i>w n pace It you have an interest in art or a favorite hobby, the I Ml ( raft ( enter at the l diversity of Oregon is foi vou! 't on'll find us hi tlu I rh Memorial I nion i I.Mh and l diversity I on the lower level, east wing. ■ MIMRFRSIIIP INFORMATION ('raft ('enter membership eriiltles you to use the tacilines and tools in the ('raft ( enter anytime we re open Membership is a I w ,t \ s as a liable for the entire l <) community. 1 <) alumni and cut tent 1.( <' students The general public mas purchase a ('raft ( enter mcmlvrship ssith 'em oilmen! in a ( rat l ( entei workshop costing S 1 () or more I >as use passes are 'available for current l Oeommumts and l () alumni I I) is requited. Memberships are valid lor the term m which thes are purchased, and are not refundable Membership fees iper term): S'1 l () students, faculty. stall and spouses SI.’ 1 (1 alumni SI 2 (ieneral public ss eniollment in workshopsosting > l()oi moie ♦♦Discounts: Memberships arc SS for 1 () alumni, and geneta! public with enrollment in wotkshop costing S'Ooi more l)a\ I si-I sa s: $1 I O students faculty staff $2 I O alumni Memlxuship is required lor workshops that use ( i.itt ( enter facilities and equipment Workshops icquinng iiKinlviship. .tie starred t’l nest to their description. sir mo iauiitiks i \ 11 ( rati Comer facilities available for use include a ceramics area ss ith high tire s upahilities.darkroomsequippod tor both black and ss hue and color printing, a jess dry lab with casting and solder mg equipment, a wood shop, and facilities tor silkscreen. batik, stained and fused glass, lapidary, bike repair, sew mg. ami numerous fiber techniques I'he Craft Center has hand tools. hooks and periodicals tor member use within the Center Various supplies are available tor sale; lockers are available to members for SI (small) or S1.75 (large i pci term. i WORKSHOP Kl (USTKATIOS Registration is on a first-come first-serve basis, continuing throughout the term until classes begin or are tilled, l’reregistration is strongls recommended to ensure your place in a class W orkshop registration can be Iv done in-person or by mail, and must lx accompanied by full payment Members of the l niversity commu nits purchasing Craft Center memberships will be required to present l niversity I I) KIM M) POLK A Workshops will be refunded l(M)'; d hours prim to the first meetine. (• , thereafter “Special" workshops are not refundable. I! a workshop is s .uu elled. a full ref und ss ill be given Workshops ss Inch do not meet the minimum requirements \s ill be cancelled on or before the first class meeting Memberships are not refund able. It a me m be i hip ss as purchased at 1/2 price ss nh a ss orkshop. the I ul I me mix'i ship tee ss i II he charged in the es cut that the student ss ithdrass s from the class SUMMER HOURS! Monday - Wednesday 10:00 am-6:45 pm Thursday 10:00 am-9:00 pm Friday 10:00 am-4:30 pm Closed Weekends June 17-August 13 -iSUPPLIES FOR SALE\ BlkKS: Tire rubes. Patches, Patch kits. Bearings (IK WIICS: Stoneware, Porcelain, Pool Kits I IBI RS: Procion Dyes. Silk Dyes, Silk ^ Silk Scarves CLASS: Solder, Copper I oil, Lead ('ante, (Hass ( utters OkAPHICS: Silk sc rec 11 Silk A I rallies. Poster Board MLTALS: Silver. Wax. Saw Blades, Saw Frames PHOTO: Chemicals. Film. Papci WOOD: Hardwoods. Sandpaper. Plywood. Dowels -TOOL LIBRARY] I lie I Ml ( rati ( enter has various hand .tiui power tools tor current l () students to check out on .1 24-hour basis. A limit ot 10 tools may be checked out at one time. Rental fees are S,2s tor hand tools and %1.(K) tor most power tools. and must Ik- paid w hen tools are checked out. Student I D must be left as deposit durum the rental period I Registration Form 1 I Q. o o CC LLj F Z LU o < CC o WORKSHOP NAME ADDRESS “CTTV PHONE (day) CLASS 9 (PLU) TUITION STATE (ovo) MEMBERSHIP FEE TOTAL ZIP -I Please fill out both sides Q. UJ o UJ cr t z LU Q D P (/) NAME REFUND POLICY Wurtshopa will be refunded 100^ 72 hour* pnc* 10 ihc first meeting. 0% thereafter “Special" workshop* art not refundable. Cancelled work shoo* will be fully refunded Membership* are not refundable. If member ship *ii pun heard at 1/2 pnee, full membership foe will be charged tn noil that student withdraws fnm class CLASS # (PLU) TUITION FEE MEMBERSHIP FEE (or *) TOTAL FEES Registration begins June 3 Walk-m registration is available through June 11 and will resume on June 17. Send mail-in registration to: EMU Craft Center, University of Oregon Eugene, OR 97403 Mail m registrations are confirmed by mail if self addressed stamped envelope is prov ided All other mail-in registrations are confirmed by phone. NOTE: University II) is required for purchase of “student rate" membership. For more information, call 346-4361. ’j B l »