CRAFT CENTER SUMMER ‘91 WORKSHOPSl r ** • * « CERAMICS Fh. ( I K \MI( s 111 (iISMMi I rank (tosar Michael I ♦ ecloni Hus workshop o : evervihtnv \ou nee Mi * * ! *nU) \S oim s.i.r. ' ihi •» (i*i (I, 1 ;<>»n lur.- y Inis 11 * >C *S40 HIM l\l INI. ( I K \MK S I r .ink ( I nr !i • .t ! • a m• ha*- !. i-! • ome pm • •• . i.t\ \pv ' m 1 sp tif.j yin ituinikn!m»n *kilh a? 1 p • nna! . sp!i• .•.inn w jilts l.ts 1 net e.!•*' sour throw mg and hamIhtitfd inti skills, make sites iah/ed fools, .ml re line your glazing 25 lb* of d.o and glazes pros ided. ' ' ■ n ol instruction I s b 00 0 (Ml pm June 27 August 1 July i \ M II \NI)Hl II DIM. < I IUMII s( l I I* I l III t I .ink ( • trv.if I splt.U' Mull •Mill. I .111.1 .-.1 .mil '*• Ills, ill l l.l\ .Mill ^1.1/1 S [il 111 lilt il M- : t n ■ iuK ! :: 5*. * , *1. K \ K I I-1 KIM, I i .ink < i•>**,»i Jay tun • sitidonts iniciosu-d in wjh r Hrtrij.' s (> pii ii sof h|,(|,w \ i«leti ' ■ ■ ’ 1 Satufilax I2 00 ^-00 }»m luh 20 2 N.r. ailay 12 ( * * h:Q0 *>tt Ulcrmcillifli* at tin./ .Mill raku • .l.t/i s amt tii in k P»< •SI. ( OI OKI I) l‘( )K( I I \IN IVlfl M» \ n I I UkiKnld K-.UJlit ui V up'- .(> ;* j iv»vt In W. iihcoli’l p.‘l I \\i' st. if! whito had. ■ *.'!■ .hk! a lew ,it\ i Ui . i I'm 11 lain, iii.imhi ami ula/rs |»l n\ ».l Tuppciwau- ’ Hunk ' another meal off stwofoant’ 't * rathe i artist k alls sour own mu£s, luinMets. and small bowls m i (las and Llla/ts pi o\ tilt'd !:• la\ 2 OH S t * * pm June 2 I anh HlHCf starve than oat § — FIBERS | s : i \ \\ \.|<> w I \\ l\(, < hr\\tal Nhhtn^in !)•••:.•* and V. .as <: a Na> .t • 'i,,- l :;, ,i If .UUC h '*■ : - ‘ ‘ - w Ith or w ithout tcru c w ill set aloom, design and w eas c a small project Ailv amed students w ill learn ri!->re complii ated (*ost includes frame loom which is sours to keep and first sxarp \arns. Y w extra time amt money'lor materials 18 hours of instruction l.!.j\ v . ■«* 5 (M) pm « * • S ; member June 25 July Ml #o|0 S4n mm members I \BI I I OOM \\ I \\ IM i* < hr \stal Met (uigan 1 )h! sou ever wonder hove those beautiful patterns in doth were made } l .am how tod\ e cotton s .im, ri a l those "patterns ami Weave’ Student', mas weave a sampler and choose a project, u, !• .s' a ;* is ; r ar! \ll materials provided 1N hours of instruction Allow extra time outside of class for completing your project We-div. das . MMi'MO;; June 26 Juis M »oi ? SJ2 non members Sl’I-l DOl II I 1 N <, l!mk\ Hiowii 1 akahashi > Classic quill patterns ami mo l; . it pie, mg tec hniques combine t c pi. 11k e .i quality quilt in a I taction of the usual linn Si .-It mu‘ >•!' till- pillowing } vltt .1 UN Snow Hall, H 1.1/ill p Star ■> •\tnuml the WotM. or log Cabin Che first class meeting wu! * in, *lisi iissimis u! patti'ins. i > aiuf fabr k requirement ; ;e selection- All leve- ;>! expencncc welcome Out ol . i.r sowing tunc may tv necessary 12-1/2 hours of instruction 1. Tucsilays fi:(M) S:3() put #ou S2-1 mcmfvts June 25 July 23 #015 $27 non members •/s ( hristal Mcliuigan I xplore the possibilities of yam ilosign while-creating your ow n tiamlspun wool Start mi the Utop spindle and mm e rapidly in the spinning w liool All phases ol w ool preparation is ill lv covered N lima! an. 1 i h. line al dy cmg w ilI Is introduced C ost includes fleece for »ou to tit e lour la' mite color. Is hours of instrik in" 1 II. ' das S 11 (Ml 0 (HI pm June 25 July 30 #016 *$3 H.itik is an auclent method ol dia a me. painting and stamping hot w ax on c otton lahric tv lore dxeing to cteale unique and Iv.iuulul patterns and design- In tins class you will learn sevcial batik .him....- : : ■■ t d\cinp techniques ol West Alins 5 -aba . (tin It.ill \aid ol ti.itik material, dies and w ax pi os idl'd. 1a - msl:. .. i M i.iay h.t'rti 0 fn 1 p i; JuK 1 22 #(H7 *531 , sriWIMi \M> 1)5 I IN(i* 11 \ I IK k > .i V ■7—r r ".t H BIKES \ ■ V * \\ IIUI | lilkl III \l I II Stephen ( l ist Neset pas hijtli bicysle tct pines ayain! I earn u ■ -s <-! haul beanny set' i.!;UM , . and brak. and Ir Hi s 5 '5 non members *020 s'2members • 021 v Jb non members HIM IKK KIR Stephen I i isl I mt lire |itesi 11pi ion tu |ss rk up sour bike .nut help you avoid ss ear, amt repair hills heir m i ten will cover lubrication, tire trouble, brake anil year servue. and trouble shooliny 1 ear 111! ly these i are and maihten.e., e skills will help sou to k. , p \ our bis e rol uiy siive:: u • I sa’eh I u o • ess ion ottered ! I uesil.o 5 OtI k (*i pm June IS *022 S' 2 w ednesilas s I«1 S Oil June l'l »tl2! S I k ■ * •. * . - •. GLASS I '» S I \!M I) (.1 \Ss SIM ( MAI \| ill k hel I IT ( i ii l'i .iu- the sun ss nh beuutifuK ■ »K»i s |vrs ad mg your spas e lTivucc ir\ essary lo hudd .1 small stained glass piece V H: ■ I 10 lilt'll 5 luiUI Ol Ills'.! Ik . I ..'si!.i\ s 6:00 S. '0 pin June IX & 25 «C4 SH> .1 , X Iat_c_£_ JEWELRY P IN I KODl ( I ION l(> .11 W l I m \ I ONI W \ \ ( \N I I N( 1 Dennis \\ it si I’; ii'iiihmcl workshop covets ls>ih fahricalion and casl mg 1 kmonsiralions hr lude design transfer, culling, liling. piercing, soldering. finishing. teMures, model making, -pi nu'.g .V mv esiing. s asnng, ,uid cleanup Students will has e ik". • . ;. ! 1 r 11 s!', esiT.iijii . Some materials pro s iile<1 I x hours of instruclion. Vi .lues.lavs fr (X* 0 IX) t * * V, -c . *• 'V Hk l muTMi) ol < )ivgon affirms aiul acli\cl> promote' ilk' n r his ol all individuals to equal opj>oriunit\ in education and emplosment, vs alvoul regard to race, color, national orn'in, marital status. veteran's status, sev v. haiulicap. rclu'ion. 01 am otlui cm raucous considerations not dirccih and suhstantiall\ related ineffective performance I’hi.s polic> implements all applicable lederal. stale and Uv al la»\ tcrulatioii'and evccultveorders Direct related inquiries to the ()llice ol AI firm alive \ction, I Oicjton Hall, I mvciMiv ol Oicron; telephone <5(1 D ' to (I; --!— TS—r PENS, PAINTS PAPERSV 4 P * 1 * 4 I)R \W IMi Mark /immerer 11 \ou c .»ii set*, you t an dr aw' < ie.arvd tow:ards . • • • . . : • perception and observational skills. this Yourv»; 'i ike.s /v -.t cxcrascs from "Draw xnf on the K.Yht Si do ! the H ulher StMiKi'1 We’ll aNo loo*. : , « , a . . •! the art ! draw ir Ml matt r ials provided strut lion. I ucsila\ s f>:2non am•:mK:: I SHIR I \ DOS H R MI KS( RI I \ Peter \1e\er Print your own I shirt, jxoster. or ■ ard- l earn the ph emulsion method of silkscreen stencil W.i 11 discus-, s ar .• li - mits. stencil methods, papers and lahru V1K».W V> s i d \ want sour own screen. Ink and some stencil matt rial pro \ ided. 1 S hour' id u :meti* e Thursdays 6 50 9: JO pm June 2ft July M *n;x *Stu W \ I I R( OI OR Nik Sk«H>^ hn}oy ( Jregon's beautiful summer while ainine • color 1 his class is lor beginners who want to lean, kt • techniques of watercolor purnlirn.’ Vui wdldowet on wet a.n*.l dry brush, with still arul landscape sub jet. t I): *wmee»;v? • Ml matt rials pi to ided o! instruction t lass meets iwue a week M u i t\ V W e.lne-da\ June 21 July 10 «• • * M5 nor. u . mk • TT \IKIiKl Ml Hr \.in In i < live voiir artwork *»oh. »mir?wr> *.il edge’ Bcginnnu' w ith the h imcs, MiutenK vk iII It*am du* con :ol arid are ot the airbrush Hie tourer yyd! . over .1 yariciv o! .1I'fush v-kills including ihe use v»t ! r ivkil and • - .1 k ;!i g SUhU’Tits \v si!need to . llu ir Sunn- ink ant! p.ijn 1 will be pi n\ till'd 1 ta'sd.lN v N UO 7 : M» • lum ?V Inis Ml / «• U *V' r < HIM s| HR l Ml |».\l\ I INI, I 1 \ m \ th ;SV»'u|il \ * ■ 11 like in |'.ml MimClhiiH' m i ui\ ',x ■ nil iv.iv 1 S1m.11 1 1 ■ .1 ir.ulih.' ('hmv.1' pnmnii- i.Mi *u - mi ■ •• k Ink U. .v . .im (.'-pji: nr: IV..: ■ ; || I . t usl III i linli x I" 11 In iixlu x w hn Ii .111 vmu x In k■ i p pjpi i .mil ink hum .—i., \ Starred Classes Require Craft Center Membership. . •> ■ WOOD l HI <»IN\I\<» WOODWOKklM. Man Halite k Hi ad Nik* Materialize y r . w .t.*l sh.ip C f while learning JW>SAt*r tool use and satols IfMrui cover project design, wood properties, hand am! p use, and joinery You may want to .1 and money lor vour project 17 1/2 l wo sessions offeree!. 1 Morulas sMHi S •" p:r. June 24 July 29 2 W edne la\ 6:00 N 4) p;: June 26 Juls ' 1 low a little e\ hours of mslf 4 *S.l5 l l(.II I I MU 1 M \KIS(0 Man H.tll., k Architcc lure .mil ail rnaiors sjx'iid two Saturday s making the ultimate light table A new and unproved design mcorpo rates your Maylme .mil Hors. ,i;;. .1 •:..ip»- In desks in 1 awrence l avkable, jiortabie. and functional. thi able is .1 nsi I : your -;m. Mood and sums pros idt-d. i us o| nisii m ‘i I Sat unlay, luly 20, 400 am : Hi pm I 2 hr lnu ‘1 rhursilav . Juls 25, 6:00 0 Ikl pm II \NI) I ()()1 S lohn Junes Interested in working w ith handtools and learmn. tr woodworking techniques'.’ I :sing tools such as ha hand planes, marking gauge' br.ue and hits, vh; moulding planes yields a level of understanding rim from machines Students w ill lx- assisted in malum their ow 11 tools or a project ot jvrsonal 1 lion e No woodworking experience necessary Use ol |*>v will he covered in die last session IS tumrs o! 111 1 uesday s h:00-0:00 pm June 25 July 50 *•> A t . I REGISTRATION BEGINS MONDAY, JUNE 3 Register Early! Class sizes are limited and preregistration is nec essary to assure your space in a workshop. SUMMER HOURS Monday - Wednesday 10:00 am-6:45 pm Thursday 10:00 am-9:00 pm Friday 10:00 am-4:30 pm Closed Weekends June 19 August 9 Woodshop Hours: Woodshop schedules will be available during the first week of the term. ♦ *• PHOTOGRAPHY h IU <,I\\|N(. IMIOKH.K \V\\\ \nnette <. iitit ji^in 1 • i’.: '■<(>'-; \ u law 1. >p R A W : and make HAW • u i pr!■ i• tp i • ' if*'''!1 ’ 1‘hotograph.k.. v omp -III-”i lhv- . .It'- ■ ' I >• 1 darkroom > h.flKjUfs w ill Iv I' tint, eliemtcals .ind sonic paper Mill hr pn>\id* d I a.»xANiitm offered 1 M ! VlHi : )ti; a ' J )i;j \ :•) #o Is *\ 12 ; \k :• l.iv , i.H* IM luf. > i, sv M «m 12 IN I I KMI MINI! NIO I ()(. K \\'\\\ \ml( em Han r\ l hr a is.teste: !! ph* >!•»p r apt : who i*. already .ii cju;link'd with gorier .! ! i .tfhl has an n 111 .. ' . : l earn a }V» ' of the /one Nv U ill art use a v .if v ot pajK’fs afU.1 ties eloper s to jirofliu e pr mt a. »tl>*K n. I umhi ast and depth \. -ill,'!- v . 'fiMtl.-f atii'fi' dmat Ilia r ! enni|>osilron Alii K* m lid I Simla;!- a ill need h■ provide then own and white him ami paper as we}! as one roll of color I. < hcinii ah u ill he pr o\ ml< d Mor»da\ t lime 2 I Ii h no Ul *SU ( < )l ( Ik I’klN I I \11 Si)1111 »> ll.ii. t \ I'h., J.i ulUtini.. AC: i mm m ci vi. Ii will then pi. >1 culm tilin'., .—I in "lumU ■ Minder ..1 t!u* cm;,..- Id,,,, ,\|Vi me m the 'l.irUcmn , ( hcinii .its anil Minn p,i|>.-1 n ill In- pirn uh il II Will ( >1 < >KI\<, It A. U I’lin I < H.k \ 1*1 IS \nmilt (i in il j i.i n Ha V, idKi nine .c i;, pluitogf .IjlllH ICl|UI?t Ha \S ■ Ri 1 uli il [it-ru iIs, nils .mil pi .it I u i pi I II Ic u til In .1 \ .111.1I1 lc , \l ■ ; . m, > June I A Juts ! .*5MM ( Wll K\ I si \ .lie 1 it Mar li l . arid letters! -,S Includes ir heller pu I hi Iuno ;«> it j J J s f • * • r ' *. , 4 REGISTER BY JUNE 21 FOR ANY WORKSHOP OVER $20 AND RE CF IV! A $2.00 DISCOUNT ON SUMMER TERM MEMBERSHIP With discount. $ V(X) ('urrcnt l nivcrsii) Conuminiiv. Sf' (K) r ol () \lumm \ (icncral l*uHIit