Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, June 18, 1991, Image 1

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    TUESDAY. JUNE 18. 1991
Today is the firs! issue
of t In- suinmi'r Oregon
I huh Emerald The paper
will In: published Tues
days and Thursdays until
the mid of the term
.i i untie stiip draH n
hv I 'nivei.-nilj, students
A ( Smid and U .tv ne
Sheilabiifger, makes its
(ieliul in IikI.iv issue on
Page i!l
I he Ini liitMit.il Fee
t omnultee is taking dp
pin alions for the se.il left
by Mike Colson, vvtiu was
voted otf tile committee
on tune 1: an Asian
Arnerii an studies i ourse
will be taught at tile I ’111
versltv lor tile lilst time
in .it) years
See 'Grapevine. ’
Page ■*
ASUO president and
vine president lennifer
Hills and loSonja Watson
sav they have started
their terms in offict hv
working to make their of
fu e mure act essible to in
t oming freshmen
See storv , Page 5
Spike i.ee s Jungle / c
ver and tin- Billy Crystal
comedy ( itt Slickers ate
worth votu moin’v and
vour time, but Rubin
HootI Prince ot Thitne.s
doesn’t match up to the
original Errol Flynn clas
See reviews,
pages ti and 7
|ne I dt on will .itt>4|«pt
to break the world record
m the two-nule run at Fit
tlav s Prufontaine Classit
at I tav w art! Field.
See storv Page t :i
Pine Mountain a place to reach for stars
Dark sky makes
for stellar views
By Christopher Blair
Emerald Edit
A thin i ri'si cut moon is si't
I in^ In llli- vv rs! hell uni till! Cas
(ades .is kelsev ( loud steps
giilgerlv up thr siu.ill ( rrakv
stepladdrr ,md looks through
the telesi ope s evepiei e
('loud. It who is v ,11 ,it ion
mg m hasten! Oregon with Ins
tamdv v i«o\ s thr grav image, ot
the moon s craters and moon
tains After a minute hr asks
I’inr Mountain Observation
tour guide I vnn Carroll jus!
whit h moon he's looking at
Well, that's our moon
Carroll savs Cloud utters a he
w iIdered 'Oh and steps
down the ladder letting the
next person in line have a look
It s all m a night s work tor
I '.amdl. .1 \ olu liter I at the I 111
v r r s 11 v - o w nerl obse i v a tor >
who answers visitor questions
and points the observatorv s
three telescopes at various cr
lestial oh|e( ts
( amdl said Pine Mtmntain
gets t iion to 4.000 visitors a
v ear mostlv during the sum
On a Saturday night the oh
serv alorv tan get >0 to till visi
tors most ot whom stand in
line to view lupitrr's moons a
globulai star cluster or a distant
galaw The Pine Mountain
stall savs viewing hv large
I'holn tn Md»k ^
\ mils thv hni’hlt'i uhjm t .mil fufntci srt with thr sun bvhind thr hills nt h.istrrn thr^on thr honir nt thr I m
\rr\it\ s I’mr Mountain Obsrr\ ator\
groups v\ i11 he easier Iat«‘i this
Mtmmt'f ulii’ii video monitors
iirt' hooked up In I ho tele
' When wo only have two lol
I’M.uprs npi’i.ihm;, and wo havo
a lino ol 2i) people and urn
have in take a mnuito to look
through tho telesi ope that '* liU
to t(i minutes just to look at
one objo< t (iarroll said
"Of oourso (a monitor) is not
the same *is looking through
tin* telesi ope visualh but it
would hr ,i lot ijuii kri
I I'If.sc opes are measured h\
the diameter of w hat is i .illrd
I hi‘ pr i m,ir\ in in or. w h u h
g,ilhers .oui hx uses light I’iur
Mountain has thrrr sui.h trlr
Sl opr .it 1 , .! j ,iu(| tg mi hi s
Although Pine Mount.on -.
id inch Irlesc opr is not work
ing dor to .i i omputer problem
virus through thr other si oprs
.nr inorr than suttii irnt I In
.’ I on h reveals (upitri -. tom
largest moons some "it 10 million
miles awiiv .mrl i lend binds in
I lie pin net s atmosphere |w en .1
glnner through the I "1 iiu h .it
I ,ulh s miHiii ' in 1 m 111 miles)
reveals i raters plains and other
del.ills in the Imi,ii luiulsi ape
And although the ielosiuper.
■ it Fine Mountain are smaller
than tlmse al bigger ohservatoi
les Mime nl i' Iiu h have mtr
rnrs ul KM) 1 in lies nr mure
stall members sa\ the site I 11m
Tinti ! STELLAR Pep
Bookstore criticized for selling magazines
Are Penthouse.
Playboy free speech
or pornography?
By Iroy Anderson
I Ik- I'niversity Bookstore s
lack o( partially hidden l’ht\
bm .iiid Penthouse magazines
probably hasn’t t aught the eve
nl must students Hut fur mam
members of women’s groups
and other students, the sale ot
those magazines has healed up
a i ontroversy over pornography
and i ensorship at the honk
The < arils lett 111 the sugges
lion box and the notes on the
bulletin board at the bookstore
tell the storv
"Freedom of spee< h is a verv
important issue but 1 am afraid
that it is not the main reason
the bookstore continues to in
sist upon selling hateful, vio
lent propaganda against worn
nil,” one suggestion said
"VVhv do you earn materials
that are insulting (at best) to
half the student bodv -’"
‘ Pornography is about si
lent ing women another sug
gestion said Please remove
I l \
■ ■> '■ ” v /iV’ i’/iir
Va I?/ i'yv/yavAav
w\;.'./A VuA'c.V/Va^
Irff r'*%]*V
I hr l m\rrsit\ Htmkstorr has rr< mils tumr utuln tirr lor srllinx l,!*t\lto\
ml Hrnthousr munu/m»*N
A Ma\ 1 protest in.1 n li
against pornography .it the
bookstore. i onsistmg of about
12ri students during the 14th
Annual Women's Symposium
fueled liie fire even more
Hookstore direc tors sat that
removing the magazines would
constitute censorship, and
would oppose the basic prim 1
pies ot book sellers < )n the uth
er hand, a Women's denier
group stands behind the remnv
al. citing sources who sa\ pur
nography is linked to rape and
sexual assault
"Twenty-one percent of
women subjected to abuse
knew the harm was .1 dire. I re
sull of tile perpetrators use of
pornography,' said Sus.in
Hunter, direr tor of the Conn* d
for Prostitution Alternatives in
Portland Polii e investigators
said pnrnogrupln is used di
ret.tly or unitateii in -11 per< ent
of sexual assaults
Wendv Curran co-director ol
tin' Women's Resource and Re
ferral Center said materials
showing women dominated
1 ontribute to sexual assaults
According to rape statistics
released In the Office of the
Dean of Students incidents ol
sevu.il assault are not uncom
mull at thi' 1 imersilv
Tilt- report made tn tin- I '11
wanted Sexual Behavioi task
l orn* iiii'il 11 mi 11it■ uf> ut m-\
ml harassment ami 1.' rapes
th.it in i urri'it between |an 1
and April tit Statistics hv the
Rape Treatment (a*ntrt shim
tli.il only lint' in .tit rapes i cun
milted on campus are reported
Dr Sterling Kllsworth. a lo
i .i 1 psychologist who spei tal
l/es ill rape and sexual assault
last's said that these t\pes lit
climes are linked to pornogra
After Id years ot personal
experience doing psychotheru
py and working with sex ol
tenders at the state pemlenliu
r\. I know there is a cornier lion
between these magazines and
Violent e against w omen ' he
"Pornographv aids sexual
addicts in i iirrving out their
problems." he said "Sex id
dll ts have told me that tllev
have gotten then ideas trom
pornugraphv and it is a tai tor
that exaggerates their pioblem
I'l.ivhm and I'rnthousr an no
i'xi option ami these women m
right about it
Howevei tiookstore Miitiagei
Turn to BOOKSTORE Pa,..