SPORTS Vols overcome WSU for men’s team title By Ashley Conklin] Spoils td'!• ■ ' In .ilinul 1 fj imnulrs S.ilur dii\ Tenncssi'f went from \(' \ A rvi nnrrs u p to team i hampions \eednig some help to over i nine \\ ashiiigton State the Volunteers (jot it when pre meet favorite l oin I .1 w its tin qualified tor running out ot his lane in the 1 10 meter hurdles It didn't mm It matter be< arise I a w as eighth an\ w a\ Moments later lenuessee high jumper Kandv Jenkins ,i one time 7 1 |um|tei len nessee (loach Doug Brown said i leared ~ l>1 tot second pi.n e and eight i rut tal points Those two events were the different e in the meet. Brow n said "Within ID minutes this meet completely turned around at that point.' he said "We knew w e had a i ham e I hen The Volunteers almost didn't have a i ham e after I i ida\ s i oinpet ition Washington State has 2H points alter I ritiar's i ompeli tion. receiving a huge boost when (ieorge Oglteitle surpris nigh won the long jump with a leap i it lii> it! ) But the Vols regrouped I'ri da\ to make a run at the ( ou gars Saturdav Tennessee was in the driver's seat after Jenkins' set ond place performam e her ause it had lug points i liming in the dei alhlun with Arii Brian Bropln and Matt Shelton going 1)8 res|)ectiveh Todd Williams the runner up in the 10.00(1 Wednesdav i mm' bai k with a third m the a.000 Saturdas It was an emotional win for Brown, who coached at ( Imr i lull High Si hool in Kugene and ran for Athletics West in the earlv I'lrtOS Doing it .it llaswanl lielil .lllii Kllgenc Is so s|ii'< i*lI to ini' bei ausr 1 have a lot ot friends here .Hid tins is still tin- tin k capital nt tin* is hr said It s till* perfei t si lip) (Xlici \< A A meet highlights ini hull'd • ()hin State’s Mark ( roghan the delending 1,001) meter stee ple< hast' i liamp setting a lilis tering pat e to burs Washington State s Samuel hlbiri ami win easils in H 22 22 the lastest time in the world this season Croghan had been beaten In hlbiri in the I’enn Kelas s stee plei base last month and wasn't about to let that happen again "I knew 1 had to go w ith two laps left, but I didn't know d he (kihiri) was with me so I was literally running scared the last two laps.1' Croghan said hlbiri blasted me at Penn so I had something to prove to mv self • Nevada's hainy heshmiri successfully defending lus dis i us title with a meet and i idle giate record throw ol ki 1H-r» "On Wednesdas (during qualifying) I was warming up over 220 (feet) and got too e\ cited," heshmiri said "Today I wanted to come out and I said. 'Don't hit 220 in warmups ami 1)1)1 it i i\ VV tf 11 heshnnri hit .1 throw of 20'> 1 ori his first attempt liefore i om mg h,i( k with Ins 218 "i mi his next throw hrshnim had told disi us ol in ials to keep .1 steel tape used for record purposes on h.iiid Idt thf i oinpelitioii I thought it ss .is going to he .thouI 2 I "i. ’ hf s,iid I lies brought out thf stffl tape .md I realls ffIt pretts good .ihout it I thought this could lif it .uid u Ill'll I says it got to nti meters arid kept going I felt great • (.forge Mason's I s t a n Hagsula slit t esstulh dftfliding h is pole s a 1111 i hanipionship w ith a meet ret cirri trill1 • Hagsula heal collegiate re i ord holder Hills Has ne of Has lor. who clean'd t8 8 « altei sett I ng I he \( \ V l ei (O il ol l‘t 2 1 a .it the Southwest ( older flit e meet Hagsula never missed until he tried to break Has lie s ret ord hs having the liar set at 1 u I t "I think I might have Ireen too tirei! hs then ' ’ he said • Hrigham N tning sprintei Hi,ink I retlerit ks winning the 100-meter dash in 10 0 1 and then t tuning hut k lo ss in the 201) m HI 00 (Doth limes svere wind-aided I "The svin in the 100 gave me a lot ol confidence in the 200. lie salt! It took a lot of pres sure ott ot me It I lost the 200 that was (Ik I still had the 100 s it tors I rodent ks ssas third in the 200 in lOHri anti set ntiri last Year I le sanl he expert toil lo svin the 200 this time hut not the 100 In the 200 I had lo ssorrs about 111st one gux i Arkansas') liinim I rent h he suit! Hut ill the 100 there are alls lltllll her ol guss ss ho could have ss on it Graduation means goodbye to spring breaks, summers oil, And IBM student prices. |i< Ion vou [Mil on Nour i .i|» .m«l »*i*mi. tlirn -hll tiim- in i.ikr .i«l\.inlap* *»l 11»•* gt' nt jil H • Oil .III I I»\ 1 |VrS4»lul s\ -trill J W f |4‘| ||i 'I Mill IIII i| III I fi Ml* 111 If >1 • --l\« | m|m i - ^ f .if >1 lit - .on I -fin .»* Mm «l - tm o hool of i»ti-mr-- n fioil- lot v\oik .»i m ii n -min tin I*"1 J mint - jin with -oltw.m will Irt \nii < li i jii-I \ i m 1 it h.i i ll ion -< In in.ik<- it «\i-\ lo ii-* I*111- llirn in nl*l* «l t«►«*1 - lik» .i not* |M*1 < .«ihi < .mllil* • \* II :.MIII« - \ IHI ll - r\| i.l IH 1.1 N*' -O 11 « .III OW Willi \oti tliroiirhotlt ni.lllliat* —• in Mil ol «»l» ill*- J*»l» W Inl«' \«mi i* 'iill .1 -iu«l« ni .iI1mmI.iI*l« It ».i ii ji.iv llirtll - in il *•«» .in.III.i ii!< ns 1111 ill* I HM I*"' J I *mii lot I ' .lining \inl «Mi .1 tlillt n nl nut* nuii i .in m* l i ^n »i Imns |ir h * t»n III* HoLmii I K Mn i* 'n i* in ( .JvHlu.ll lull III* .ill- in in*,; .1 lu| m| j^t m it | I IN • v Hill lull ill Null till. I In n - -I ill I nil* til t lit I k llllti .) jHr.ll - 11 nil'll! |»l ll • « HI .1 I 'S ' Null * III lit t NS It ll ,1 r'> II M I. |\ .1 I It 1 NS ll l .1 I I l it> |m| Null ft HIluM t *Ns Microcomputer Support Lab 202 Computing Center Monday-Friday 9am-5pm 346-4402 "r . d. J.: Jt 'I- ' , ..1 ' «-! .'!*• h '* . 4"*! '.U" *’ ' j c liM A, *!r " /' - 1 i *' > ’ ■ itfM * * . ... V- ' * HW A .i .’i*.: '' «• > ».-• MM ... c- t« ! A a.)r. •. I . ' .1 .1- r . • c ■ • a ;r *i'-1 MM * " fj* •• ^ -V- «• a- , • - " • ■ • BM ‘V . ,*■ •••<• . a. • . < ■ •• , • • * A*V* > • ' r. a' - 4' (1 ‘ «**. » M* ’ ■' r •. • !* a' 1 M,> a . l •. a 'c-;. • - a- • / M, jj ••! l j ,.. •• a'. < mm Vi-r ARE FINALS KEEPING YOG UP ALL NIGHT? Lf.'Vl Need a coffee break? BEGINNING JUNE 3 — AND THROUGH FINALS WEEK — BURGER KING ON FRANKLIN BLVD. WILL BE OPEN UNTIL 3 AM. We'll have FREE coffee & free soft drinks ALL night for you at Burger King SHOW YOUR STUDENT I.D. 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