Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, June 03, 1991, Page 6, Image 6

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Free speech expert to give address
O’Neil to focus
By Tammy Batey
l mor aid Reporter
Koliert O'Neil founding <li
rec tor of the Thomas lolferson
( 'enter for I’rotei tion of 1 rre
I-.xpression m ( harlottesville
Va .i 11 <f an expert nil free
spree h will address this year s
graduating i lass during c om
mencement ceremonies |une 0
at \utzen Stadium
I he right of free speech is vi
ltd. O'Neil said, hut it is often
perceived as not being impor
It often seems like someone
eise's problem until what vou
face tree omes personal when
there are tilings you can't sav
or a book publishing is inhibit
eel ' he said "It s best seen 111
personal terms hut even peo
ple- vv ho don't exponent e it
personally (agree) the underlv
mg prim iple is vital to a socie
ty that relies on the flow of in
"for example our elections
are founded on the deep com
mitment on free flow of infor
illation and distrust of federal
restriction of information.'' In
I'niversity President Myles
Brand said he believed O'Neil's
speech would be timely be
on Bill of Rights
i arise nl I he i urrent debate over
tree speer li on this i atnpus
Situ e the ( ampus is him
engaged in disc ussing issues of
hirst Amendment rights. I
thought it would he vers appro
priale to have an expert i ome
to talk to us about it." Brand
O'Neil said he hopes gradu
ates w ill remember that this
\eat marks the 2IM)th anniversa
rv oi the i reation of the Hill of
Rights adding that his address,
whuli he hasn't titled yet. will
tot us on that anniversarv
1 he hist \ear has been an
extraordinarily active time for
the I irst Amendment O'Neil
said The issue of freedom of
speet h and expression has
t ome up repeatedly, he said
Kxamples include the contro
versy over the lyric s of rap
group 2 l ive drew, restriction
of media coverage during the
gulf war and the recent Su
pit*me ( ourt dei ision regarding
abortion counseling
Issues of tree speei h have
also popped up on i ollege cam
puses with debate over "hate
speei h.O'Neil said
O'Neil began his career as a
law clerk to 1' S Supreme
( ourt lustn e William Brennan
in the early ttltiOs His teaching
i areer took off in Pin t at the
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The Crown
of Columbus
TThis page-turner of a sto
ry about two people who
disagree on every point e\
eept their attraetion for each
other is tilled with provoeative ideas, humor,
suspense and passion.
W hen anthropologist Vivian Twostar uncovers
Christopher Columbus' lost diarv and a refer
ence to “the greatest treasure of Hu rope." she
takes off for the Caribbean with her lover, Rog
er W illiams a poet and her polar oppo
site in a journev that threatens and finally
changes their li\es.
Michael Dorris is the bestselling author of A
Yellow Raft in Blue Water and The Broken
Cord. Louise Erdrich. his wife, is the
bestselling author of Love Medicine and The
Beet Queen.
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Robert O'Neil
University of California at
Berkeley where he chaired the
university's committee on aca
demi( freedom His students
mi lulled Oregon Attorney (Jen
eral Dave I rohnmaver, he said
He went on to become pro
vost of the University of Cin
i innati. vii e president ol Indi
ana Universitv of Bloomington,
and president of the University
of Wisconsin before serving as
president of the University of
Virginia for five years
The Thomas Jefferson Center,
whit h opened last fall, has two
main objectives One is to con
duct research on freedom of ex
pression issues, and the other
is to get actively involved in
promoting tree expression
through litigation and legisla
O'Neil recently chaired the
Marble Foundation Uommis
sion on Media Coverage of
Presidential Flections
He has written several boobs,
including Free Speech He
sponsible Communication l!n
drr l.iw Ihe Kirills of Publit
Hmployrrs. and Classrooms in
the ('msstire
•* . se
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