‘Dangerous’ students could be banned from campus By Fred Hagen Emerald Contributor SA 1.1 AI It you udill to star in school, don't do anything that campus officials might consider dangerous d a hill he fore the Oregon l egislature passes House Hill 21Hti would allow a ‘responsible official1' to ban a student or employee from i ,unpus without a hearing d the zen of the ! '-niIt'd Stall's and shouldn't l»‘ found mults with out going through a hearing Hep Mill IHvser. I) Spring field, one of sr\ House mem Imts u ho voted against the hill said it is overh broad and open to abuse ".'Whatever happened to due pri« ess " ' lie asked ' This bill infringes on stir dents rights said A SI ( ) (’resident lennifer Hills It al 'till'' IM'I ‘;um )K I oili< iu UPS BRING COMPUTERS • CLOTHES • BOOKS STEREOS • TRUNKS DO YOUR OWN BOXING OR WE WILL GLADLY PACKAGE ANY OR ALL OF YOUR ITEMS UPS AUTHORIZED SHIPPING OUTLET s2 p p your UPS shipping charges vy II on 51b. package or more With This Coupon 10% off Moving Boxes MAIL BOXES ETC. 2852 Willamette St. • 687-2836 Hours 9 6 M F 10 4 Sal determine the i riteiin for ;re sponsible nllic inis il the lull ISM'S Domim said he huso t set’ll anvthiriK lhal warrants this kind ul bill 1 111sI don I think they t an pass law s to take tare of even situation he said I'he only 11.11 to lliake I ainpuses (0111 pletely safe is for no one to show up Ihere are already enough law s to take t are of these prob Jems l.vislini; rules allow students and employees to be banned bom 1 ’diversity property w ith ' lit ytoinjr through a student < omlm t i ode hearinn y\ hit h t an take sey eral yy eeks Students can be banned or evit ted from 1 ’diversity boos mu it they are latisuiK a threat to themsely es in others Cruiduat ing in June? Feeling threatened by the real w r id. T >en the th ught of host ile t akeovers and cutthroat p lit ics make you nervous? Y 11 fire w<>apon foi ■ A pet tomputer. but ji i tu a . -n i t us? approaching. " y rr st.udent discount before it's too late to 1 ••• • • : >u Apt .<■ Mac i nt mh, IBM PS/?, or :: .ft war •• from o- i • - A.th* See, Claris, Lotus, Microsoft and more. Your Student Discount: Use it or lose it. Microcomputer Support Lab 202 Computing Center 346 4402 Monday - Friday 9a m to 5pm =w= MOVING SALE! 1 1 1 ALL Oregon merchandise 50% OFF ; : ALL blank sportswear 50% OFF : ALL greek novelties 50% OFF ' All sales final. Limited to stock on hand. Sale May 28 thru June 7. r 344-3439 720 E. 13th (\e\t to Dairy Queen)