Ctwqfrqfatotiro! TO THE UO BOOKSTORE PHOTO CONTEST WINNERS! FIRST PLACE: Eric Evans SECOND PLACE AND PEOPLE’S CHOICE: Ariel Marciano THIRD PLACE: Will Kimball HONORABLE MENTION: Gayle Moser 13th & Kincaid 346 4331 M F 7:30-6 Sat. 10:00-6 Recycle this paper. UNIVERSITY Three deans join University’s ranks The University has .in in hi id eil the hiring of two women .mi) one current I’m versdy professor to fill its three \ ,n .int lie.in i h.urs Kis.i f’alrn i urrently assix i .ite vice chancellor for research anil dean of the graduate s< hool at the University of Colorado. Boulder, will join the Universi t\ as Dimn' of the College of Arts and Si iem es August 1 The college of Arts and Si . eil( es is the largest and the most diverse of the I 'diversity s colleges She succeeds Donald Van Holden, who is returning to t lassroom and researr h pur suits I am verv pleased to he join ing the University of Oregon, t’.iTm s.ml on a press release "I have long admired the at adem a i'\i nllent i' ami the i ollegial atmosphere tor whit ti the I ni \ersitv is well known Anne Dim Shapiro will be come dean of the Sc hool of Mu sii m |ul\ l't'ij A keyboard artist who performs on harpsi i hord. lortepiano and piano. Shapiro is < urrentlv chair of the music department at Boston College "I am pleased to be coming to such to han smoking from the 1 AH ' Ballroom lobby and in the KMI' Skylight, re dut mg the number of areas in the KMI' from three to one Kile ban takes offer t Sept 2 I Sue Pedersen. KMI' Hoard member and Recreation (enter manager, said three air filters will be installed in the i oiling of the Kei ( enter to improve air quality foi non smokers The total cost of the three air tillers is $3,900. Pedersen said At one point early in winter term, the hoard considered completely banning smoking in the KMlhut postponed a dei i sion to get student input Although the hoard had de t ided to ban smoking in the other two areas, the debate hinged on the Ket Center She maintained that ail cir eolation in the area was such that smoke would not he a problem lor non-smokers PREPARE FOR THE FALL MCAT or LSAT Kaplan’s prep courses have helped more students score their highest than all other courses combined! Classes begin in Eugene in June FREE Introductory Seminar Early Registration and Student Discounts Call Now: 345■ 7496 % STANLEY H. KAPLAN M lake Kaplan Or Take Your Chances Student Summer Storage Special See A AW6 StOM^ C.adtn 1062 Hwy 99 North (next to Gilbert center) 10 min. from campus