IFC Continued from Page 1 look oftu e Ma\ Barclay C.ravson anti Kan Anderson. the two previous members who voted against re moving (lolson. are no longer on the committee V11< ties pre viously voted in favot of to* moving (lolson Both l.erma and leig worked in the IFC I this year, l-'eig as the debate u .is i dosed "I don't feel you have had a i haw e to listen to even thing I have to sas " (iolson told mem tiers after the meeting This is based on insnffii tent informa tion Warren disagreed, saving at terward that members have tol lowed the situation ( loseh "1 spent hours agom/ing over tins she said ! didn't want to violate Mike s rights 7 have nothing to hide. They cut me off be cause they didn ’t want to hear it. The truth is out there if people stop and look.' -Mike Colson office manager, and both are fa miliar with the ongoing contro versy surrounding the investi gation During Saturday's meeting. Colson asked how Dodge, Cruz and Warren could vote at that time without hav ing heard his side of the stor\ Dodge. Cruz and Warren s.iid they have reviewed the investi gation material, in addition to all subsequent documents from Colson and the court Warren said members had discussed the matter "one-on-one" before Saturday hut had never met to gether as a group. Hailey and l.ee attended the meeting after they hoard Setur day morning that a vote was possible IFC members limited Col son's ability to comment at Sat urdav's meeting Soon after l eig motioned to take a vote. lint I fell ( onfali'ii! when il was over .uni done with that we dal Ilia right thing Hiis ( om m it tee cannot function with Mike on it " (lolson is not only angry that he was unable to address the is sue entirely during Saturdays meeting, but that he was not in formed in advance that the mat ter would even he addressed This reeks ot something called double jeopardy." Col son said "It was done in an underhanded manner I don't think this is fair It was al ready resolved (by the previous committee) There is also some question as to whether the meeting and the vote are in violation of the Oregon I’uhlu Meetings Law which requires a J.A hour pub lie notice before meetings An Kt al was printed in Friday's Oregon DAILY EMERALD P(l H..K M<*» » U|trm OrvgiNi ***«>« The Oregon Daily Emerald *s published Monday through f '"Jay *'• dun-u; *•. i <’ ween and vacations by the Oregon Daily Emerald Publishing Co at the U <*«»»v!y of Oregon Eugene Oregon The Emerald is operated independently of the University wdh * — *** fi !ht? [*• ■ ) Poor of the Erb Memorial Union and is a member of the Assoc er Christopher Blair Rob Ward Joe Kidd Mark Ylen Layne LaKefish Anna Rembec ► i News Editor Editorial Editor Sports Editor Entertainment Editor Supplements Asst Ed Night Editor Chris Bouneff Pat M.t .u i' Ashley Con him l ayne l aketifth Amy Fredericks Christopher Blair Associate Editors Community Don Peters Student Government/Activities .it'r • «-Maw r, Higher Education/Administration Peter i; p a Reporters T jmmy Matey Jake Berg B< r M- - r He Rar eu Advertising Kevin Auatermann Mark Bru -daye E « e Dei ter Kathy i ! !t M ■ hael Gray Jennifer Kosta Ni* »»e Leahy K >sten Lu-as Stephen M..s.*> M.«< • Newman Lisa Richman Mary Sanderson Kathy Smith Kristi Strother Classified * , . '' •' - • . V *.* Business Kathy Carbone Supervisor Judy Conn oily Production A • i Lotus Child Sarah Clark Carol Oopp Jim Finch • Head Jennifer Huey Linda Klaastad Jim Mason Star y Mdc he!1 Dee M> < obb A .1 Rombeckt Jennifer Roland Don Ross Jennifer Smith Ann*- Stephenson Steve Townsend Jennifer Thomas Hon Walker Todd Williams General Manager Judy Ried Production Manager M.cheie Ross Advertising Director Newsroom Business Office 346 5511 Display Advertising Production 346 4 361 Classified Advertising Susan Thelen 346 3712 346 4343 ODE ODE Recycle This Paper edition ot the I'meriiUl. but the meeting date was listed as Mond.i\ r.itliet than Naturdas 1 he I't .11 mi hided .1 noth e th.it internal business would he disi ussed \\ e knew there w .is going to he .1 vote Warren saui I don't know how (Colson) could has e been surprised Colson said he will pursue the matter I have nothing to hide he said Thes < lit me otf hei arise they didn't want to hear it The truth is out there if people stop and look "Whether I'm on or off this is an important matter to me and now I know who's liehind this. " Colson said, referring to hernia lie has filed a complaint with the ASCO asking for an ilives ligation into recent changes in li t documents l ee has said he will look into the matter I he |an tl minutes were (hanged by hernia on May t> In his < om plaint (.olson states that other changes m II’C records have taken pla( e You're g o i 11 g d o w n . hernia. Colson told her after the meeting l.erma said she did nothing wrong in modifying the min utes on Mav t> 1 had that right as note taker to correct what had been al tered.' shi> said I he II I vs ill meet again on Friday at 5 p m to disi uss ( ol son. in addition to three spin nil budgetary requests from stu dent groups o r< t r\ Jt M l RY OF SIGN STUDIO 1502 Willamette St 343 2298 Regular Business Hours lues Fn 9am-1pm 2pm 6pm Sat 10am 4pm J TNE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON Mp Kf\OW ’'Oi), ■ nypnliV of .(tvi Cnaa tfljhf \ of f,r«> tr .ir.>y*'»‘* O We hate to see you go, but before you move, give EWEB a call so we can stop your water and electric service in your name. We'll come and read your meter right away. That way you’ll be sure to avoid being responsible for service after you move. So call EWEB before you leave, it will give us a chance to transfer your service and say goodbye. 484-6016. EWEB Eugene Water & Electric Board 500 East 4th Avenue Office Hours: 8 am until 5 pm Monday through Friday Need Storage for the Summer? SPECIAL STUDENT DISCOUNT! 3 Months storage on AAA Budget a 5x5 unit for only Storage 4940 Main St. Springfield, OK $70.00 (Regularly $29.00 per month) Musi pay t months in advance Bring m wur student II) expires b 10-91 STUDENT DISCOUNTS * Open 7 Days a Week * [ let tronic Gate * Fenc ed and Lighted * Resident Manager * Business/Personal * Many Sizes Available * RV Storage «S. Boat 4940 Main Springfield 747-0223