EDITORIAL How does it feel? Oh, ihc leaves began to failin’ And the seas began to part. And the people that confronted him were many And he was told lud these few words Which opened up his heart, "If ye cannot bring good news then don’t bring anv." "The Wit ked Messenger" Hob I Jylan Advertising signs that con You into thinking you're the one That t an do what's never been been done That i an win what’s never been Meantime life outside goes on all around you "It s Alright. Ma" Hob I )vlan Hut when there's too much of nothing. It just makes a folia mean. ' Too Mm h of Nothing Bob I)\ lau Any da\ now , anv dav now I shall be released "I Shall be Released" Mob Dylan >"** !f& - vr-' SGOOL aus STOP "I hope they revamp the U S. education system. I want to be able to operate all the neat products the Japanese will be selling us in 20 years!” ‘Harmless visual stimuli’ not so harmless after all By Carol Cheney Skimpily i lad women i avort mi tropii .iI beat lifs in Sports II histriiti'tl I’l.iylxn "bunnies rump .iround .i luvish swim ming pool in stirinv llollv vvi x id Young women e.iri' Commentary iliniH’l lor i nllege tuition I>\ dam mg m topless bars I’rosti toles walk along a downtown street in ven short miniskirts hoping to get pit ked up A woman is kidnapped and forced to have sex with a strange man in trout ot a rolling i amera This is the pornogra phv rape continuum It starts as seemingly barm less and even glamorous enter I.iinini'llt yet it srls lln‘ i Inn.iliJ uf desenMti/.ation lh.it i .in end in brutal murder All these \\ < nni'i) haw something in common • rh.-v ire p.irtii ip.iimu in the tlic multi liillion dolliir porting r.ipln industry from which tlicv rci cuc little • l hc\ .is women .ire mem tiers of .1 group tinit earns til) i cuts lor ev ery dollar men make, giving them fewer op lions to lie economically se < lire • They have little sell esteem • They are all y kdims of a situ ation that perpetuates these sit nations Pornography is based on the ohjectific -.ation and dehum.in i/.ation of women Why do you think 1‘lavboy tails them "him mv ' (Also think of the i.miiin l.ilions nl rabbits anti sex ) U lu'n human beings air dehu manized. it I in null's r.isirr to srr (linn as inlrnor to enslave thrin and kill them l or instant r Afrii an-Atneri i an slaves were seen as am mats thus justifying thr brutal treatment thr\ rrtrivrd from slavrholdrrs During World War II lews. srrn h\ the Nazis as sub-human. wrrr murdered b\ the millions It one studies the propaganda of war. one finds that the militan depicts the 'enemy" as animals, mon sters or other strange creatures It is mui h easier to kill some thing that is not another human being It is no coincidence that 75 percent ol sex offenders use pornography In pornography. women are the "enemies.” And they are dying Women who enter the sex in dustry .ire not stupid All worn en m our society do not have the same employment options that men do Women are six ial i/ed to gauge their value by their ability to please men, whether by standards of beauty or their service to men. This in i hides sexual services Nearly 75 pen ent of women who enter the sex industry are incest sur vivors Pornography literally means "depiction of sexual slavery " It most often portrays the domi nation ol women by men Al though pornography generally oppresses women, everyone loses Hy depicting sexuality in such a shallow, one-sided way. pornographies deny both wom en .md men the celebration of sexuality in .111 equal, loving and sensitive way I urge both women and men to educate themselves about pornography and do some sell examination to understand win we glorify and take part in tins shallow, shameful and de humanizing industry that robs every one of us of our true sex uality and our freedom to be human For more information and statistics about pornography please (.all the ASUO Women s Center, 346-4095. Carol Cheney is the coordina tor for the ASUO Womens I)i versity Program. Personality profile never intended to cover pom issue The Fine Print by fatmalach Ill rase vmi didn't sec it in last Thursday 's h'.mrrald thi'rt' was a story on pant- four about a l'Diversity stu dent who has .in unusual part time job she is a top less dam ct .it jiggles Tavern The darn er featured in the store said she enjoys her job. and her dam ing has even added to her self i onfi deuce and esteem This particular personality profile dealt with a woman who likes her job and has no com plaints However, the feature on the dam er student raised the ire of four members of the Women's Center who i ame up to the /mera/c/ office to voic e com ern alxiut glorifying a topless dancer The women said they he lieved the artu le was one sided and read like an ad vertisement for the night club They said the artu le should have contained the viewpoint of a dancer who had not "enjoyed" her experienc e as an exotic danc er The Women s Center representatives said there should have lx*en an accompanying artic le disc ussing the abuse some dancers face and the amount of sexual abuse perpetrated by men who frequent such clam ing establishments Paire l ('■runted, if the goal of the story printed in the paper had been to delve into the world of hard -core pornog raphy snuff films or prostitution it would have fallen far short Hut the artir le was not a story about porting raphy it was an interesting story aliout one University student The Emerald has printed stories in the past about students who have interesting hobbies, jobs or yvho have won awards They are not investigative pieces written for their social relevant e The goal of the urti i les is simply to profile a person you may have class with, study next to in the library, or veil and scream yyith at rallies Personality profiles are intended to hu manize your felloyy students Hie profile of the dancer asked and got answers to lum she personally felt aliout her own safety and self respei t It also brought to light her reasons for faking the job. and it discussed how she felt seeing class mates. and even teai hers, at her place of work The profile attempted to bring one individual person to life, and it ai < omplished that goal While the people from the Women's Center may have valid points to make about pornography and ex ploitation. they are not applicable to the profile print ed last yy eek Sidestepping the whole issue of whether pornogra phy is the cause, or simply a result, of the objectification of women, the fair-coverage issue brought up by the Women's Center representatives poses an interesting journalistic question: Should a newspaper be required to cover every possible angle ot a story even il it is not of the hard news variety' Karlier this term the Emerald ran a story about the opening of the New Taylor’s. Under the journalism practices advocated by the dancer profile complain ants, the story about the tavern should have included tacts and statistics about alcoholism among college students. In the Oct. 24 issue of the Emerald, there was a per sonaiity profile about a University student who won the rookie of the year prize on the American Racing Series circuit, but, taboo of taboos, the story men tinned nothing about this country's addiction to gas powered vehicles And the personality profile also overlooked any mention of how may youths are killed each year in auto accidents on and off the track When the Emerald ran a feature story about former I lurk quarterback Hill Musgrave's success in the NH draft there should have also been an accompanying ar tide dealing with the number of college athletes who not only don't go pro. but who don’t even graduate with a degree — shabby journalism again. I here are many large social problems in the world that need to be dealt with and discussed And there are many people who have committed their lives to fixing those problems. Hut along the road to changing the big picture you can't lose sight of the individuals /’at Malach is an editorial editor for the Emerald Mnnrteiv tune It. tttfll