Daily Emerald To Piaco Cam CLASSIFIEDS 346-4343 ROOMS «2 BLOCK TO CAMPUS j VllOf-K i CHELSEA HOUSE CO-OP 18S1 Ony. Si J43 28M Summ*( F«H t#rmi DON T MIS THIS' Great hoow sumn'f- ••»*•••.- ' 4 ' ■ ava.i Hendnos Park area 6B7 .5834 WILL GO FAST maid serve ♦> mi luded 3 bo.» • « • !.t juamo small &# P 2255 today NEED A SUMMER HOME *» . in beautiful 3 bod room house * >.«■;! Room above Excelsior Cafe Aith shared *dchen A bath Eem.v,* only available >n June $200.'mo Can 344 .>682 Single and double rooms available ‘ sufnme' and *.i!l Cooperative housing one block from c ampus Sluden? owned and operated Inexpenv**-* Contact a membership coOfdtdaiOf.ti 683 4960 Lora» Manner 683 3777 Janet Smith 683 34S3 Campbell Club Equal Opportunity Housing 3 BLOCKS U OF O N • | *»d ideal grad student $160 include1. 686113 for apt tmant 3 blks burr an , , • • i I yard $250/mo includes laundry Older female preferred Avail 6'9 343 8076 ODE CLASSIFIEDS 1 STOP SHOPPING .. BLOCK TO CAMPUS j Room in apt 715'? E 16th (behind i house) $ 1 aO'mo Call Sean 343-0694 (343 6000) 255 ROOMMATES WANTED Close to Campus Mam * * • wanted to share a 5 bdrm house Loo* mg for one person to stay through the summer Rent is $179 per mnth • utdi ties • house deposit In. tudes laundry *a< 'idles A tire place J46 92 7.) SERVICES 1’IC K l I* • 1)1 I IN 4th & I Business M7 t>7 \\ 4th • T ti huxumenlN • Httlron* Sciurrtx • ?5i) ROOMMATES WANTED looking tor 1 t ' ' •• L oofcing I or i A-nib An ' blk UO SU'Vmv. :• M2 4 rr$ Maie of lemai* f. .V I >2t; Roommates Needed Large house close to campus Large, private rooms. 4 bathrooms. Washer, dryer, dishwash er, cable Male or females needed for tun summer living CHEAP'! Call John. 342 3245. Roommate wanted PreV quiet mj'ijrr m.im • Rot) 48*) O W‘M>f. Mb Roommate Wanted A»,• - Vr. 2 Room mates a > - a %' '* <• M r , < i ••! *• U ?60 REAL ESTATE GOVtRNMf NT HOMES ■ S l GH * 4.' ' •• • 270 CHILD CARE Mother » helpet • • M , Xl reference* E «»*' Nannymother * helper Help with 4 yea! j«d and 1 year twos Own room Daft' TV Nun vjIt Summer nanny f . ■ 1 ^ necessary l aM Jean 48*'v 2')89 SERVICES I KS W Ml Mil I iruoln Storagi* MCI Ijriir. OH V4III • linilrd • liumlon • tier Sprinklers ?70 CHILD CARE TODOlf R SUMMf HI S ?S0 EVENTS RHCM STUDENTS There will t># a graduation cmmony on 5«aturd*y June Sth for all MHi M tludtnlt mho a»« this term or any time nett ye*' if you want lo walk we*/ you/ cap and gown lo«iU at nany of you/ fneml* and family at you d lika localton Sun equal* in front of Allan Han Ram equal* Robinson Theatre Tor moi# information » ■ the RHI M peer advisor* or the mam <>ft« a )4!> 4171 285 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT An OOf ClJttifiad Job description can fill any position1 310 SERVICES ?85 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT ART CINEMAS 492 E. 13th • 686-2458 OtWLOUWT Wf+CTWt *V, *• V4 Vj" Urn % ___ttniruBff IR me rang—, AM A r tMO UK* *•■/'•» ■ x » A> J J-A FEMME NIKITA, P" A9NA4 <04 111’ ^ MS44, 4 OA tt! ••RTOA tlCCCI % KU1IAMK I 1900 li'TttJT » *fi*D ijuftniaruoK # IT l-AM 4JTV* nora*tiJTV \ H»*«ixitvii»* tMlIXti KUIAKDI* n* UL |A **~«m»*' *>» *• » p«r< ‘ >M< k» M. .*■ *• W> ■»■<<« k>M -a*~i V. —• I »*•*►! '1 » I'M* KJitmA the doors -~1 v* -. 305 COUNSELING U of O C*l««* Helpline 310 SERVICES A.\ DUCK CALL AtUlSTIM BT PMONI Duck < All 1 • ■ amg on SAbt»Ali<: Ai ’ SI t l) I iNANClAk AID ’ i *• 1 AOO SaM fOSJ T*f*ipo»A«Allh »n%U»AITCA i. i « Soars Hair Salon Gateway Mall 741 7039 rrm Unity School :>K() ( Woy 4H4 010 / bummei A / >til nfu-nmg^ sfi// ,n iiilobli OPEN HOUSE l rtday luru* 14 10 1 *%«■ V SUMME*fUAJ ■V"-" CROSSWORD By Eugene Shejfer ACROSS 1 P.i;hjr i!. m ad« from it 5 Two time fl I hoy might t>«> 1 2 l astern, to a poet t 4 'Between jobs’ 1 5 Pursue pleasure 1$ Cone « a l 1 7 Harper Valley ofg 18 Wintry 20 Church parts 23 floral dance site7 24 Bamb*. Iw one 25 Paul of 28 Pitching Mat 29 Poet s 30 Highland headgear 32 Unautho 34 (*am or Moreno 35 Bank lit IS 36 f a mo us • ib 37 Mako a /ournoy 40 North PoU# worKor 4 1 Alan or B«vt>ara 42 \ uifHI tu|MK ta tons 47 i tr 48 t » ttjkt'.jn climax 49 t )n Oflt t guard 50 Dad s rolroal 51 Kill hiill folk)* ur DOWN 1 i ur Solution tlm country 2 Swiss canton 3 Ac trass I Jllmann 4 On a who 5 ' tx>y'‘ 6 Gruuk Uittor 7 ABC % 8 Choor'% u 9 The l atm 0 Charles l a mb 1 Word before of' 3 What 9 Anagram o 25 min. lor'fir u 20 Amor* »n humorist 21 Around prolix 22 /qo sl«v 23 Bock or ol tonms 25 Removed from off* «» 26 l levator [) man 27 T reaty org 29 ! >oop mud 31 Treasure hunter's 33 Chara< lonsltc dm*. . 34 Provo to bo wrong 36 Actor Baldwin 37 Hwome loss reserved 30 av . 39 WnKjiiku 40 Uniform 43 Sigh! if' the ‘>• o 44 Bade* !-«• silo. perhaps 45 Young child 46 It '• twin?o horse or lmt*r South Eugene Chiropractic Center * Sports Injuries * Stress Reduction * Chronic Postural Problems Dr. Frank F. Muhr 396 E. 18th St. 683-9070 v/tdd Student rates Near Campus RESUME specialists Klnko's resumes make you look sharp! • Laser sharp originate lot rsprodudon • Compote* Ask to* quefc revBcns ■ Wide setedon at resume papers • Matching cone* letters t envetopes jdntog the copy center H60K. 13th 12*5 Willamette U4-7XV4 _344-3555 Open £jr/y Open LJte. Open 7 Deys hoextlem.-wn ■ EXCOKE BS . >ai • ■. ■| f iH Mi N ANI W> M! \ >t S •• *.< NATifj , TA 1111 WILLAMETTE EUGENE, OR 97401 343 6179 _] •> ! M , ; r \ - i " . *> ' ■ • • l OR IDE SHARE Traveling soon? Need a ride? Offering a ride? Ride Share brings together people needing and offering rides anywhere in Oregon or throughout the country I or more information call 345 7600 Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson CAL'MN. P&SS 1M\S NOTE TO JES&KA IT'S SS.CRS.T NOM SO DC* T Rfctf> n Calv'r' you S+|r'Wt'>euii X yota you ooy h> reo Myt elf to taae ofeR HIS EDITOR |tf • CHH * P051TTOM DE5FITE r*e INCREASE W row E R s*H5 PAy y~ I GufSS I'Ll WHTE THf SfrtSAVOHAL SEMI . FACTUAL OllTUAty That posthumously a _CLtAtS HIS lUAnc J 5 r\Or t* WCLL P(*f. TVIE 0UKDe m Of THf MAfiAZlWf'J fcfSV<-Tl»/6 KfcA PffcSMlf /N«M$f „ roctrwt/f. \ . OlALiHC, Wif* THf wild urjurt.G6 in Perils on( Dou** AT A TlATF ”, chakr* » \CO*n V^-V " \