Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, June 03, 1991, Page 14, Image 14

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Ducks finish third in NCAA meet
By Ashley Conklin
! mr'aid Spo'i', Editor
Huh t.ras and Art Skipper were having Ivmi
very different seasons this year
(irav was having Ins best season ever. Iierom
mg an \< A A s< oring threat in the I 111 meter hur
dles and looking strong in the ton hurdles onre
lie started running that rai e
It was a .different stor\ lor Skipper who had
been suffering from a severely sprained ankle all
season and had throw n onl\ .Ml M off his si hool
r*-r ord of 24<> f»
So while (.ra\ was ( minted on for points in the
\l AA Ir.uk and field ( hampionships this past
week at Hayward Field few gave Skipper mm h
of a i Irani e to do amthmg
Hot both f ame through with i Inti h perform
aui es to help ldt Oregon to a third plat e team fin
ish with Hi points finishing behind olds Tenues
see (SI points and Washington State (42 points)
and hands ahead of Hrigham Young | Iri points)
liras finished set olid ill the 11(1 hurdles Satur
ilas after Skipper i .mil1 through w ith .1 third-plat e
finish on I ridas
\l lust (,ras Ihought he might have won his
rat e hut the winner was Texas AsM s ( deg Wil
liams ill II r> I ,ras was (linked ill It (it. Ins
fastest time ever despite the rai e being w 1 tit I aid
At about the seventh hurdle I thought I'm
going to win tins lie said For a second I
ihought I won hut I i on Id n't tell who vs as on the
Washington Stale's Funs l.i the pre meet fa
vorite was in lane lour and was banging hurdles
that fori ed him into lane three w here Pittsburgh's
I Ihert Fills was (irav was next to Fllis in lane
two and was links lie wasn't taken out of the
rai e
I ni glad I kept ms composure out there
(Iras said Tons forced himself into Filbert and
I Ihert Ion ed himself into me Fservbods was hit
ting the hurdles and it kind of t aused a 1 bain re
Skipper made up lor a frustrating season b\ fin
ishing third w ith a season liesl throw of 2 t-1 'I
With 111s ankle 1 haven't been able to throw
( oiiei tls all season, Skipper said I know lean
throw a lot farther and (throws coach) Stesvart
knows that hut a lot of other people don't know
Thanks lo pain killers and deadlier Skipper
was able In shake off the bad ankle injurv 1 ridas
"When I planted I couldn't feel it and that
helped tremendous! n be said
The third place team finish fur the Ducks uas
their highest since tfic-\ won the \(.AA title in
1'iH-i also at Havward Field
"This kind of makes up for some bad things
th.it happened this vcar w ith Brian U right getting
mono and our pole vaulter (Mark Varulervillel
suffering a stress fracture." Oregon (loach Hill
IIcllmger said
Oregon's Scott Medico was unable lo success
lulls defend his NCAA title in the hammer
against Southern Methodist's (Ihristophe Mpalle
but did finish sec ond w ith a throw of 224 V near
l\ seven feet farther than Ins winning throw of a
\ear ago
I never like second, but with tile wav Fpalle
w as throwing, sea ond s not bad. " Metlee said I
thought I could compete with him but I didn't
hu\ e a good dev
Me (iee stood fourth going into the finals w ith a
preliminarv best of 2 1 a it hut threw 224 "> on Ins
first throw of tin- finals
Muhammad Oliver and Pedro daSilva placard
fourth and sixth respee lively, ill the- dec ethlon
Oliver .tied his personal record of 7.70') points
while daSilva had 7.f>li7 points Both were look
mg for more particularly Oliver after having a
first da\ PK of 4.017 points Friday
As tar as the second day. I didn't do what I
wanted Oliver said "I had a worse second day
than at Pac Ills wine h prevented me from cpialifs
mg for TA<
DaSilva had the fourth best score coming in
and likely would have had a shot at the title had
lie c leareil more than h 4 ' < in the high jump and
14 ' i in the pole vault. two of his better events
Tin not Irving to be negative, but everything
that c ouId go w rung nnenl wrong," daSilva said
Kick Mestler became an all American lor the
third straight year with his fifth place finish in
the 1.000 meter steeplechase Friday while 'I've
Van Sc lioiac k was an all Americ an tor the fust
tline 1 in plai mg seventh
Both also had PRs Niith Mestler clocking
H 17.17 and Van Schoiac k running H 4(1 la be
hind a torrid pace set (in Ohio States Mark
< roghnn
Both rail their ow n rue e howevei not uIIonn mg
themselves to be c arrieef .inn.in Nvith the fast pac e
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