NCAA meet belongs to Guidry By Lyle Crouse h meM'd Contributor Texas senior ('arlette (hudrv saved her (rest tor last In three previous \( V\ Triii k .mil Field ( liumpion ships. (hudrv .mil the 4 \ 1 (Id re l.i v I e.i in suf f e red through i n | u r i e s , il i s iju.ilifii utions .mil .i dropped baton But ltlfl 1 was .i hint h different slorv. Cuidrv undefeated in four days at Havward Field, boosting the Texas women to a t>7-point. second-plate finish hehiml i hampion Tonisiana State's 7H point total C.iiidrv led the wav with two individu a) i hampionships and an ( bored a record breakingeffort b\ the relay team "I think this was the sweetest N't s I've had .'' she said It was one ol the busiest too r I hr rrlav tram nl Si.h v ( hit k Tame'la Saldana Muhelle Wd liartis .iiui (iotdrv won the first nt Urdnrsdav s soniilmnis m -1 i r "> ,ind mi I’hursdav I hiidrv won thr first of the 100-meter dash preliminaries in it 20 () 11 1 ml.iv (itinlrv won hrr hr.its in thr toil .mil 200 nirtri il.isli \ml thru tlirrr vvrrr thr ilr.i m.tin i hampionsliip vu tones 1 r\,|s Was III sri mill plill r u hrn (midrv look tin- h.iton Irpin Williams in 1 ridav s -too inrlri rrl.iv final ( iuulrv rr sponded h\ i basing down .mil passing I Si "s Ksther (nnrs last season's top'women’s spriiilri '' 1 g.i vr it |t hr 1 hall ill | to ( iai Irttr. and I klirvv she was i apahlr ot doingw hat she had to do Williams said I (list said to myself Kr|a\ and go alter hrr Arid I won I hr ril( r. " ( hiidrv said 8fl time established .1 new Ihtvw.trd ! held ret ord erasing 'I1'' * ' -In m,tik srI In 1st on \\ednesdav I'm. floored w itli limr s.iul (jwih I'urn t'r.m ford I no idiM thfV would ion under 1t > Iniuirv would It.He been the owner o| two more ll.ivw.ird I ield rei ords bn! her S.iturd.H \ ii tones in the Hill ,tnd JIM) ti n.ils wereidei hired w ind .tided I ler 1(1 u i in tile till) edged lories sei ond e nt.ti k id 10 ho uni (.uidr\ won tie’ .’oil III Ji 1 i rite r.u es were i lose until (nildr\ (Hilled .iw.n with .tg gressive finishes I think I .11 If Hr |l|st ill e\i ellent .u i eler.tlinn point m the hist 111 meters jones s.iul 1 i MIYATA TOURING SALE MIYATA 600 (rcg $509) $449.00 Japanese quality, 21 spd.barmd shilters, ra*. k included lamited to sti* k on hand MIYATA 10(X) $720.00 simply the ultimate lounng machine These are ld*X) models are virtually identical to 1W1 except for color and SI00 cheaper! MIYATA QUICK CROSS (reg $622) $55000 All Japanese, Aluminum frame, 5001x equipment, grrui lor back country touring ATB’S ON SALE TOO (EXAMPLE) MIYATA TRAIL RUNNER $550.00 Aluminum brume, Deore LX components, you can ,;et Miyala quality now tor the pnee of lesser equipment! 7* ALSO ON SALE YAKIMA RACKS HOLLYWOOD CAR RACKS JANDD PACKS PAUL’S Bicycle SIk,P • 2480 Alder * 142-4)155 Bicycle W«y • 152 V' 'it. ' '44 4IU5 SALK 12MDS 6/30/V1 SUMMER DRIVING CAR SERVICE SPECIALS Call us TODAY! Great prices on the services you need! Ttrestone ^ AMERICAS HOME FOR CAR SERVICE i LUBE, OIL & | F|LTER ■ • Chassis Lube ■ • Up to 5 qts new oil ■ • New Firestone oil filter j s16" MAINTENANCE TUNE-UPS *iQ99 “T 37 4 cyl Ni”a tppttf tnvj' ami hII. lion ol lillfis PCV I GR v.ilvt rut Hunt It-vt-ls S A .■ ... 6 CVt HCYL SS9 99 S69 99 plugs. -.<■( Iim Visual inspiH: hells host". ... njhls ALIGNMENT SERVICE j Front Wheel ! Thrust 14-Wheel l *24’ 39' *59" 9 9 W " » »»*.«-•, • half all * i mkju*'* 4 4 S 9 9 ; - pijH H.on Th#u#t Angle \ Am Whenel M .*•»!•*•» !'<• A j ■ .■ 1 1 , J*»,J li»*» hfe tMHt*' <*/u1 «Wi handling Most cars Parts & rear shims extra if needed Most locations J ■ RADIATOR E SERVICE Flush fill & add up to 1 gallon of coolant In sped belts, hoses and water pump *29" Chemical Treatment Power Flush *49" % \ 00 shop charge dcMed to .ill pin i»s 1_ 1200 “ StcH M!t>i! ■ A .cj-.nil Compare $OQ99 M OUR || LOWEST [PRICE j WMMall I PI 7! ' R13 SJ9 99 j • ■ " ‘ ■* 3999 J P195/75R14 3999 • ' rMM 3999 If 4999 | 99 99 j ■ - 49 99 I I No Appointment Necessary • East 11th Store only I Just a short walk from Campus l 345-1593 * 185 E. 11th J “27 years of Quality Service" GERMAN AUTO SERVICE, INC. Mercedes • BMW • Volkswagon Audi • Datsun • Toyota 342-2912 2025 Franklin Blvd Eugene Oregon 97403 Valley River Storage Handy location No deposit FREE boxes 484-0100 1210 Willagillespie Rd. Across from Valley River Center sNmvwms r DO YOU HAVE K AM INTEREST IN -^2 • Substance Abuse • Sexuality • Nutrition • Fitness • Behaviors • Eating Disorders • Weight Management • Stress Management Do you have any interest in developing counseling skills public speak ing skills trnham mg your personal knowledge ol anil educating others on these Su1111■< ts The' the LIFESTYLE PLANNING PROGRAM IS FOR YOU1 Upper livisiuii • 'edit nteri ship- md pm ticums ire available h students interested in Peer Health Advising Apph at ions are available it the Health f lucation t<>i the Student Health ( entei or < all Joanne Frank ex 6-44S6 ktAk