The home front I'htilu lit S«*un I'imIh.i | 11 >ji) I 'ihvi'ImI v \tinlrnls M,n if I ,i\ lt>i | Itii! Mi'K.m I .ivloi S.till i’li'n r .1111! I.ltlil.i Kosr ii'.ii I u ilh sorrow in tin* I Ml Isi-i ii'.limn ( riili'i .is tlim, llsli'll In in*\\ s u .11 Inis lirokt'ii mil in tin' Mi.l.ll.- l-’.ist l )m simi ulil (Jniim Si illi-rt (abtivfl i>\jjivssps Ins \ n‘W nl (he \s .ii with solin' hi-l|> Irum Ills inirimts War supportors Instil I man li through I hi • strei'ts of 1'aJgt'nc thr first work ill I ebru.iry \ 11>ri‘ than 1011 prutuslrrs (below ) bill! hell all lam's nt Interstate . south ut thi‘ Willamette River belnre Kugene riot (min I- usml teargas to i lear tin* highway Pro 1 Jesert Storm aiivoi.ate 1 fun hi istiie lain i\ i') w rust h's Ins flag bat k from an anti war protester the night of jail Hi Violent i iinfroiitation in I ugene night w .is tlm um opt mu rather than the rule how ever Where were vmi when I In* war broke out '' Most were gllied to the I \ set us ( \N rt ,il doled out the first l.uts and figures of the Pm siun (.ul! V\ at the night of |un lfi Hut tor others, the night the first lionihs fell oil Iraq was a time to lilt the streets and protest More than 2.01)0 students and ininmiiniK members gathered at the I ederal Building in dow ntown hugene marilling east and through the f'niversits campus At one point the protesters i m eled all of 1 011 Avenue between I niversitv and hiruaid streets < banting anti-war slogans sm h as Hell no we won't go We won't fight hir Texal o A', the protest p.isi (hr dorms, residents loined tlir protest and thi' ranks swi'llml as it returned In tlw I filer.d Huilding Siimr Ini al government reprr sfiil.iti\cs shari'd tIn'ir m\ii .1 nti vs.11 liidii'ls vs itli tlif i ruvv d This war vs ill nut bring a ness world order " said I S Rep Peter Del'.izio ‘Anti do not preserve prat e In laiiiu lung a war A light si little was reported be tween a man her and a supporter ol the I ' S effort to drive Iraqi fortes from occupied Kuwait but the march for peai e was most I v |ust that pear eflll !•> Sr an I'i.-I.h Their peace was marching on