Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, June 03, 1991, Page 10, Image 10

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    Mall.ill Shaliazz
(ri^lit). tin' <luu(th(f‘i
ill < i\ 11 rights li'.idcr
Mali mu \ jii«-s#-i 11«•<I
till’ ki'vimlr spi'i'i h .it
tin- I 'tiivcisitv s lust
f v !• r i c I <* b r ,i 111> n
m.it kniK tli*' lnrlli<la\
ut Hi Marlin 1 illliei
k mi.; |i mi |an 1
Measure 5:
Hey, Oregon,
thanks a lot!
The winners Oregon
property owners I he Ins
c is Oregon students
Ballot Measure 'i when
it passed in November,
brought tax relief to ()re
Klin’s property im nets
Supporters of Measure a
were satisfied the pro
verbial little old ladles
would ei't to keep their
homes and w hat they pel
i ei\ e<l as a grossly unfair
tas slim lure was fixed for
the good of all humanity
But w hat s good for It!
tie old ladies (and it
turns out. for giant coni
patties who vx ill save
millions as a result of
Measure Vs tax i uts) isn't
alway s so good for Ore
gun's college and univer
sity students In an effort
to save money the t ni
\ easily all but shut dow n
its education school and
slashed or altered other
programs And let's not
forget the S-’OH a term tin
I ion sun barge1 imposed
on students next ye.u
The- tutor ovei Measure
I’huU, ... s* ...
a exposed UIVothlM till!
far I the inability of the
Stale Legislature 111 (lime
up with replacement rev
emie A sales tax7 Sur
plus funds' No one in Sa
lem seems to know tin
More than iOU Oregon
( ollege students protested
Measure Vs (‘Her ts on
steps of the ( apitol in Sa
iem "My Future is So
Dim I (lotto (let a 1 .amp'
read one student's sign
Pa\ More tor Less- I
don't think so
Of protest and politics
t'hiMn In I m J
I ti 11 ii i s M .11 k 'lien
( Inisliijihci Hl.tii
I'luitiijtr.ipliiTs I i n I \
.His |i'll I '.is l.l \ Si',ill I’.ls
Inn Amiri' K.inn'll, lulin
Stuups Murk 'i Icn
I’ruii u i 11 ii n ) <■ n m 11' r
Smith. Ii'imiti'i I Imm.is
Toil il Will i.iHi s M .i 11
\!<ii in. Auin* Sti-plii'iisi hi
| antes Phelps (alnne left). .1 third war law sin
dent. speaks at an ai adeiim freedom rally alter
law school I’rut Creg Johnson was toned to
apologize to one ol Ins i lasses Johnson had spo
ken to his students about his a< tivism in the gay
1 ights rnovament
Inter office political struggles and personality
toilflicts tainted the 1 [edibility ot student gov
eminent this year \ contested AM D Kxoculive
investigation during w inter term found inciden
tal bee ( aimmittee ( Tiairman Mike Colson (riglitl
responsible Io 1 altering minutes of an Iff meet
mg whu h resulted 111 his removal Saturday
Student protesters (above right I angered at the
CIA's illegal operations around the globe, offer
lively disrupted and baited the agent v s recruit
meiit interv lew s on 1 ampiis in \ov emhei
Twelve letters must have had ,1 lot to say. as
they piompted Cniversilv Vice President Dan
W illiams cant el the (iratelul Dead's invitation to
play .it \utzen Stadium this summer Hy the
time a flurry of student protest and outer)’ had
persuaded Williams and the rest of the admims
Irution to re am ile the Dead it was too late |errv
Can ia (left) and company said their tour sched
ule was loo lull to include a Kugene stop
I'holo i>v Sctn i’u%lu*i
Wiolu h\ Mark ^