CONGRATULATIONS! H h:i 683-0874 Corner of 6th & Olive 110 W. 6th SUPER LOW PRICES • Friendly Service • Small & Mid sued Economy Cars • Customer Pick up And Delivery * WdKir/MONTHlV & Mil f AGf DISCOUNTS Open Mnn I n I S JO THE MIDDLE EASTERN & MEDITERRANEAN CUISINE 19th & Agate 683-6661 -y 1991 — Fashion Swimwear EUGENE'S BEST SELECTION OE SWIMWEAR I EUGENE i l West Bri .idw..iy • L uqene Oregon • 14 } i.’HH Downtown E one nr r, Downlow l licjene, Q^cujL^aiu^t. Office recycling grows in popularity An Episode of the popu l a r television series Murphy Brown in which the characters accept ed a challenge that they could be environmentally sound showed that recycling isn't lust for the home —it's a prac tice you can take to the office And it's qood for business yielding significant waste dis posal savings An office re cycling program can contnb ute significantly to the United States Environmental Protec tion Agency s goal of reduc mg waste by 25 percent through source reduction and recycling this year Elizabeth Seiler, director of research and planning tor Keep America Beautiful Inc in Stamford. Conn offers the following tips for starting an office recycling program 'Get support of top man agement When the boss is enthused, program participa tion is greater throughout the company ‘Determine the quality and quantity of your waste Start with paper which constitutes 90 percent of office throw away. The most valuable is high-grade white, which in eludes typing and photocopy mg paper computer paper and letterhead You may also want to collect colored ledg its such as yellow legal pads and telephone message pa per Selection depends on local markets and the specifica tions in your sales contract A rule of thumb is that each em ployee generates a half pound per day ‘Find a market for your waste Look in the phont book under recycling scrap and wastepaper dealers Contracts should say which grades ol paper are ac cepted. how the paper should be separated, it paper will be picked up or delivered, who will provide the storage con tamers and prices and rneth ods of payment ‘Name a coordinator and communicate with employees often Announce the recycling plan to employees several weeks ahead to gain support To sustain enthusiasm and participations send frequent updates telling how many tons have been collected, how many trees have been spared and how much money has been saved Donating a portion of the proceeds to a local charity will provide an additional in centive "Set up an efficient collec tion system. Include desktop boxes or folders, a second trash can in a central location and special bins next to high traffic areas such as copiers and computer printers And clearly identify the bins to prevent contamination by non office paper trash and unacceptable items such as window envelopes and gummed labels Then arrange for lanitorial or other person nel to store the wastepaper for pickup 'Close the loop Buy recy cled office paper products and, when possible, limit pur chases to products that can be recycled futC&rnsciti/e' ASIAN Make your road to success...Smoother! Specializing in Tune-Ups • Brakes • Fuel Injection Bosch Authorized Service • A.S.E. Certified Technician 1917 Franklin Blvd., Eugene ★ Close to Campus ★ 485-8226 * European Auto has changed its name to Euro-Asian Automotive. * We have always serviced European AND Japanese automobiles. Now you know!