Post-graduation travel can be fun, inexpensive All over the country graduates are prepar ing tor the future They are applying for jobs, gradu ate schools, and generally be ginning to look at life a little more seriously For many however, the time is right to explore the world before be coming a settled part of it Often accompanying grad uation is the annual rite of summer vacation Whether graduation has provided a nice gift of a fi nanced vacation, or student type budgets remain the mam source of revenue, lengthy va cations are a definite option for nearly anyone, according to some local travel agents We re seeing a lot of stu dents going to Europe right now. said Betsy Ragland, consultant at the American Youth Hostels Travel Center But. this is also going to be a big year for people traveling closer to home because of the economy ’’ If financing is not a major concern, there are several constructed tours to places such as Europe and Hawaii said Alice Sabin consultant for Ambassador Travel "Some of these packages ire geared toward younger people and are good for people who want to leave the United States, she said The constructed package typically is escorted, involves bus tours and provides lodg ing for a couple of days in dif ferent cities For travelers on a tighter budget who still want to leave the country, the hostel sys tern provides good a< comma-' dations Ragland said We see a lot of people who go for extended periods of time, often one or two months, she said Hostels accommodate that type of travel, requiring interaction by being set lip similar to dorrnt tones" Many of the hostels in Eu rope are in historic buildings castles and boats and are in Clothing, jewelry and folk art from around the world. Fifth Street PuhlU Market 2l)6 t. 'Slfc Aw 712 \ ! f.Ht . .’i-) Cumpu* Store 762 ( l iOl An : 'll] i j )41 8667 FOLKWAYS IMPORTS ■ ■ L «*> £ 5# • Market I ' A [ 683 H24 f ■ ■ mmmaam r r All You Can Eat SPAGHETTI DINNER Dinner includes: soup or salad, homemade bread & ice cream 99 with coupon with purchase ot beverage e«p 6/7/91 IL Open Daily 5 pm 725 W. 1st, Eugene 485-6220 nr near large cities It s a great way to travel meet other travelers and find out about hot spots Ragland said There are more than 5,300 hostels m 59 countries around On' world and 320 in the Unit ed States With the intention of Keep ing expenses down, the aver age overnight stay in a hostel is $7 to $10 Many ot the hos tels also provide rooms lor couples and don’t have age limits Ragland said In addition to hostels the cost ot a vacation in Europe can be Kept at a minimum with Eurail passes, interna (tonal student r arcis and tour books The Euraii pa ,s which an be used throughout Europe (excluding Great Britain) has a price range of $370 tor 15 days to $1,042 for three months A youth hostel mem bership is $25 and a student card is $14 After the initial costs m eluding a plane ticket and passport people say about $30 a ifay is a good amount to plan on spending it all de pends on what kind of travel ing you do Ragland said It Europe is either too ex pensive or simply does not pique any interest, traveling in the United States i an he fun cheap, and an easy option There are numerous hos tels clean camp sites and in expensive motels throughout the country While there are many discount plane con pons bus packages and tram discounts a good way to see the country at an individually suited pace is try > ar One little known auto tiavel option is the Driveaway Sys tern The Driveaway System involves customers ontrai t mg with a Driveaway affiliate to have a • ar driven to a speci Tied location The affiliate then hires anyone who is in terested to deliver the car You - an go from city to city and see the country said Beverly McCall of In Mi red Drive a way System Over the years quite a tew students have taken advan tago of this hut mainly . for eigners use it as a way to see the United States it's got ten around Europe by word of mouth The system is organized so that the first tank of gas is paid for and a $200 deposit is put down for the ear The do posit is returned when the car is delivered It s really the cheapest way to travel McCall said It s easy to take bicycles and unlike Greyhound or Am trak d s easy to get off the beaten track The drive aw ays are ar ranged fairly last minute so Mi ( all re. .immends traveling with a fairly louse schedule and having a destination in mind It/iiin < )\l)hlll CASH FOR BOOKS SELL YOUR BOOKS EVERY DAY MONDAY-SATURDAY*YKAR-ROUND (sec our buying hours below) wf; BUY BOOKS! current textbooks, study aides, clitt notes paperbacks, hardbacks, and more NOT SURE IF YOU CAN SELL THEM? bring them in and we will tell you what they are worth! Smith Family Bookstore Campus Location: 768 E. 13th Avenue 345-1651 Hours: Monday-Saturday, 9:00-5:30 Buying Hours: MondayT'riday, 9:00-5:00, Saturday 9:00-2:00 Downtown Store: 525 Willamette Street 343-4717 Hours: Monday-Thursday, Saturday, 9:00-5:30 Friday 9:00-9:00 Buying Hours: Weekdays Only 9:(X)-t :00, 2:00-5:00