/PP/ Q?uz4xi^ci£lo^ty Are you really ready to leave the UO? College is a time to learn and grow a time to find out where you are and where you are go mg It is also a time to cut loose and have a great time Take the following quiz to evaluate your experience here at the University Answer yes or no to each question, (some have bonus points in parenthesis) and see how you rank HAVE YOU EVER YES NO BONUS 1 Had a lake Id7 2 Snuck inlo a bar0 3 Had a bike part stolen7 (The whole thing7) 4 Hiked Spencer Butte7 5 Voted in an ASUO election7 6 Swam the millrace7 (Voluntarily7) 7 Attended a greek function7 8 Ordered pi//a seven nights in a row7 9 Beer bonged7 10 Partied on a Wednesday night7 11 Borrowed anything from the Bookstore? 12 Been penny locked Into a room7 (Done it to someone else7) 13 Bought a joke book Irom Frog7 14 Talked a prolessor into changing a grade7 15 Been to Beer Gardens7 S 3 HAVE YOU EVER YES NO BONUS 16 Worn any tie dyed clothing’ 17 Been in Cougar Hot Spring*’ (Naked*) 18 Been sick on yourself’ (On anyone else’) t9 Been busted by a resident assistant’ 20 Taken a midnight drive to the coast’ 21 Seen Zeus’(Talked to him’) 22 Danced with the duck at a basketball game’ 23 Swallowed a goldfish’ 24 Cheated on a test’ 25 Talked your way out of a traffic citation’ 26 Seen the Daddies play’ 27 Been to a Dead show’ 28 Been to Saturday Market’ Attended a protest’ (Organized one’) Do you own a University window sticker’ Here is how to - SC or© yourself for each yes give your so I* one poml A yes answer t<. anything - ; .e< dh*-s you «m emtra poinl No answers are worth zero 25 and above Wo you not only mad*- >t through • »• ;. but s ■ j had .1 ; ■ -.1 !•” • d< mg it >■ u *•»'. lively samp . 1 the sights events personalities and culture of Fugem* and are p»< d-ahly altered lor life ( ongratulahoes on sm 1 e- slujly complet mg ( ollege and good I11O m the future (M you < arry on like this you may need d 1 15 to 24 V( >•>j played it reasi '-aply safe tiul !< time to y a g - -d i 'atn • ot c ege ide When v. u get • -ut there -n the real world always keep »n mind the go d side of life Congratulate.! • on making it thr ugh as a dui k and don t worry wher over you go you will la*#- a pte * ■« { uger #■ with you (Dependmg ■ • what pus e it may plague you ’or the »es! o’ you' f<’e • Below 15 > u are g-.iduatmy ate ..ml -.md t V an* v u sure , went to the U' < * Of eg. >n You been way t ■ involved in something (classes relationship) to n-.iiiy * *-ge If yOi. s ore below 10 we suggest yon ■' sidef graduate s< hool It s important to take m. -e than .« d.pl< .111,1 aw a* from so h a liber.u d>verse aware cultured - am; us Clin slim Rakrr This entitles the customer to one FREE comet goldfish. Mo purchase necev.iry Limit one fish per customer V l 1920 Franklin LITTLE OCEAN 687-0682 call so we can stop your water and electric service in your name. We’ll come and read your meter right away. That way you'll be sure to avoid being responsible for service after you move. So call EWEB before you leave, it will give us a chance to transfer your service and say goodbye. 484-6016. EWEB Eugene Water & Electric Board 500 East 4th Avenue Office Hours: 8 am until 5 pm Monday through Friday ■ ■£'& File photo Have you evei participated in a rally7 Which one9 lows VUA(£ Restaurant and I ounj’e ’ l > 111 c v; c ii 11 /I met icon ^ r o o b OKI)! KS !()(,() 343-4480 lM" f r.inklm HK d Mon Ihur I 1:00 j in to 10 it) pm f ri II (Ml .1 m to Midnight S.it Noon to Midnight Sun Nihki to 10 it) p rn PREPARE FOR THE FALL MCAT or LSAT Kaplan's prep courses have helped more students score their highest than all other courses combined! Classes begin in Eugene in June FREE Introductory Seminar Early Registration and Student Discounts Call Now: 345*7496 n STANLEY H. KAPLAN czj lake Kaplan Or lake Your Chances