NCAA CHAMPIONSHIPS Running Specials Air Pegasus . $58.50 Air Skylon $72.00 Air Span $72.00 GT Cool.$112.50 GT Express $99.00 Gel Exult... $90.00 SAUCONY Shadow 5000.$67.50 Jazz 3000.$58.50 Jazz 2000. $58.50 Additional models available also including styles from New Balance and Avia. We feature a complete line of apparel and camping materials. JVFKENZIE O U T F i T T E R s 79 W. BROADWAY VALLEY RIVER CBNTBR Mba lit: 8304 f' vnfc' M .C**«»*» t*o«**> /PP/ QCiXtLtxzZit Going the extra mile: Two students who left their mark Jus! when you thought you had de voted ail o! you' time to academics ind a ! vities .it the University, two students on the verge of graduation prove that arhievi-iriont. extends be yond showing up at r lass for the mid term and !ma! Doug Untalan and Brian Sandy are experts and inspiring examples in com rnitrnent to a< adenthc and extracurricu lar activities Untalan a political science and in ternational stud'• major, is graduating with, honors with a 3 98 GPA His home is in Lake Oswego, but he also claims Hobart Tasmania as a residence Untalan s passion lies in academic learning It's the fruition of who I am. he said' The classroom is the most important intellectual aspect for me One ot his favorite courses has t.i-en Co- ■ Central America He has taken this and other classes from poll te at scieni e professor Dan Goldrich, who s.ed Untalan is very smart and very committed to education the com bination is terrific In class he is psychologically pres ent an ot the time, Goldrich added He has an incredible amount ot ener gy behind what tie s doing It's exciting to work wdti him Untalan said his attinity toward Uni versdy a levity stemmed from member ship in Delta Upsilon fraternity Here he found camaraderie and his "spring board for involvement, launching him into serving various posts at the (rater nity These included scholarship chair man. executive secretary and parent re lations chairman Untalan's list of awards and honors borders on insurmountable As well as a continuous Dean s List member and Dean's scholar he has been the recipi ent of such prestigious awards as the Centurion of Oregon, the Linus Pauling Award Junior Scholar Award and the Culbertson Scholarship He is a mem her of the Friars. Mortar Board Society and Who's Who Among Students Untalan has also contributed much to the community through his involve ment Activities include cleaning the Mill Race, food drives for Food for Lane County, and visitations to local adult centers where at one he drank coffee with a 105 year old man Untalan wants to travel after he graduates, despite working (his) en tire life around loan payments, and later return to school Brian Sandy, a psychology major, has an equally impressive record for academic excellence and involvement Sandy is graduating with honors from the Psi Chi honor society, which he founded Sandy has appeared on the Dean s List continually has been a member of Alpha Lambda Delta, Phi Eta Sigma and Mortar Board honor societies, Dru ids and the Friars He is a National Merit Scholar, he is in Who's Who Among Students, and is a recipient of the Culbertson Scholarship Morris Hunter Leadership Award and Scholar ship, among many other accolades Sandy s specialty within the psy chology program is research methods He worked as coordinator tor the Ore gon Marital Studies Program (OMSP) where he supervised and taught courses He h r. also just completed a demographic study for his honors the sis in which he studied the feelings of hawks and doves during the Persian Gulf War Sandy a Portland native, is now ex cited about his recently-landed intern ship with the Trail Blazers for which he receives a stipend and tickets to games His job Is in market research, which focuses m public reaction to the proposed sports arena in Portland Sandy met Untalan when working to gether on the Student Orientation Staff for students entering the University It was here that Untalan said his funnest time at the University oc curred. when Sandy and Untalan devel oped a play - ailed A Quack Line two years ago. The play explored issues in coming students would face and was recognized at a national conference Sandy and Untalan were also re sponsible for the resurgence of Univer sity Day a tradition dating from the 1800's. After talking about the possi bilities of unifying the campus through cleaning it. Untalan. Sandy and staff made it a reality two years ago The event has been successful, attracting more than 700 students to help clean the University Sandy and Untalan have a wealth of knowledge to share with other stu dents. Sandy, whose parents have al ways shown him the merits of hard work and being involved, said students should use University resources to the fullest You should be as well rounded as p I'hiilo lit 14nr H4II111 ()\ rr-*i( hit'\ in# tirian Sanrfx fh'tt) ami Don# l ntalan air t rt'dilt'd nith bnm;inn hat k thr tradi tmn ot I nix rrsitx Da» possible," he said Not only in aca demies, but also extracurricular activi ties as well the combination of the two ' Untalan suggests choosing a major that compels you over anything Avoid the vocational fallacy, do ever you think is fun. he said Follow wherever your mind takes you and don't stop to think of what it will or will not tiring you Sii!l\ Munhu h JEWE t RYDE SIGN STUDIO 1502 Willamette Si J4J 2298 Rixjular {business Hours Tues I rr 9am 1pm 2pm 6pm Sal 10am 4pm We are pleased to announce that we have recently signed a contract with the Uni versity of Oregon —to give you Moving Services at a Discount Rate! • GO ANYWHERE SERVICE: Local, long distance and International life • Ask About Our Moving ana Storage 683-5453 2380 W. 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