/5?5?/ Careers continue to grow in service sector, environment Pick a field that is in de mand and growing, and you'll get further faster than if you enter one that is stagnant or slipping Service industries offer some of the greatest opportu nities: other hot spots include high technology (engineering, computers) and jobs related to environmental concerns SERVICE JOBS The need for trained, dedi cated child care providers has increased as more and more women return to the work place While salaries remain low compared to other in de mand professions, caring for kids can be an income boost for retirees and part timers An intriguing option the pro fessional nanny Weddings are big busi ness, and the bridal consul tant business is booming "Those people who do best in the profession know the needs of the bride, have ex emplary organizational skills, and possess a keen eye for “Have I got a deal for you!” Available to owners of the VIC20, CG4, C128, Amiga 500. Amiga 1000 of Amiga 2000 series 'Just bring in the original front cover of your CPU manual with the serial number written on it —and purchase an Amiga 3000 at one of the following discounted prices. Sug Disc. CPU i,'-a I'm.,.- Price A3000/16/50 "wT S 1.849 A3000/25/50 sj 499 S2.249 A3000/25i100 $4 699 $3,199 138 N 5th St.. Springfield. 726 8500 Otter expires 63091 'So photocopies piease details, said Woman maqa iine Anything related to health care is hot nurses, adrmms trators, technicians, research ers These are sibling physi cal therapists, pharmacists gerontologists, home health care aides, infertility special ists and genetic counselors "The travel industry today is the nation s second largest employer, with one out of ev ery 15 workers," said Roy Saunders, president of Ameri can Hotel and Motel Associa tion In less than 10 years, it will be the nations No 1 em ployer. with one out of every five in the workplace " Travel related jobs overlap other professions, including marketing, computers, engi neering. food and beverage specialties, human resources, accounting, housekeeping, security, administration, com mumcations — and even fit ness, as many hotels and re sorts have health clubs and spas Here's an overview of sev eral service-related |Obs, plus training requirements and sal ary ranges, from Money maga zine To meet the demand tor meals away from home the r American Culinary Federation estimates 250,000 trained chefs will be needed this year alone and only about 140,000 will enter the field With an as sociales degree from a iwo year culinary program or a three year paid apprentice I urn lo JOBS IVipe I2H 1 Internships offer chance to check-out job market One of the best ways to discover what lifetime occu pation is really right for you is to dabble a bit Try a few on for size Travel, work with people in various in dustries, become an ap prentice or an intern One of our success sto nes is Michael Mitchell, who began his career as an intern at my company back in 1981. " said Michael le vine of Levine Schneider Public Relations in Los An geles He was willing to work long days and do the grunt work — stuff envelopes an swer phones but he was also given an opportunity to sit in on interviews, attend press (unctions, and grasp the PR business from the ground up Within a short time he was made a paid |unioi pub ticist When he left my com pany tour years later he was a tour press director, and to day he is vice president o( publicity at Motown Rec ords He has told me that in terning gave him the broad insight that has led him to his current position,'- Le vine said Though not always paid by the companies they work tor interns often receive college credit They learn how to (unction in complex, real life business environ merits and meet valuable 'contacts within the indus try Author Lauren Tarshis said There are tens of thousands of internships available, each with its own set of benefits and require ments One resource guide she recommends is "The National Directory of Intern ships and Experiential Edu cation Also many recent gradu ales take a breather be tween classroom and ca reers by studying or work mg abroad The benefits are obvious You experience different cultures, learn languages and gain perspective on life JOB HUNTING? Then trim the odds against you. * Right on campus * Any length of hair any style * Just $8 00' * Women ask for Rae" (women hair specialist) dt Kampus Barber Shop 851 East 13th Phone: 343-7654 Men C Women We have 3 barbers to serve you! NO APPOINTMENTS NECESSARY Alpine Import Service The VOLVO Specialists SPRING ANALYSIS Oil change genuine VOLVO filter A 4 Quarts <)il Complete mamtenan •• < heck of major component*, ear Inspecfit>n uf t>rahes e«h,iw*