Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 31, 1991, Graduation Edition, supplement, Page 4B, Image 4

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Job search requires using sources
like placement offices, advisers,
employment agencies, recruiters
No iloubt about it With more and
more college graduates and
MBAs crowding the market the
quest tor that perfect joh is tougher
than ever
That old adage It's not wfiat you
know but whom you know is parti u
larly applicable in this competitive ch
The job search looks particularly
grim to the unemployed without con
tacts But it's not impossible
Job hunters who find themselves in
this situation should tap every re
source available including < areer ad
visers employment agencies and exer
utive recruiters
The University Career Planning and
Placement Offir e is the first sir ; tor
ttie newly graduated Companies m
need ol personnel regularly place list
mgs with this office making this the
easiest possible soun e tor leads
Job hunters many years out of
school can also use the University
placement offices to their advantage A
quick scan of employment listings can
let you know which companies are htr
ing and whom to contact about speed
ic position-,
Maybe you are i<.. kr j t m.iki .■ ,1
reer change In this i ase, a career ad
viser might be able to help An adviser
will listen to your employment wants
and needs and assess your marketable
After determining what kind of posi
tion would be best tor you. an adviser
will help you to target possible employ
Career counselors can also help you
rolme your letter Anting and interview
mg skills and rework your resume
Positions Such as typists, re< option
ists word processors paralegals and
telemarketers are most easily obtained
through a general employment agem y
Small companies without personnel
departments regularly turn to such
agencies to fill general clerical posi
tions rather than going through the
lengthy process of screening many ap
plic ants
Reputable employment agencies
will collect their payment from the
company that hires you Beware of any
organization that asks you tor a fee be
fore it finds you a |ob it s a good idea
• isk a it) - ireer insi
about which agency to consult, then
you will be sure the agency is legdi
Executive recruiters or headhunt
ers specialize in given professions
Such as sale, public relations engi
neenng and finance If you're experi
enced in your field consider consult
mg a specialized turn to aid you in your
job hunt
Headhunters usually work with large
firms on an ongoing basis so they are
well aware ot their client:-, needs and
tastes Sometimes they can give you
the inside track by giving you tips, on
how to respond to interview questions
and even what to wear
Keep in mind that headhunters work
primarily for the employer Try not to
be discouraged by their Don t , all us
we'll call you policy It s in an agon
< y S best interest to make a successful
placement repeat business depends
Finding a /ob these days requires pulling out all the stops
on n bo it can t hurt to approach these
It you are the right person for the
|ob. they definitely will take notice
While answering a classified ad may
seem like a crapshoot ads in major
dailies generate hundreds of re
sponses it is still possible to gain
1 r
employment through one of these ads
If you have the experience or qualifi
cations requested, you probably have a
leg up on about half the respondents
But some |obs are never advertised
in the Sunday paper Many companies
looking for people with specific exper
tise save their ads for trade newspa
pers and magazines
TGI S. "Thank God it's Summer!' However, it is also a
time when many of the students of the University of
Oregon think about their housing needs.
At pHKASANT 1V\R|\, apartments are now available.
One bedroom starting at $315.
Two bedroom, $385.
Three bedroom, $425.
SPRINGFIELD. OR97477 747 6411
Formerly AsMI.ine Apartments
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It all starts June 15
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