A STAFF editor: Alice Wheeler graphics editor: Mark Ylen photographer: Jane Ballin assistant editor: Amy Fredericks contributors: Sally Murdoch. Rene DeCair. Christine Baker and Brian Oxman production stall: Sandi Daller. Susan Head Anna Rembecki. Jennifer Thomas. Todd Williams A REFRESHINGLY UNIQUE RESTAURANT . . . . Kalrd Best Restaurant in \< >i th West (rest i’lai es lit ill 1*1 \kl IU)llt)IS(. iiri/.IHSl. 4H4 4(lb"> III M KS II IS SAI f K( )M '► p m fff /PP/ Qtozdftfztiort, Spec iulizecl ski I Is ii i iportant for fntu re Economists might t>c pro id ting an employee c> market in the future hut anyone who's looking for a job now knows it's tough With budget sand staff) < uts becoming more com mon, workers need to brush up and sharpen them skills That does not mean you have to study to tie; . me a rocket scientist fortunately some 1 the skills most in demand also are the most basic LEARN THE FACTS Grammar and arithmetic figure to be the keys to a job in the 90s Although economists pro c t ,i shortage ol workers and keen competition among em Moyer: tor qualified apph ( ants only those workers with good basic skills will benefit There is no question, you are going to have to know how to write an English sen teno- and you have to be able tc add numbers and figure percentages said Robert Ar noid, chairman of the Center tor Continuing Study of the California Economy research Resumes! Professional quality Resumes & Letters Wide assortment of Resume Papers including recycled Tivo Eugene Locations campus downtown 860 E. 13th 1265 Willamette 344-7894 344-3555 OPEN 7 DAYS! firm Anybody who thinks he can survive in this society without those basic skill-, deluding himself. Arnold added. GOOD COMMUNICATORS Good communication and interpersonal skills are am ■ ; the most sought after, said Robert Half of International Inc a recruiter of accounting information systems and I urn to Sk 11 I S. Pam.- I 1 H REDSIDE Kiv I K (.111)1 SKKVICI ✓ Great Gift! Driftboat Fishing Trips l)»*si hutfs Ki\ »*r ( V. . i if* I it !h lisb.nn l.T Mi Ki n/tr ki\i*r spt i(»K > hitiiMik - \\ rilr or i .ill bn tr»M* broi hurt* Hob Hrvaiit Ki-dsidc Kiwi (iiiiilc Sen 11 e 2202 I’trn «* S{fvt*i Kugrnr < )K’> 40 (503) 342-3704 odT‘ Recycle \l. This It*paper w N‘N'K> HOURS: 10-6, ^ MONDAY-SUNDAY CORNER OF 13TH 8* KINCAID • 343-7045 BUY ONE, GET ONE FREE! ANY MENU ITEM. (excluding pies, supers and giants) t ipirti Max 11 /w/ s~/ ■t m 3131 VV. 11th * “TCBV” / he L oimlnjV /W hxjutl ■ ) <«t I Kl Al)> 1 OK GRADUATION with St 'I'll K HIGHLIGHTS liu Hides Conditioning and Style NOW ONLY $30 s*nr ^ *ith this coupon Coupon v \pin s Juih* I 3th i^9| c * y/t/tasu'e/'-s' MAIK • TANNING • NAILS J)9 W 10th. 1st Floor Atrium, Downtown 345-3491